Fanaticism can spread violence-oriented emotions and thoughts!

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The countdown has begun for the great derby between Galatasaray and Fenerbahçe. Sociologist Dr. Berat Dağ warned that fanaticism can spread violence-oriented emotions and thoughts and emphasized the importance of a holistic social transformation to prevent fanaticism.

Highlighting the role of education in developing critical thinking skills and reducing fanaticism, Dr. Berat Dağ stated that "Today, societies need a calm perspective that does not operate through artificial oppositions more than ever before. A comprehensive educational institution that structures its curriculum with a critical approach can meet a significant part of this need."


Dr. Berat Dağ, a faculty member at Üsküdar University’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, evaluated the effects of fanatic attitudes in sports on social polarization.

Social crises also increase fanaticism

Emphasizing that the rise of fanaticism in sports can lead to the widespread dissemination of violence-oriented emotions, thoughts, and actions on a mass scale, Dr. Berat Dağ explained that

"Acting purely on impulses without thinking deeply and holistically about any issue is very easy. Therefore, someone who turns fanaticism into a habit in the field of sports may continue this superficiality in the broader social context as well. As a result, many people may start evaluating critical social institutions such as politics, economics, family, education, and religion in the same way they support a sports team. On the other hand, it is evident that the process of social polarization itself plays a direct role in perpetuating fanaticism in sports. In other words, as social crises increase, we can predict that destructive examples like fanaticism will rise in various fields, including sports."

Social transformation is essential to prevent fanaticism

Dr. Berat Dağ also emphasized the importance of ensuring a holistic social transformation to prevent fanaticism and made the following remarks: "For this reason, individuals must maintain a balance where they can be individuals without losing their social identity in the context of their family, education, workplace, political views, and relationships. This shows that there is a need for an institutionalization that balances individuality and sociality throughout life. Today, we frequently encounter extreme forms of individualism, where people are deeply immersed in their own desires. Conversely, many individuals suppress their desires entirely and become mere parts of the larger collective. Both of these extremes leave individuals vulnerable to fanaticism. In this context, to create a more rational society, it is necessary to take balanced and holistic measures and to ensure the sustainability of these measures."

The crucial role of education in developing critical thinking skills

Dr. Berat Dağ also highlighted the significant role of education in developing critical thinking skills and reducing fanaticism and stated that "Education is one of the most crucial institutions in solving various social problems. If individuals are taught both theoretically and practically to develop a critical and original perspective from childhood through educational institutions, it is possible to reduce the impact of many destructive tendencies, including fanaticism. Today, societies need calm perspectives that do not operate through artificial oppositions more than ever before. A comprehensive educational institution that structures its curriculum with a critical approach can meet a significant part of this need."

What is the role of the media in fanaticism?

Explaining the complex interaction between media and society, Dr. Berat Dağ continued his remarks as follows: "In this regard, the media can serve as a mere reflector of fanaticism emerging due to social crises. On the other hand, media owners, editors, reporters, and opinion leaders, as well as direct media users who lack the necessary qualifications and are solely focused on their own interests, can play an influential role in the emergence and spread of fanaticism. However, it is also possible to utilize the media as a tool for an organized struggle against fanaticism. Especially by leveraging the rapid interaction capability of social media, it is possible to organize impactful global campaigns against fanaticism. Therefore, considering the institutionalization of a long-term awareness campaign on critical media literacy is extremely crucial."

The consequences of fanaticism

Dr. Berat Dağ emphasized that examples of fanaticism shaped through sports should not be trivialized through humorous means: "In other words, there is nothing funny about the consequences of fanaticism. For this reason, we must always remain vigilant against the emotions, thoughts, and actions associated with fanaticism in all areas. In this context, instead of destructive interactions based on hierarchy, competition, and conflict, we must seek and develop ways to institutionalize positive values such as equality, freedom, and solidarity in every space and time."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)