The scales developed by Üsküdar University and its results contribute significantly to the literature…

The article titled “Development of Uskudar Nomophobia Scale and Investigation of Psychometric Properties” was published. The scales developed by Üsküdar University and its results contribute significantly to the literature. 

The article titled “Development of Uskudar Nomophobia Scale and Investigation of Psychometric Properties” was published in the journal titled Current Research and Reviews in Psychology and Psychiatry, which it was written by President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication faculty member Assoc. Prof. Aylin Tutgun Ünal and 20 students continuing to Üsküdar University Psychology doctorate program.

The summary of the article is as follows:

The “Development of Uskudar Nomophobia Scale and Investigation of Psychometric Properties” article was published. The article aims to develop a scale and investigates psychometric properties within the scope of validity and reliability analysis of Nomophobia Scale.

The sample in the study consists of 925 participants across Türkiye.  Analysis revealed that the scale consists of three factors the first of which is; "Dysfunction in Functionality", the second factor is "Overuse" and the third factor is "Inability to Communicate" with 69.55% scale variance. Moreover, the three-factor scale structure obtained by the validating factor analysis was modelled and verified. The obtained goodness of fit values were found acceptable and a 25-point 3-factor scale was obtained (Ki-square/freedom value=2.53; RMSEA=.07; NFI=.89; NNFI=.92; CFI=.96; GFI=.94; AGFI=.84). The internal consistency coefficient of the scale was found as 0.96. Test-Retest reliability was also found that it is related to results when the scale was applied 3 weeks apart.

Therefore, it was concluded that the Uskudar Nomophobia Scale, which is rated as “Never”, “Rarely”, “Sometimes”, “Frequently”, “Always” in the 5-point Likert type, is a valid and reliable scale that measures the level of Nomophobia expressed as a person’s fear of being without a phone psychometrically.

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Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)