Türkiye’s First ‘Artificial Intelligence’ event is by Üsküdar…

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.41121

With the development of technology, digitalization and studies in the field of artificial intelligence are finding their place in all areas of our lives. Üsküdar University, which closely follows the transformation and development across the world from education to health and applies it instantly, is one of the first institutions in Türkiye to start its studies in the field of artificial intelligence. Üsküdar University officially established in 2011 and receiving its first students in 2012, is organizing one of its first activities with the main theme of "Artificial Intelligence". Therefore, it has made a significant contribution to the artificial intelligence ecosystem in Türkiye with the event, which is Türkiye's first Science and Ideas Festival.

Üsküdar University, which started its education life as Türkiye's first and only thematic university in the field of behavioral sciences and health, continues to carry out pioneering studies in Türkiye.

With the same event, two firsts were realized in Türkiye...

Üsküdar University realized one of Türkiye’s firsts with the decision taken in 2013. Üsküdar University, which launched Türkiye's first 'Science and Ideas Festival', also signed Türkiye's first artificial intelligence event by making the event it held in 2014 with the main theme of 'Artificial Intelligence'.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Türkiye's first science and idea festival"

President of Üsküdar University and Chairman of the Board of Directors Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that they held the first Science and Ideas Festival in 2013 and that the festival was the first festival of Türkiye in this regard.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "You should not fear change and new steps"

Stating that they were researching all countries for similar festivals while working on the idea of Science and Idea Festival, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said:

“Until now, science Olympiads were held in our country. It was an association that combined science with sport. We aim to make young people love science. We are realizing the first example of idea festivals in Türkiye, which also have examples in the USA. There are ideas, there is information, there is a project in this festival. Just as there is a festival of tomatoes and apples, it should also be a festival of science. The ideal learning is more memorable if it is disciplined and fun. The understanding of education where discipline and fun are together is actually brain-based education. The discipline with knowledge in it, the discipline with love in it, the discipline with fun in it, the fun with the project in it, the fun with knowledge in it will take us from knowledge to wisdom. Üsküdar University is a thematic university in the field of behavioral sciences. The project topic of this competition, which we will make traditional based on this qualification, was determined in this direction. We have determined the subject of the first year as artificial intelligence, which is followed with great interest by the science world across all over the world. Artificial intelligence research involves a multidisciplinary study that combines health and engineering, computer software and psychology. It is just like the educational approach of our university. Later, the Ministry of National Education embraced the project as science feasts. It is very important to catch and maintain the truths of the time well and to be sustainable. It is necessary not to be afraid of change and new steps. However, there are many who try to put on a wreath when you break the mold. You have to take this risk. The greatest danger to a person who does good deeds is to be example shown by everybody. As long as we act with scientific soundness, there is no need to be afraid. Using information and data, scientific soundness should be advanced. After collecting scientific data, justifications should be prepared for objections to the steps taken in this regard by acting on the basis of evidence."

Tarhan added that they have achieved two firsts in Türkiye with the same event, adding that the science and ideas festival is Türkiye's first event on 'Artificial Intelligence'.

They competed with their ideas in the field of Artificial Intelligence...

In the Science and Ideas Festival, which was decided to be held in 2013 and held in 2014, high school students who are candidates to be the university students of the future competed with their ideas in the field of Artificial Intelligence. More than 100 projects took part in the festival on artificial intelligence covering high schools in Istanbul. The winning projects in the competition were rewarded with monetary award and various gifts.



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)