The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım pointed out that the people and institutions are motivated to make reference to the areas they have identified and continued “Üsküdar University is eager to apply a multi-disciplinary approach in diagnosis to treatment within this context to also be performed in neurology, psychiatry, psychology.”

Üsküdar University, which is the first thematic University in the field of Behavioral Sciences and Health, held its 2018 - 2019 Academic Year Opening Ceremony with the participation by the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Binali Yıldırım. An Honorary Doctorate Degree is presented to the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Binali Yıldırım and was gowned by Üsküdar University President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan during the ceremony.  

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Binali Yıldırım, the Governor of Istanbul Vasip Şahin, Advisor to the President of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Prof. Erman Tunçer, District Governor of Üsküdar Murat Sefa Demiryürek, District Governor of Kadıköy Dr. Mustafa Özarslan, Head of Provincial Public Health Services Dr. Abdullah Emre Güner, Üsküdar District Health Director Dr. Yusuf Taşçı, Üsküdar University Member of the Board of Overseers Mustafa Ataş, Credit Institution Provincial Director Cemil Bağlama attended the 2018 - 2019 Academic Year Opening Ceremony at Üsküdar University Main Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 2

Prof. Tarhan: “We chose neuroscience as our R&D focus” 

Üsküdar University President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan delivered the opening speech of the ceremony. Prof. Tarhan gave the first lecture on “Changing World and Youth”. During his speech, Prof. Tarhan stated in University’s 7th Academic Year Opening that Üsküdar University has 14 thousand graduates, 5 faculties, 1 vocational school of health sciences and institutes and currently has around 19 thousand students. Prof. Tarhan shared that they are trying to do their best as a foundation University and pointed out that the universities have 4 important functions. He continued, “We want to provide a profession, inform society, make R&D and ensure that information is transformed into products. We give importance to these four principles altogether. We, as a University, chose neuroscience as our R&D focus.”

The neuroscience of intention is being researched 

Prof. Tarhan, who stated that the neurobiology of intention in the world is currently being researched, continued his speech as “The decision-making area of man is also the region of intentions. Whatever you intend to do is what your brain imagines as well. For example, when you think of eating, that part of the brain works as if you are eating. It is a known fact that the intended behaviour is the main behaviour in people's behaviour. This has led us to Positive Psychology and the neurobiology of morals. The brain's mirror neurons work when the person intends. Therefore, an intended behaviour is now a scientific category. This is not only an area of interest for teachers of literature and philologists, but also for the psychology branch. Harvard University currently provides Positive Psychology classes. Prof. Tarhan emphasized that Üsküdar University has made the Positive Psychology class mandatory since 2012. Prof. Tarhan continued his speech “We teach humanitarian values in this class. Positive psychology theory is as if taken from the Mawlana. It is systematized and transformed into a methodology as the scientific reasons are explained but unfortunately, they did not give a reference to Mawlana. This is our shortcoming.”

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 3

Giving up on critical thinking has stopped the progression of thought

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan addressed the reasons why the Ottoman Empire missed the industrial revolution and said “theology, mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy classes were removed from the madrasas in the 18th century. Ibn Sina, Ibn Rush, Farabi who was considered the second Aristotle, were removed from the syllabus. While Europe initiated the thought school in the Middle Ages, a protective approach was maintained in the madrasas as the thought-based approach was eliminated in the education system. This has stopped the improvement of thought.”

Critical thinking should be instructed 

Prof. Tarhan addressed the importance of teaching critical thinking and continued, “It is crucial to provide religious education and positive sciences together. This is to ensure the advancement of thought. It is vital in this aspect to generate a generation that is capable to criticize and query.”

Value-based education is important

Prof. Tarhan said that the issue of artificial intelligence is a significant topic that is spoken around the world, and now there is a civilization crisis in both the West and the East. There is an evolving youth out there. Value-based education is important. It is also important to be able to teach charity, forgiveness, being a good person. This is how we can win over the new generation youth.”

We should respond to the youth’s psychological needs 

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that there are 3 fragile points of today’s youth and continued, “The younger generation has a high expectation of justice. They hate the peremptory approach and have high expectations of freedom. If we do not respond to these expectations and psychological needs of the youth, it will be very difficult to communicate with them. Sultan Abdülhamid was a very good leader and sovereign. He did a great deal of work until a strong military structure was formed, but in doing so, he played into the other’s hands. A dialogue was not made between the youth. Therefore, the youth he trained, turned against him. For this reason, we need to be able to re-establish an emotional connection with youth.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 4

Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan read the Honorary Doctorate Degree justification 

The Honorary Doctorate Degree Ceremony started after the Dean of Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Advisor to the President Prof. Deniz Ülke Arıboğan read the Honorary Doctorate Degree justification. It was stated in the justification that “Üsküdar University Senate cordially and unanimously decided to grant Mr. Binali Yıldırım the title of “Honorary Doctorate Degree” due to his significant contributions to the Turkish politics, our democracy and the Turkish public with his unifying personality and moral standing through obtaining a concept of social responsibility and conducting infrastructure studies.”

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 5

Honorary Doctorate Degree presented to the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Binali Yıldırım 

Honorary Doctorate Degree was presented to the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Binali Yıldırım and Üsküdar University President Prof. Nevzat Tarhan gowned Mr. Yıldırım. Mr. Yıldırım delivered a speech in the ceremony in which Üsküdar University’s The Feeler was also presented.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 6

Mr. Binali Yıldırım: “These young people are becoming a hope for our future”

Mr. Binali Yıldırım stated that there have been more than 19 thousand graduates at Üsküdar University with 4 faculties, 5 institutes and 1 vocational school and which has the roots back to 1999, the founding of NP Group. Mr. Yıldırım said, “These young people are becoming a hope for our future due to the formation education they receive. Because Üsküdar University is a University that brings together good, beautiful and true social sciences with positive sciences seeking realities. Our friends have told me that Üsküdar University is Turkey's first behavioural and health thematic University.”  

