Uskudar University ranked among Smoke-Free Universities

World Health Organization Director, Yesilay Science Board member Prof. Dr. Toker Erguder visited Uskudar University Founding President, Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan. Within the scope of the 'Smoke-Free Campus' project, which was carried out to create smoke-free airspace on campuses and to protect students from cigarette smoke, efforts were initiated to give Uskudar University the title of Smoke-Free University. Uskudar University has thus taken the first step towards becoming a smoke-free university.

Uskudar University was included in the 'Smoke-Free Campus' project accepted by the Ministry of Health and the Council of Higher Education in our country.

World Health Organization Program Manager, Yesilay Science Board member Prof. Dr. Toker Erguder visited Uskudar University Founding President Psychiatrist Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan in his office.

During the visit, which also included Rector's Advisor Halide Incekara and Secretary-General Selçuk Uysaler, Toker presented Tarhan with a Smokeless University T-shirt.

Prof. Dr. Toker Erguder said that one of the smoke-free universities in Istanbul will be Uskudar University.