Storing and transportation of meat should not be done with plastic products!

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Emphasizing the importance of eid meat slaughtered by butchers who know the job, experts recommend that especially cattle slaughter should be done by butchers. In order to prevent possible accidents during cutting, there should be at least 1-meter distance between people nearby and Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan warns that the tools to be used must be hygienic and sharp enough. Chemical Engineer Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen states that the chemicals in plastics pass onto food when they come into contact with food and underlines that sacrificial meat should not be stored with plastic bags or other plastic container products.

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Occupational Health and Safety Department Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan drew attention to the points to be considered in the qurbani. Üsküdar University Instructor Textile Chemical Engineer Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen touched upon the things to be considered in the storage of Eid meat.

The places to perform cutting should be planned in advance, their standards should be checked

Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan stated that the slaughter places should be determined before the sacrifice and said that "The places to perform slaughter should be planned in advance, determined, their standards should be checked and authorized. In provinces, districts and other settlements, it should be ensured that the existing animal slaughter places and slaughterhouses that comply with the slaughter standards are open and serve during the holiday. In districts or settlements where there are no animal slaughter sites or slaughterhouses, the authorities should establish mobile animal slaughter places and slaughterhouses in accordance with the standards. Measures should be taken to clean the places where the cutting is done and its surroundings.".

The expert should do the job

Emphasizing the importance of qurbani slaughtered by expert butchers, Uçan suggested that in order to prevent possible accidents during cutting, help should be obtained from experts and especially cattle slaughter should be done by butchers. Dr. Uçan expressed that "One of the most important elements of occupational safety is to have the person who is the expert of that job done. Especially, having butchers slaughter cattle significantly reduce the number of accidents. The tools should be sharp and clean, and the cutting tools you will use during cutting should be complete. These tools must be sharpened every year. Also, it is necessary to use butcher gloves with steel braids against possible hand cuts and belts from the wrist. It is important that this glove is worn on the other hand, not on the hand where the knife is used. Using it in this way protects the hand in the case of knife deflection.".

The tools must be neither too sharp nor too blind!

Pointing out that all tools used during cutting should be hygienic, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan said that "Knives and all cutting tools to be used in cutting should be washed and cleaned with antiseptic. At the very least, it should be wiped with alcohol or cologne. The instruments must be neither too sharp nor too blind. When it is too sharp, injuries can be more severe. If the tools are not sharp, the animal suffers.".

During butchering, it must be the distance from those around them!

Stating that environmental safety should also be taken during the slaughtering of the qurbani, Dr. Uçan said that there should be at least 1-meter distance between the people nearby during the sacrifice. Emphasizing that this distance is important to prevent any accident, Uçan underlined that the qurbani’s desperate jumps are another risk and that the qurbani should be very well tied.

Make sure that the sacrifices are controlled by a veterinarian

Dr. Rüştü Uçan, who stated that it should be paid attention to the fact that it has passed veterinary control when buying animals for the Feast of Sacrifice, stated that "There are infectious diseases that are transmitted directly from animals to people. You prevent this by taking controlled animals. The control marks in their ears ensure this. Use the areas designated by the municipalities. Municipalities pay maximum attention to hygiene rules. Hygiene rules should be followed both during and after cutting.". Stating that the skin of the qurbani should be removed without injury and should be rubbed with rock salt and stored, Uçan said that "This process is important in order to contribute to the economy. Therefore, for both economic and safety reasons, it will be useful to have experts for this job.".

Plastic products should not be used in storage and transportation!

Üsküdar University Instructor Textile Chemical Engineer Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen underlined that plastic containers should not be used to store Eid meat. Stating that the chemicals in plastics pass into food when they come into contact with food, Gezen said that "Examples of these chemicals are Bisphenol A, PCB, PBB and PBDEs. These pass into food under the influence of temperature. The higher the temperature, the easier it is for harmful substances to pass into food. Moreover, they are metabolized in our body in the form of pseudo estrogen, that is, estrogen mimics. As a result, it can cause infertility in men and women, breast cancers in women and neuropsychological disorders. Therefore, it is more harmful to store fatty and hot foods in plastic containers.".

Meat should be put in the bag after cooling!

Stating that it is also inconvenient to share the Eid meat sacrificed during the Feast of Sacrifice by putting it in plastic bags without resting outside while it is still hot, Gezen said that "The toxic chemicals in the plastic are transmitted to the Eid meat with the effect of the heat and pass from here to people. Therefore, the qurbani should be transported in bags after leaving the meat to cool for at least 2 hours. Thick bags that will not leak should be used. It is even more convenient to carry it through trays without putting it in a bag. During this time, the meat cools down and the state of producing bacteria decreases.".



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)