4th year medical students met at the orientation program...

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.56900

A new academic year orientation program was held for 4th year students of Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine. Within the scope of the program, topics such as introduction to clinical rotations and expectations, preparation for specialty exams, and preclinical entry from the clinic were discussed. In the orientation program, which attracted great attention, the academicians of the department gave information, and the questions of the students were answered.

Within the scope of the program held in the İbn Sina Auditorium, 4th year medical students were informed. The opening speeches of the program were made by Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Haydar Sur. The program was also attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin and the academicians of the department.

Prof. Hikmet Koçak: "Medicine is not a profession, but it is a lifestyle"

Pointing out that a person who does not love people cannot be a good physician, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak stated that "Medicine is a profession based on love of people. Without love for people, this profession cannot be practiced. You can be a good scientist, but you have to be a good physician when a patient is involved. To improve both your scientific side and your contact with the patient. For this reason, there cannot be a good physician who does not love people. Medicine is not a profession, it is a lifestyle. You have to give yourself self-confidence. You can achieve this with what you know and what you will know. Not being afraid of the patient. When a patient comes in, think of him not only as a patient, but also as an issue that needs to be solved."

Prof. Haydar Sur: "Do not neglect to be a good person while being the clinician of the clinic"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur told the students to awaken respect as human beings in the clinic and stated that "When you go to the clinic, there are things I want to emphasize in particular. First, inspire respect as a human being within the clinic. Start by being a good person first. Do not quarrel with anyone. You are in a crowded and bustling place, and you must protect patient privacy. You should never share the privacy secrets entrusted to you. Secondly, there should be no violation of ethics. Try to be a good physician. Take into account the people around you when applying the knowledge that you have gained. What does one do when they treat the patient, or how does one offer the patient when they say open your back. Do not hurt your patient and their relatives. Do not neglect to be a good person while being the clinician of the clinic."

Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin: "Touching the patient is very different"

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin made a presentation on "Medical Ethics and Patient Rights". Ertekin stated that "Preclinical and clinical are a little different. You have applied the theoretical training you have received in the laboratory; however, it is very different to go to the hospital and have an impact at the hospital, to touch the patient. The moment you put on a white coat, you are now a doctor, and people will perceive you directly in this way. It is a process that is both beautiful and enjoyable and brings a little more responsibility. Medicine is at times caught between ethics and law. Ethics comments on the teachings that you should do in this profession, in your way of life. The law, on the other hand, is more about what you should not do, 'What would make you commit a crime? What punishment will you get?'"

Internship schedule was mentioned

Discussing the topic of "Introduction to Clinical Rotations and Expectations" under two subheadings, 4th Year Coordinator Prof. Nilgün Tekkeşin talked about the structure and processes of clinical rotations, as well as the expectations and responsibilities of students. Tekkeşin stated that "There are two basic units for the scedule of the internship. Surgical and internal areas. We have internal medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, and radiodiagnostic unit within the internal area within the 4th grade. Within the surgical units, we have general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, anesthesia and reanimation branches. We will complete the internships of these branches within approximately 21 weeks of training. These are divided into different weekly segments. We have 9-week, 6-week, 3-week, 2 and 1-week training studies. Internal medicine and pediatrics will be seen within the 9-week program. Within the 6-week program, we have general surgery and obstetrics. There are mental health illnesses in the 3-week program. The 2-week program includes anesthesia and reanimation. In the 1-week internship program, it will be done in the field of radiodiagnostics."

Prof. Cemal Onur Noyan: "Flexible thinking skills should be acquired to manage stress"

Prof. Cemal Onur Noyan from NPİSTANBUL Hospital made a presentation titled "Stress Management and Mental Health Supports". Noyan stated that "Stress and crisis are essential in our lives. It will happen every moment in every minute. As physicians, we should be a little more experienced in intervening in times of stress and crisis because you will be in positions where everyone expects something from you and expects help. A crisis can be anything, unexpected and newly developed events. An unexpected event in your life may be a crisis for you. Crisis varies. It is very important to know how to behave and manage in a crisis. The skill we need to acquire to manage stress is actually the ability to think flexibly. If we can think flexibly, if we aim to deal with our own angular features and sharp sides, we can somehow cope with the crises and problems we are experiencing."

Prof. Sait Keleş: "Medical education is both a science and an art"

Making a presentation on "Career Planning and Preparation for Specialization Exams", Prof. Sait Keleş stated that "To become a doctor, we need to be well educated. We will learn the things we need to learn well, and we will have done exactly what we need to do. And then we will be loaded with information. Medical education is both a science and an art. The physician is there to heal, to treat, and to feel the other person. You need to make your career plan. What do I want to be? You must set a goal in front of you. I want you to know that it is very difficult to change your status with medicine. Everyone knows their own ability. Where are you inclined? What do you like more? I advise you to choose accordingly."

Prof. Tayfun Uzbay: "Respect your profession"

Advisor to the Rector Prof. Tayfun Uzbay informed the students about "Research Opportunities and Clinical Research" and stated that “Medicine is education that has a special place in all branches and all education. This began with human history. In ancient times, those who provided medical assistance or practiced medicine were the most sacred value. Have respect for your profession. There is a very important topic in pharmacology that you need to know. It constitutes the basic philosophy of pharmacology. Placebo... Placebo has a neurobiological basis, and it has a reality. Placebo has another feature. Placebo is a major area of misconduct. These do not undergo serious research. These are constantly tried to be marketed in the background. Medicine never forgives."

Information was given about UÇEP

Prof. Aptullah Haholu made a presentation titled "Introduction from Preclinic to Clinic (Evaluation within the Scope of UÇEP)" and stated that "There are 128 Medical Faculties in our country. Among them, 91 are in the state and 37 are in foundation universities. It is mostly located in İstanbul, Ankara and İzmir. There are 30 Faculties of Medicine in İstanbul, 13 in Ankara and 8 in İzmir. What kind of path should be followed in terms of raising common knowledge or common skills? For this purpose, officials from the Ministry of Health and university officials came together and developed the National Core Education Program in Medicine (UÇEP). These are studies that have been going on since 2001. There are some codes that determine your attitude and performance level against a disease you have learned in UÇEP, and you will definitely learn them."

The main objectives of medical education were discussed...

Prof. Teoman Benli made evaluations on "Introduction to Clinical Rotations and Expectations". Benli stated that "The main objectives of medical education are association, consistency, well-defined, based on current sources, and measurability. In other words, it is important that it is measurable, based on facts and clearly defined information with a high level of evidence, not any kind of variation between the symptoms and the clinic, not interpretable subjectively."

After the Q&A session, the event ended with a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)