Improper use of the drain opener poses a serious risk of explosion and poisoning!

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Noting that first of all, a small package of 70-100 grams of drain opener should be carefully sprinkled into the sink and then hot water should be poured on it, OHS Specialist Dr. Rüştü Uçan said that "In terms of the health and safety of the user, it is important to pour hot water from a distance of at least 1 meter, to use gloves and protective glasses, if any."

Chemical Engineer Instructor Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen pointed out that if the drain opener product does not remove the blockage in the first use, the same process should be applied again, and emphasized, "It should definitely not be mixed with cleaning products such as degreaser, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid."

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Head of Occupational Health and Safety Department, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan and Occupational Health and Safety Specialist Instructor Cüneyt Gezen gave important warnings about the safe use of drain opener materials.

The accident in Bahçelievler is a warning

Reminding that there was a violent explosion due to the chemical drain opener used by a 78-year-old citizen while trying to open the clogged kitchen sink in Bahçelievler, İstanbul, Asst. Prof. Rüştü Uçan said that the person who was burned 40 percent of their body as a result of the explosion was hospitalized and that the experts who examined the situation emphasized that similar accidents have increased in recent years.

The chemical structure of drain openers...

Stating that the drain openers on the market consist of 95-99 percent sodium hydroxide, from a chemical point of view Prof. Dr. Rüştü Uçan said that "This substance is a very strong alkaline chemical. The way of use should be as follows: first of all, a small package of 70-100 grams is carefully sprinkled inside the sink. Then hot water is poured over it. In the meantime, an intense chemical reaction takes place with swelling and foaming, and toxic gases are released. For the health and safety of the user, it is important to pour hot water from a distance of at least 1 meter, to use gloves and protective glasses, if any."

Do not use very strong acids such as hydrochloric acid or nitric acid with the opener!

Stating that instead of hot water, the use of very strong acids such as hydrochloric acidor nitric acid is definitely not recommended by experts, with the idea of opening the clogged sink better. Prof. Rüştü Uçan expressed that "During the use of similar products, there is a very severe acid-base reaction, as a result of the blistering and explosion reaction, caustic and cauterizing chemical splashes can be seen on the skin and eyes, and even toxic chlorine gas is released that can cause the death of the user."

The affected areas of the victim should be washed under water for at least 15 minutes

Emphasizing that the necessary precautions should be taken for the safe use of such products and that the warning statements on the packaging must be read before use, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist and Chemical Engineer Instructor Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen stated that "It is of great importance to wear gloves in the use of the product, not to mix it with another product, and to store foodstuffs and children out of reach. In case of injury or poisoning as a result of a possible accident, the affected areas of the victim must be immediately washed underwater for at least 15 minutes and 112 for emergency health services or 114 for the National Poison Center (UZEM) should be called. Such products must be kept away from metals such as aluminum, magnesium, zinc and should never be mixed with cleaning products such as hypochlorite, degreaser, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid. Contact with drain opener products can lead to severe skin burns and eye damage."

If it does not open on the first use, the process should be repeated

Pointing out that if the drain opener product does not remove the blockage in the first use, the same process should be applied again, Instructor Mustafa Cüneyt Gezen concluded his remarks as follows:

"If there is still no result, instead of using other chemicals, mechanical cleaning should be done by opening the S pipe under the sink by taking the necessary health and safety measures. Those who cannot do this process alone should definitely seek help from a plumber. Extreme care must be taken during the use of similar products, adequate health and safety measures must be taken, and appropriate personal protective equipment (gloves, goggles, etc.) must be used.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)