Prof. Sevil Atasoy: "We used to be a transit country; however, now we became the users!"

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Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Sevil Atasoy, who met with students at the Conference on Fighting against Addiction as part of the 2024-2025 Academic Year Orientation Days, pointed out that the position of transit country has been switched to the position of user country. Atasoy stated that "Substance addiction is a brain disease and must be treated. That is why we are vehemently against putting drug addicts in prisons."

Üsküdar University Vice Rector and Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine Prof. Sevil Atasoy addressed the students at the Conference on Fighting against Addiction as part of the 2024-2025 Academic Year Orientation Days.

Atasoy stated that this year, in the 2024-2025 academic year, a conference was held under the title of Fighting against Addiction for the first time in the orientation programs of all universities in Türkiye.

"First of all, we need to learn to say 'No.'"

Pointing out that there are various substances, whether natural or chemical, that young people may encounter at any time, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "These substances can be tried; however, the commercial dimension comes into play after a certain point, and in this case, we should not forget that there are some forces that want to drag you into addiction. Today, we highlight how dangerous and widespread substance abuse is for young adults. The most difficult thing at this age is not to get any medicine handed to yourself or a cigarette or hookah with a substance in it. First of all, we need to learn how to say 'No.'"

“We need to learn about the real risks of substance use"

Prof. Sevil Atasoy advised young people that 'you need to know how to say no to anything that is extended to you in your moment of grief' and stated that "Because it may comfort you very temporarily. Maybe this can solve your problem for a short time; however, as long as your problem is there, you will fall into the same cycle again. For this reason, it is imperative that we make it a priority to solve the problem itself. We need to learn about the real risks of substance use."

"We are against imprisoning drug addicts"

Pointing out that the use of cannabis has been liberalized with legal changes in some countries, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "By the way, we need to know that the phrase 'cannabis is a weed, and there is no harm using it' is an urban legend. All substances cause brain damage if they are abused, even those for medical purposes. In short, substance abuse is a brain disease and must be treated. That is why we are firmly opposed to imprisoning drug addicts. They must be treated necessarily. However, they must be treated with modern and scientific methods."

Substance use is encouraged by using social media

Expressing that "Do not hesitate to support each other when you encounter any substance among friends. We need to protect not only yourself, but also your friends, siblings and family members around you," Prof. Sevil Atasoy continued her remarks as follows: "Of course, social media has a great danger because this is an organized crime that generates billions of dollars, more than most countries themselves. They also use social media. Sharing about every substance we see there or about any drug is actually a trap created for you to be a user or to encourage someone to do so. You should be aware of this. You can often come across complimentary comments about substance use on social media. Note that this is powered by algorithms. These frequently encountered contents may one day cause you to accept a substance that is extended to you."

Beware of the abuse of prescription drugs!

Stating that today, traditional addictive substances are replaced by synthetic substances that are produced in a laboratory environment and can be easily obtained, and that these substances are cheaper despite their strong addictive effects, Prof. Sevil Atasoy expressed that "Another type of addiction that is dangerous for university students is the abuse of prescription drugs. Everywhere in the world, men and women can use substances; however, women may tend to abuse prescription drugs such as antidepressants, sleeping pills and painkillers for non-treatment purposes."

Substance abuse is an increasing problem in the world!

Stating that substance addiction has become an increasing problem in the world, Prof. Sevil Atasoy said that according to the statistics of 2022, 292 million people use substances worldwide, this number has increased by 20 percent in the last 10 years, cannabis is the most common among drug users, followed by heroin, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy, and this situation reveals how serious the fight against drugs is for humanity.

"Türkiye has never been addicted to heroin, but now it is becoming addicted to methamphetamine"

Explaining that there is a wide criminal network in the world and that the drug trade is an important part of this network, Prof. Sevil Atasoy made the following remarks:

"Different types of drugs are transported in different ways. For example, green routes are used for cocaine and red routes are used for heroin. Illegal activities such as human trafficking also take place on the same routes. Türkiye is located on the Balkan Route due to its geographical location. This route has been used for trade throughout history as part of the Silk Road from China to Europe. That is why we have always been a country that has been on top of that traffic for heroin. Poppy cultivation was banned in Afghanistan after the Taliban seized power. Afghan peasants turned to synthesizing methamphetamine because they could no longer make money from heroin production. This situation has made Türkiye a transit country where methamphetamine trade has replaced heroin. Transit countries are often also affected by the local use of the drug. Türkiye has not become addicted to heroin; however, Türkiye is now addicted to methamphetamine."

It has quadrupled in the last two years!

Noting that synthetic pharmaceuticals and counterfeit drugs, especially synthetic marijuana, are among some substances that have increased rapidly in Türkiye in recent years, and that synthetic marijuana is a substance known as "bonsai", which contains the active ingredient of cannabis but is not real cannabis, Prof. Sevil Atasoy said that methamphetamine seizure rates have quadrupled in the last two years, which shows the increase and diversification of illegal substances in the market.

We used to be a transit country; however, now we became the users!

Pointing out that our country has achieved a high success worldwide by catching 35 percent to 40 percent of the drugs passing through it, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "However, this is only half of the total amount, and the rest remains in the hands of smugglers. Despite the efforts of the police, a significant amount of drugs continue to be sent through the door from the Pacific, Western countries and the Arabian Peninsula. Every day, baggers selling drugs on the streets are also caught; however, it is easy to find new people to replace them due to poverty and unemployment. Addicts need to be treated. It is imperative that all physicians have knowledge about addiction treatment and that the number of private hospitals increases. However, in the current situation, addicted individuals cannot be admitted to the hospital immediately if they want to receive treatment. They are usually asked to come back after three months or six months. We were a transit country. However, now we are the users."

On the same day, Atasoy met with health students at the İbn-i Sina Auditorium of NP Health Campus in the second conference.

Atasoy also signed her books at the end of the conferences...


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)