Entertaining orientation program held for international students

Entertaining orientation program held for international students

2018-2019 academic year orientation program organized for International Students was held at Main Campus, Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall.

The academic staff introduced their departments to the new international students.

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Students received information on lecture contents and how the whole process works. Thereafter, International Relations Director Emre Üçsular provided information about residence permit, İstanbul Card and more.

The Directorates of Student Affairs, Information Technologies, Library Documentation, Career Center, Corporate Communication, Health, Culture and Sports gave further information to the students about the units and explained the opportunities University offers.

"Every student will know and travel İstanbul” 

The Director of Health, Culture and Sports Özcan Demir stated that “Every student will know and travel İstanbul” due to Üsküdar University Directorate of Health, Culture and Sports’ activities.

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Barbeque party was organized for the international students at Main Campus terrace.

Students enjoyed the party and had the chance to meet with each other.

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Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)