Why did the explosion at the pasta factory in Sakarya happen?

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.56892

Experts evaluated the explosion that occurred in a pasta factory in the Hendek district of Sakarya, in which 1 person lost his life, 30 people were injured and 6 of them were injured severely. Experts also emphasize that necessary precautions must be taken before the explosion, and that technical inspections should be carried out regularly and deficiencies should be eliminated.

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl stated that "If there was an explosion, there must have been negligence."

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan stated that "Once an eruption starts, it is impossible to stop it because it happens so quickly and strongly."

Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Abdurrahman İnce stated that "This pressure due to rapid expansion is the common mechanism of all explosions."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl, Head of the Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Health Sciences, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan and Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean, Occupational Health and Safety Instructor Abdurrahman İnce evaluated the explosion that occurred in a pasta factory in the Hendek district of Sakarya, in which 1 person lost his life, 30 people were injured and 6 of them were severely injured.

How did the explosion happen?

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Vice Dean, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl stated that there was an explosion first and then a fire. Bingöl stated that "It is important to learn the cause of the explosion here. The fact that the factory is a pasta factory and works with bakery foods can help explain this situation. Since flour is a substance that can be suspended in the air in the form of fine granules, we can consider this situation as an explosive atmosphere or explosive atmosphere explosion. We call this the 'Atex explosion'. The characteristics of dust explosions usually start with a small explosion and then create a large destructive effect with the second and third explosions."
Noting that a fire broke out after the explosion because flour creates both an explosive environment and is flammable, Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl said that "It is seen that the fire broke out with the effect of the explosion and was intervened. Such explosions are rare. About 1 year ago there was a similar explosion in a silo in Derince, Kocaeli. There was a death during unloading on a ship coming from Ukraine. Although rare, we can encounter such explosions.”

If dust is not cleaned regularly, it can create an explosive atmosphere

Pointing out that this event has nothing to do with the summer months, Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl stated that "The fires seen in the summer months are mostly forest fires. However, factory fires do not occur for such reasons. We have an occupational health and safety law. With this law, some measures must be taken in the workplaces, especially under the responsibility of the employer. If there was an explosion, there must have been negligence. We have regulations on explosive atmospheres adapted from the European Union. Within the scope of these regulations, necessary precautions should be taken considering the possibility of explosive atmospheres. Especially in places where flammable organic dusts are present, such as feed factories and pharmaceutical factories, if the dust is not cleaned regularly, it can create an explosive environment if it is suspended in the air. For this reason, it is necessary to be aware of this risk and to control the places where explosive atmospheres may occur within the framework of the determined standards."

Regular cleaning needs to be done

Emphasizing that if there is a possibility of an explosive atmosphere, precautions should be taken regarding it. Prof. Nuri Bingöl continued his remarks as follows: "Regular cleaning is one of them. This is very important for the prevention of dust explosions. Because dust accumulates over time, forming a layer on the floor, between machines or on top of fluorescent lamps. It can be happen even due to the slightest vibration. For example, these dusts can rise into the air when you hit the table. By cleaning regularly, you can prevent these dusts from being levitated and creating an explosive atmosphere. For this purpose, it is necessary to use ventilators, suction systems or dust collection units. If there is a risk of an explosive atmosphere, it is important to eliminate ignition sources as well. Static electricity or electrical appliances can be among these sources. These devices must be ex-proof, that is, they can be used safely in explosive environments. Apart from this, measures should also be taken to reduce the effects in the event of a possible explosion. Arrangements such as explosion hatches, opening windows out, leaving ceilings weak direct the pressure of the explosion upwards. The fact that the pressure of the explosion went upwards shows that this is how the structure was designed."

No matter how many precautions are taken, sometimes there are deficiencies

Pointing out that such measures should already be taken in advance, Asst. Prof. Nuri Bingöl said that "Since it is a large factory, these measures were probably applied in this factory. However, no matter how many precautions are taken, sometimes there are deficiencies. For example, we may encounter problems such as a dust collection unit not working or an exproof machine losing its safety. Such problems arise as a result of technical reviews. If these measures are checked periodically and regular maintenance of the machines is carried out, and the risk of explosion is reduced to a minimum, even to one in a million."

Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan: "Dust explosions start with a small spark"

Pointing out that the flour used in pasta making exploded for some reason, Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Occupational Health and Safety Department Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan stated that "Flour explosions can cause a large-scale explosion with a simple trigger such as a small spark, and a very strong energy can be released."

In such places, the necessary precautions should have been taken in advance

Stating that "In such places, first of all, an explosion protection document should be prepared and necessary precautions should be taken in advance. Because when dust explosions start with a small spark, all the dust in the environment starts to air and burn, and a huge amount of energy is released. It is imperative to take precautions in advance to prevent such incidents from occurring." Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan continued his remarks as follows:

"Blast caps are placed, various measures are taken to block the sources that generate the initial spark, and extruders (a piece of equipment commonly used in the manufacturing process) are used. With all these precautions, the explosion can be prevented. However, once an eruption starts, it is impossible to stop it, as it happens very quickly and strongly. This explosion is not an explosion caused by gas compression but is called a dust explosion. Therefore, what happened here is a typical explosion of dust."

Abdurrahman İnce:

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Occupational Health and Safety Instructor Abdurrahman İnce stated that various explosions occurred in the factory and that the mechanisms of these explosions were quite different from each other and expressed that "This is a pasta factory. If there is flour or similar ingredients in the silos, this could be a flour explosion. Flammable dusts are substances such as flour or sugar can cause dust explosions. In many parts of the world, even in our country, these dust explosions are frequently experienced."

There have been numerous explosions in flour mills in the past

Noting that all flammable dust carries the risk of explosion, Abdurrahman İnce made the following remarks:

"There are four types of Atex explosions, and we call them 'explosive atmospheres'. Flammable gases, flammable water vapors, fog states of flammable liquids and cloud states of flammable solid dusts form a flammable mixture when combined with air. When this mixture comes into contact with an igniting heat source, a flash combustion occurs. The meaning of this explosion is the start and end of a very fast combustion reaction. Within microseconds, there is combustion, and this puts pressure around. This pressure due to rapid expansion is the common mechanism of all explosions. Therefore, when flammable solid dust mixes with air in the form of clouds, there should be no ignition heat source. Attention should be paid to this matter. There have been numerous explosions in flour mills in the past. These explosions resulted in serious deaths and the collapse of buildings. The same situation has been experienced in sugar factories. All flammable dusts, especially flour and sugar, carry this risk and it is necessary to work with appropriate safety measures."

It is necessary to eliminate igniting heat sources

Stating that the most important precaution in such environments is to eliminate igniting heat sources, Abdurrahman İnce concluded his remarks as follows: "Ex-proof working standards should be followed, grounding should be done and heat sources that can ignite the mixture of flammable dust and air should be disposed of. In this way, safe operation can be ensured."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)