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 7

Üsküdar University tries to apply a multidisciplinary approach starting from treatment to diagnosis in Turkey

Mr. Yıldırım shared that it is not possible to be good at every field in the current age and he continued as, “I can do any kind of job” era is now history:

“People and institutions are now moving towards making reference to the areas they identify themselves with. Üsküdar University is eager to apply a multi-disciplinary approach in diagnosis to treatment within this context to also be performed in neurology, psychiatry, psychology. Therefore, I can also say that this is a University that has differs itself from other universities. It is a fact that it is trying to actualize the health sciences from the classical field to a computer-based education system. I can say that this qualification of the university addresses our young people who are interested in psychology and behavioural health sciences. The word university combines universe and city, which the gateway to reach universal from local. It is tried to reach a new synthesis with different beliefs, thoughts and interpretations by using the accumulation of humanity as a whole. At this point, it is very important not to be ideological and dogmatic. It is obvious that there is a need for universities in order to produce knowledge systematically, teach academic thought and obtain the power of analysis. We need universities in order to mature democracy through seeing differences as a richness and developing a culture of communication and consultation. In this sense, universities that produce knowledge and value in the fields such as health, engineering and social sciences contribute greatly to humanity.”

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 8

Mr. Yıldırım thanked President Tarhan 
The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly Mr. Binali Yıldırım said “I have seen and witnessed today that Üsküdar University, which expresses its principles as open to criticism, libertarian, pluralist and participant, offers you tremendous opportunities. I would like to thank once again everyone who has contributed starting with Prof. Nevzat Tarhan who put forward the idea of a university.”

He appreciated the social responsibility projects 

Mr. Yıldırım also stated that he learned that Üsküdar University is not only engaged in academic education but also social responsibility projects. He said, “I appreciate the fact that you are extending your hand to our young children who need to be sheltered with the help of civil society organizations such as Hold My Hand, Happy Family Happy Life Organizations. This is the way to integrate with society and move from theory to practice. I also congratulate you on being actively involved in solving social problems.”

These are your golden years, make the best of it 

Mr. Yıldırım advised, “Dear youngsters, without a doubt, you are our security and power in regards to protect Turkey's future and look to the future with hope. You absolutely need to learn a language while at the university. Learn to write, speak and every aspect of a language. These are your golden years. If you do not learn a language at these years, it becomes harder afterwards. When I was 45 years old. I left my family with children back home and went abroad for two years to learn a language. I also did a master’s degree. This is what we need. Whatever your occupation may be, you have to learn a language to open up to the rest of the world and know what is happening globally. Learn at least one language, whichever that will be.”

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 9

Mr. Yıldırım: “Never give up on learning”

Mr. Yıldırım, the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly said that there is no age limit in learning and continued as, “As soon as you give up on learning, you start to age. It does not matter if you are 60 years old or 20 years old, learning keeps people young. Therefore, we will read and learn more. Learning smooths ruffled feathers of people. It completely eliminates the combative identity. Learning brings everything to the point in which mutual understanding is accomplished.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 10

Prof. Sevil Atasoy presented the gowns 

Academic Upgrade Gowning was also actualized in the ceremony. New faculty members, associate professorships and professors were given their new gowns in the ceremony.

Üsküdar University Vice President Prof. Sevil Atasoy presented the gowns who became Dr. Faculty Members.
Merve Çebi from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Psychology (English), Zeynep Bahadır Ağce from the Department of Occupational Therapy in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Çetin Sayaca from the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sultan Mehtap Büyüker from the Pharmacy Services Program of the Vocational School of Health Services, Ebru Özkan Oktay from the Vocational School of Health Services Technology Program, Feride Kulalı from the Vocational School of Health Services Nuclear Technology and Radiation Safety Program, Miraç Kamışlıoğlu, Özge Kılıçoğlu, Tuğba Kaman from Medical and Aromatic Plants of Vocational School of Health Services wore their gowns.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 11

Prof. Mehmet Zelka presented the associate professorship gowns 

Üsküdar University Vice President Prof. Mehmet Zelka presented the gowns to the associate professors. Feride Zeynep Güder from Faculty of Communication - Department of Media and Communication, Özgül Dağlı and Dinçer Atlı from Department of Advertising Design and Communication, Çiğdem Yazıcı from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of Philosophy, Işıl Göğcegöz Gül from Department of Psychology, Türker Tekin Ergüzel from Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences - Department of Software Engineering, Cemal Onur Noyan from Faculty of Health Sciences - Department of Occupational Therapy, Mesut Karahan from Biomedical Device Technology Program, Tuğba Altıntaş from Department of Health Management, Hüseyin Ozan Tekin from Radiotherapy Program received their new gowns.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 12

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan presented the professorship gowns 

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan presented the new gowns to the academicians who received the title of professor. Tunç Çatal from Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences - Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics (English), Nedret Hızel from Faculty of Health Sciences - Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Defne Kaya from Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Arif Şanlı from Department of Audiology, Abdullah Karatay and İsmet Galip Yolcuoğlu from Department of Social Services, Niyazi Beki from Institute for Sufi Studies received their new gowns.

The ceremony was live streamed from ÜU TV and a family photo was taken at the end of the event.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 13

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 14

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 15

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 16

Mr. Binali Yıldırım stayed afterwards and had his lunch at Üsküdar University together with the Üsküdar University President, Vice Presidents and Advisors.

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 17

The Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey Mr. Binali Yıldırım received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Üsküdar University 18

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)