Children should never be left alone in amusement parks!

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As the weather warms up, families with children often visit amusement parks and playgrounds. Pointing out the precautions to be taken for children to have fun safely in such places during the Eid al-Adha, experts emphasize that the equipment in playgrounds and amusement parks should be operated empty to check the working parts on a daily basis. Stating that the machines in amusement parks should be checked and maintained by experts at least twice a month, the experts also warned that children should never be left alone in amusement parks.

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Instructor Esad Sadık Demirtaş evaluated the security of playgrounds and amusement parks, which are popular with families with children during the holidays.

Periodic checks should be made regularly

Stating that businesses such as amusement parks are one of the places that appeal to all ages and where people can have fun, OHS Specialist Esad Sadık Demirtaş said that "Today, the number of occupational accidents occurring in businesses is increasing. Employers have a great responsibility in this process. Operators should have regular periodic checks of amusement vehicles such as Ferris wheels, bumper cars, gondolas, roller coasters, kamikaze, which work with many machine parts, especially in amusement parks where children are predominant."

It should be run and checked empty every day

OHS Specialist Demirtaş noted that "in cases where the safety of the work equipment depends on the installation and assembly conditions, periodic checks must be carried out after the installation of the equipment and before it is used for the first time, after important maintenance and repairs, and at every change of location" and stated that "These tools should be operated empty to check the working parts on a daily basis."

Inspection and maintenance should be done at least 2 times a month

Emphasizing that according to the regulation on Workplace Opening and Operating Licenses, the control and maintenance of construction, equipment and machines in amusement parks must be carried out regularly by at least one mechanical or electrical engineer and at least one mechanical or electrical technician, not less than 2 times a month, Demirtaş stated that "Regular inspections and maintenance can also be carried out by authorized technical services under the supervision of the employer. People working in the amusement park should be given trainings on the hazards that may occur in the workplace and these trainings should be renewed periodically according to the workplace hazard class. These processes are the most important tasks for amusement park operators."

Safety precautions should be taken to avoid accidents

Explaining that the phrase among the obligations of the employer in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation No. 6331 that is 'To prevent occupational risks in the workplace, to take all kinds of measures including training and information, to organize, to provide the necessary tools and equipment, to adapt health and safety measures to changing conditions and to improve the current situation', Demirtaş continued his remarks as follows: "To identify the dangers in case of an accident in an entertainment center where periodic controls are not carried out. Operators who do not take any safe measures in this regard will be defective. Safety precautions should not be taken after an accident has occurred, but before it occurs by analyzing the hazards with a proactive approach."

Seat belts are a must in moving machines and game vehicles

Reminding that the installation, use and operation of amusement rides in the amusement park are subject to the standard TS EN 13814 – Machines and Structures Used in Amusement Parks and Playgrounds published by the Turkish Standards Institute, Demirtaş also stated that the Regulation on Workplace Opening and Working Licenses gives detailed information and listed the concepts that need special attention according to the relevant regulation as follows:

"Seat belts shall be available in moving machines and playground vehicles. In case of power failure, there shall be a generator with sufficient capacity to be activated automatically. There shall be at least one modern toilet and mirrored sink for every 50 people, half for women and half for men. The floor shall be covered with suitable material that will not remove dust. Gambling and similar games of chance shall not be played, except for games based on knowledge and intelligence, skill and talent."

Inspections are very important in terms of preventing accidents

Referring to the importance of regular inspections of amusement parks, Instructor Esad Sadık Demirtaş stated that "Inspections should be carried out by municipal units and expert teams within the ministry. The team should include a mechanical engineer, mechatronics engineer, electrical engineer and occupational safety specialist." Demirtaş emphasized that these inspections are critical in terms of preventing possible accidents on playgrounds.

Particular attention should be paid to children

Stating that families have important duties, Demirtaş expressed that "With the developing technology, children spend a lot of time with computers and tablets. Amusement park areas are areas established for children to have fun and even socialize. The duty of our families here is very critical. It should be ensured that children use seat belts in recreational vehicles, and individuals with health problems such as heart diseases, diabetes and blood pressure should avoid toys that require high adrenaline. Attention should be paid to the presence of security guards and children should never be left alone in amusement parks."

Demirtaş added that in addition to regular inspections and periodic controls, occupational safety trainings given to employees will minimize the risk of accidents in amusement parks.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)