Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is an earthquake in the family and decay in the society!"

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President of Üsküdar University and Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan also participated in the "Big Family Gathering and Silent Walk" organized by the Big Family Platform against LGBT propaganda and imposition with the slogan "Stop this shameless raid". Underlining that humanity has been put to sleep globally through sports, music and social media, Tarhan pointed out that there is an earthquake in the family and decay in the society. Mentioning that future generations are in danger, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized that the foundation of today's nonbinary propaganda was laid in 1960 with family planning policies, and stated that the global gangs that made nonbinary propaganda at the Paris Olympics and the gangs that currently support the genocide in Gaza are the same gangs.

The crowd, which came together for the event, which was supported by approximately 400 non-governmental organizations, started in Saraçhane Park and shouted slogans until Fatih.

"To remain silent in the face of evil is to be complicit in evil"

Addressing the crowd from many parts of Türkiye in Sarachane, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that the propaganda of nonbinary at the Olympic opening ceremony in France is actually a global project. Underlining that people are put to sleep through the media, Tarhan stated that "It only takes a few people to raise their voices to wake up the sleeping crowds. Humanity was being put people to sleep globally. What was he used to put them to sleep? Sports were used, music was used, and we were all hypnotized by the media and social media. We were sleeping, and we were being put to sleep. This was a very important event that disrupted sleep. This incident created a serious awareness and clarified the question marks in the mind. We have seen that the propaganda of nonbinary at the Olympic opening ceremony in France in June 2024 is actually a global project and that it is organized by global gangs. We have seen humanity confronted with an organized evil. Therefore, what are we supposed to do about this global evil? To remain silent in the face of this evil is to be complicit in this evil. Thus, what we need to do is to take a stand against this evil, to use all our democratic rights within the law against this evil. That is what this community is trying to do right now. I hope it will wake up the sleeping people who are in a state of global unawareness.”

"We are under serious occupation globally"

Emphasizing that the foundation of today's genderless propaganda was laid in 1960 with family planning policies, Tarhan stated that "We see that we are now under a serious occupation globally. Our minds are occupied. However, as you know, Mehmet Akif said, 'Shield your body and stop this wanton raid!' Our motto here is the same. We say, 'Stop this global raid!' At that time, our Anatolia and our homeland were under occupation. This was dealt with very well and success was achieved in the face of that occupation. However, the invasion of our minds began at that time. We have achieved our independence, but the seeds were planted in our minds to be invaded globally at that time, and we are now picking the bitter fruits of this. Our minds are occupied. The occupation in our minds does not come out of nowhere. It comes out in sociological phases. It comes out after 30-60-90 years. Today's nonbinary propaganda was actually based on family planning policies in 1960. Unfortunately, all of our rulers failed to realize the propaganda that started under the name of family planning. But right now, our family institution still maintains that it is the healthiest institutions in the world, although it is weakened."

"One who cannot see the decay is in treachery..."

Tarhan, whose speech was interrupted by slogans from time to time, underlined that new generations can be saved if children who are at peace with their gender are raised. Tarhan stated that "It is not too late. If it is realized now and if we can raise children who are at peace with their own gender, we can save our grandchildren and children. That is why you are here for it. I would like to thank this conscious community. What situations have arisen globally that our minds are being occupied? Earthquakes run in the family. There is decay in society. There is a collapse in morality and future generations are in danger. If anyone does not see this, they are in ignorance. They are either unaware or deceitful. Or they are in a state of delusion. Therefore, the greatest struggle at the moment must be the struggle against the occupation in our minds. And the revision of the global family and youth gender policies, there are very beautiful banners that I see in the square right now. For example, 'Stop pedophilia', 'Stop this wanton raid', 'Stop LGBT propaganda and imposition!', 'Stop the nonbinary society project!', 'Let's bring constitutional protection for this', 'There is no gender reassignment, there is gender cancellation' ... We see from very beautiful banners that there is a very serious awareness."

The gangs that supported the genocide in Gaza are the same as those at the Paris Olympics

Expressing that the current new version of the mischievous raid that invaded the homeland for a period of time is this trend against global morality, Tarhan stated that "I am going to share with you a secret that everyone knows but cannot tell. The global gangs that propagated nonbinary at the Paris Olympics are the same gangs that are currently supporting the genocide in Gaza. This is not a joke, and these are the same gangs. Let the spirit of our Mehmet Akif, who said, 'Shield your body, stop this wanton raid!' be a witness. This is the new version of this wanton raid. The current new version of the wanton raid that invaded our homeland is this perversion, and immorality against this global family. It uses the sport, it uses the music, and it uses the media. It uses these as a weapon and fascinates us and hypnotizes us. We need to see that. And there is Dhu al-Qarnayn who is written about this in the scriptures. Dhu al-Qarnayn is a symbol. Symbol against evil. Your breasts, hearts, souls and minds, which are like the Sadd al-Dhul-Qarnain, need to be a shiled against this. Because the current new version of the danger of Gog and Magog is this propaganda of nonbinary. For this reason, these propagandas have a very serious invisible meaning. We should not forget that our sacred values are threatened."

"Those who are deaf and dumb are responsible..."

Pointing out that there is no point in consulting a psychiatrist after the age of 15, Tarhan mentioned that this should be realized before the age of 10 and children should be given sexual education in accordance with their sexual biological nature. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows: "We need to put a stop to this globally organized and automated evil that has brainwashed us. We will wake up from this unawareness because we all have children and grandchildren. We need to do something about it. Otherwise, there is no point in consulting a psychiatrist anymore. There is no point in consulting after the age of 15. It is very difficult to treat now, but before that, if this is realized before the age of 15 or even before the age of 10 and children are given gender education in accordance with their sexual biological nature, that child recovers quickly. We see clinical examples of this. It is not difficult at all. Therefore, these deaf and dumb people are also responsible for it. They have been complicit in this evil. For this reason, I say 'Long live hell for the oppressors!' against the evil gangs, against the propaganda of nonbinary, against immorality, against racial propaganda, against the propaganda of perversion, against this propaganda that wants to corrupt our youth and destroy the family. I say, 'Long live!' for the beautiful future and the beautiful generations and who use their minds, hearts and souls for this."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)