It has been decided according to the 2020 – 2021 Academic Year Spring Semester midterm exams; that the associate/undergraduate/graduate programs of our university should be carried out in accordance with the Education and Training Examination Regulations and the Procedures and Principles regarding Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions, and our students are strongly requested to take into account the following principles:

1. Midterm exams will be conducted online between the 5th to 18th April 2021, as expressed in the academic calendar, by multiple choice questions, open-end questions or homework-project, etc.

2. Exams to be conducted in the form of multiple choice or open-ended questions will be proceeded with the LMS system. (Click here to learn about LMS)

3. Questions are selected randomly from the question pool, and the order of questions and sleeks is sent randomly to each student.

4. For online exams via LMS; you should use the GOOGLE CHROME browser on a computer, (you should not login via mobile phones) which is important to avoid ruptures. Exams must be entered from the RED color exam entry button on the LMS homepage. Clearing cookies with the "clear history" option from the GOOGLE CHROME browser just before starting the exam; will facilitate the entry to the exam and LMS system (If the LMS system cannot be logged in, cookies must be cleared and the login must be retried). (Click for information)

5. The exams to be conducted through LMS will be conducted on the day and time specified in the exam calendar published on the websites of the associate/undergraduate/graduate programs and departments.

6. Homework-project etc. correspondence and file sharing related to midterm exams to be executed will be carried out via STIX or ALMS. In homework and projects, the credit of the relevant course and the Workload of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) will be taken into consideration and absolutely the similarity rates of plagiarism detection programs will be checked by the instructor of the course.

7. For common compulsory courses (Turkish Language II, Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution II and English II, etc.) between the 19th and 22nd April 2021 will be carried out over LMS. Necessary explanations are published on the web pages of associate/undergraduate/graduate programs and departments.

The above-mentioned principles are included in the "Uskudar University Distance Education Procedures and Principles" which were updated with the senate verdict dated 09.04.2020 and numbered 2020/14, updated with the senate verdict dated 03.09.2020 and numbered 2020/30.

We wish to all of our students success in the 2020-2021 Academic Year Spring Semester midterm exams and hope that they complete the exam week in the best way. 

Uskudar University Rectorate