The countdown for the Second International Neuromarketing Congress has begun!

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The International Neuromarketing Congress, organized by Üsküdar University, will be held for the second time on December 12-13, 2024, with the theme of "Neuromarketing 2.0: New Era in Consumer Neuroscience, Immersive Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age". The congress will bring together many academics and industry professionals from Türkiye and the world.

The "Second International Neuromarketing Congress", organized for the second time this year by Üsküdar University with the theme of "Neuromarketing 2.0: New Era in Consumer Neuroscience, Immersive Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age", will be held between December 12-13, 2024.

"Neuromarketing 2.0." will be opened for discussion

The "Second International Neuromarketing Congress" aims to address the new era in which neuromarketing has changed its dimension to the 2.0 process in an interdisciplinary consortium and points out that the concept of "Neuromarketing 2.0" is a new expression and starting point for the sector and academia. In the Congress, it is aimed to open this new discourse (Neuromarketing 2.0.) to discussion by addressing topics such as neuromarketing ethics, consumer psychology, the journey of artificial intelligence and neuromarketing from small data to big data, and the presence of immersive technologies such as VR and AR in the marketing world.

Considering that the size of the global neuromarketing market is expected to be $3,324.98 million in 2023 and reach $6,576.76 million by 2032 ("Neuromarketing Market," n.d.), the relationship between "Neuromarketing 2.0" and artificial intelligence technologies is expected to be much stronger.

A New Perspective of Neuromarketing!

The theme of this year's congress is "Neuromarketing 2.0: New Era in Consumer Neuroscience, Immersive Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age" and includes the disciplines of neuroscience, software technologies, psychology, social psychology, anthropology, marketing, and behavioral economics. Starting with the online presentation of Dr. Christophe Morin, the author of best-selling books in the field of neuromarketing such as "The Persuasion Code in the Brain" and the founder of the "SalesBrain" company, the "Second International Neuromarketing Congress" is preparing to host valuable academics from the world and Türkiye. The International Neuromarketing Congress, which focuses on developments, technological transformations and consumer trends in the field of consumer neuroscience, will be held on December 12-13, 2024 at Üsküdar University Nermin Tarhan Congress Hall with the aim of being a global meeting point where scientists and industry professionals will transfer knowledge.

Scope of the congress

Neuromarketing is a multidisciplinary field that applies brain interface technologies through neuroscientific research techniques. Today, data from neuromarketing research techniques such as facial expression analysis (FEA), electroencephalography (EEG), and eye tracking can be applied online with developing technological approaches and especially artificial intelligence applications.

Today, research in the field of neuromarketing can be done online out of the laboratory and out of its spatial context. Leaving the spatial context eliminates the limitation in the number of participants of the research and offers the opportunity to reach individuals from different geographies, kilometers away from each other, for scientific research. The relationship between "neuromarketing 2.0" and artificial intelligence tools includes not only the ability to make research technologies online, but also various algorithms such as mimicking cognitive decisions and predicting future behavior. The continuous advancement of human-computer interaction (HCI) and machine learning offers important options for neuromarketing research techniques such as face coding and eye tracking in both data collection and analysis.

The speakers of the "Second International Neuromarketing Congress" are as follows:

Prof. Nevzat TARHAN / President of Üsküdar University, Honorary President of the Congress

Prof. Nazife GÜNGÖR / Rector of Üsküdar University, Congress Honorary Board

Prof. Deniz Ülke KAYNAK / Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Üsküdar University, Congress Honorary Board

Dr. Selami Varol ÜLKER / Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, President of the Congress

Dr. Chritsophe Morin / John Hopkins University Media Psychology

Prof. Prac. Nikolaos DIMITRIADIS/ Head of the Department of Neuromarketing, European Campus, University of York

Prof. Benny BRIESEMEISTER / IU International University Psychology

Prof. Uğur Cevdet PANAYIRCI / Head of the Department of Advertising Design, Yeditepe University

Prof. İsmail Tayfun UZBAY / Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine, Head of the Department of Medical Sciences

Prof. Caner GİRAY/ Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, Okan University

Assoc. Prof. Dicle Yurdakul / Altınbaş University, Faculty of Business Administration, Inova Research Center and NeuroLab Director

Assoc. Prof. Mevlüde Nur ERDEM/ Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Communication, Head of the Department of Communication and Design

Instructor Önder Bakal / E-Commerce, Digital Marketing Consultant

Ergi Şener / General Manager of Nomu Pay- Sabancı University School of Management


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)