Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "A productive holiday will be good for family bonds"

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Commenting on the importance and place of holidays in society, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "Children love holidays very much. Children are delighted. Therefore, we recommend that the holidays be spent with children in a quality way and contribute to the family. A productive holiday will be good for family bonds. Holidays are times to make family life popular." Tarhan stated that "Holidays are the times when we learn relationship management."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the importance and place of holidays in society.

Holidays are a social need

Stating that there are holidays and special days not only in our belief system, but also in all religions, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "We also have Ramadan Feast and Eid al-Adha. Holidays are a social need."

Reminding that religious holidays should be considered not only with their religious dimension, but also with their individual and social dimensions, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that the main meaning of Eid al-Adha is to get closer to Allah.

Sacrifice means to get closer

Emphasizing the worship dimension of religious holidays, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "People need to know their meaning to fulfill religious rituals and religious practices. The main meaning of Eid al-Adha is to get closer to Allah. The emergence of the Eid al-Adha is that when Prophet Ibrahim dreamed the sacrifice of his son Ismail, he realized that this was a command from Allah. He wants to show his submission to Allah for helping him cope with the difficulties he faces, and he decides to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Both of them win this test of submission, and in return, a sacrifice is sent through Gabriel. In fact, the goal here is to get him to take a step towards getting closer. Sacrifice means to get closer. If we do not think about the meaning, we will see Eid al-Adha only as a festival of animal sacrifice."

Love, respect and trust make the family a safe space

Stating that gratitude is also recommended in Western culture, Prof. Tarhan noted that social capital in the family can increase with the enrichment of three values, and these three values are love, respect and trust.

Pointing out that these three values and emotions make the family a safe space, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "We need an opportunity to increase this. Holidays offer this opportunity."

Drawing attention to the contribution of holidays to the development of children, Prof. Tarhan stated that a productive holiday is also good for family bonds, and that holidays are days to make family life popular.

Holidays contribute to the development of empathy skills

Stating that holidays also contribute to the development of skills such as sharing and empathy, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "We need to live by remembering the meaning of Eid al-Adha. The holiday has a spiritual dimension as well as a worship dimension for religious reasons. We need the sacrifice, not Allah. Sharing with those in need by someone who has the power to sacrifice develops empathy about awareness. It makes wealthy people aware of non-wealthy people. In this respect, there is an aspect of the holidays that can contribute to the development of empathy skills in people."

Noting that another aspect of the holiday is to cooperate with other people, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "It is possible to chat, share and establish relationships with our family and loved ones. Holidays are where we learn relationship management."

Holidays are the cure for empathy poverty...

Emphasizing the importance of doing good deeds during the holidays and being aware of others, Prof. Tarhan said that "The most important benefit is to the family structure. We should see the holidays as an increase in social capital in the family."

Stating that holidays are the cure for empathy poverty, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "It is necessary to go to the Eid prayer with our child, to give to the child while helping others and to say help you, not only to receive, but also to give. Because life is not just taking, it is a give-and-take. The giver wins. It is necessary to live by sharing during the holiday."

Holidays should be seen as an opportunity to meet, not for vacation...

Stating that holidays are very valuable as a time to spend time with their family and loved ones, especially for people who work intensively, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "Today, it is preferred to take a vacation. It should not be seen as a holiday, but as a social event and an opportunity to meet. Even if you are going to go somewhere, it is important to be able to go together. The holidays bring everyone together. Holidays have a very important role in the psychological behavior development of children. One of the most important factors in the behavioral development of children is the holidays."

Children love holidays

Emphasizing the importance of children loving the family, Prof. Tarhan said that "Children love holidays very much. Children are delighted. For this reason, we recommend that the holidays be spent with children in a quality way and contribute to the family. A productive holiday will be good for family bonds. Holidays are days to make family life popular. This needs to be considered as an opportunity."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan added that the holidays give people psychological resilience.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)