(ÜSEM) Üsküdar University Continuing Education Application and Research Center


The main aim of Üsküdar University Continuing Education Application and Research Center is to make the right information most understandable and applicable, obtain new designs, make existing knowledge available and open new windows in people's lives with continuity principle in education, change and development.
In this respect, the basic mission is to enable individuals to use their previously possessed abilities and skills more actively, and generate the opportunity to learn, experience and put into practice the knowledge they do not yet possess.


Üsküdar University Continuing Education Application and Research Center training strategies;

  1. Academic and Vocational Training
  2. Corporate Training
  3. General Participation Open Trainings
  4. Social responsibility projects 

Our academic and vocational trainings consist of half day, full day and series trainings, individual supervisions and boutiques studies.
Some of the academic and vocational training; Psychiatric Nursing Practice Trainings, Clinical Interview and Assessment, Basic Principles in Speech Therapy, Family and Partner Therapy Trainings (SATIR Institute Business Association), Trauma Intervention Trainings, Psychopharmacogenetic Practices, Medical Hypnosis, Psychological Tests and Assessment Trainings. In addition, group and individual supervisors are planned according to their requests and needs.

Institutional trainings being opened by ÜSEM provide access to intellectual development trainings besides personal development trainings that are indispensable to the business world.

In addition to the trainings planned in the titles such as Neuro Management Skills, Neuro-Careership, Neuroeconomics, Real Sales Psychology, Relationship Management, Team-Up Team-up, Organizational Creation, Personnel Selection and Human Resources Management, Fatigue Management as well as Organizational Counseling, Quality Services Consultancy and Individual Performance Improvement Consultancy services can also be presented in specific plans.

Open education and social responsibility projects are the projects we have been executing with in the service politics called "Protective Mental Health". It is aimed to add value to the development of the country in the transition to social productivity through increasing personal awareness and environmental awareness.

Some of the Open Trainings; Emotional Intelligence in Children, Emotional Intelligence in Young People, Elderly Care, Parental Communication, Effective Parenting, Successful Child Development, Postnatal Psychological Conditions, Disability Psychology, Disability Life, Success Psychology, Vision Development, Targeting and Strategic Thinking, Understanding and Preventing Child Abuse.

ÜSEM approaches social responsibility projects with a special interest and sensitivity. It produces projects that will contribute to the development of the country.
In this sense, it has signed to important projects in its short history. Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, Sakarya Municipality, TFF, İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education protocols and working protocols have been worked and studied. The completed and continuous applications are as follows:

  1. Neo-leadership training: Business cooperation with the Ministry of Interior
  2. I am Starting a Family Protection Project: Sakarya Municipality and US Consultancy business association
  3. Guidance Development Project: İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education business association
  4. Positive Psychology Practices and Values Education Project: İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education business association
  5. The Psychology of Working Mother and Emotional Intelligence Trainings: Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality business association

These centers offer appropriate access to psychology, philosophy, health, social services and child development departments.

In these disciplines, we have our family counseling certificate programs covering topics such as 0-6 years of age, child mental health, adult mental health.