Prof. miriam cooke will give lectures on “Islam, Culture and Women”

Prof. miriam cooke will give lectures on “Islam, Culture and Women”

Duke University Faculty Member Prof. miriam cooke will be in Istanbul to give lectures at the Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies. Prof. miriam cooke will give lectures and conferences between October 3 and October 24. Prof. cooke will discuss “Crossing Borders: Literary Perspectives on Women, Culture and Islam”. 
Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies will welcome Duke University Faculty Member Prof. miriam cooke, with the contribution of Kerim Foundation, for four weeks during the Fall Semester of the 2018 -2019 academic year.

Prof. miriam cooke, who is also a part-time faculty member of the Institute for Sufi Studies, will provide five lectures of three hours each and two public conferences.

Prof. cooke’s lectures’ subject is “Crossing Borders: Literary Perspectives on Women, Culture and Islam”. These lectures will enable students to closely monitor Western Islamic studies.

Professor miriam cooke's more than 40 years of experience in the field, combined with her unique style, thoughtful use of language, novelist and artist, along with her analyses of “Islam and Women” in Islamic studies is expected to inspire students and researchers in terms of method and content.

These lectures aim at enriching the ways in which students can think, contextualize and analyze the issues from different perspectives, in order to support the academic studies of the Institute for Sufi Studies Master’s Programs.  

Alongside Prof. cooke’s lectures at Üsküdar University, she will offer public conferences on October 3rd and October 21st on “Gendering Islamic Sainthood” and “Nazira Zeineddine: Pioneering Women's Rights in Islam”. Simultaneous translation will be available for the public conferences.

Arab Cultures Braxton Craven Professor, Duke University, USA

Prof. miriam cooke lectures on Arab Cultures at Duke University. Prof. cooke, who has studied Arab women writers’ works about social gender and war, also researched Muslim feminists’ self-expression. More recently, Prof. cooke has come to concentrate more on Syria while continuing her Arab cultural studies. Known for her vocal works on the invisible connections between the Arabs and Muslims in the world and the existing communication networks and methods, Prof. cooke published the following books; The Anatomy of an Egyptian Intellectual: Yahya Haqqi (1984); War's Other Voices: Women Writers on the Lebanese Civil War (1988); Women and the War Story (1997); Women Claim Islam: Creating Islamic Feminism through Literature (2001); Dissident Syria: Making Oppositional Arts Official (2007) and Nazira Zeineddine: A Pioneer of Islamic Feminism (2010).

Her examination of cultural production in the Arabian Gulf, Tribal Modern: Branding New Nations in the Arab Gulf, came out in 2014 from California University Press. Her latest book engaged with the Art of the Syrian Revolution during 2011 - 2016 is entitled Dancing in Damascus: Creativity, Resilience, and the Syrian Revolution.

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