Holiday enthusiasm in Üsküdar and NPİSTANBUL family

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The tradition of Üsküdar University and NPİSTANBUL Hospital family greeting was not broken this holiday. Members of the family experienced the excitement of Eid al-Adha beforehand. Academic, expert and administrative staff participated in the 'Online Greeting’ ceremony held with the participation of Üsküdar University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Furkan Tarhan and Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör.

Üsküdar University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Furkan Tarhan, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör, Former Rector Prof. Mehmet Zelka Rector, Vice-Rectors Prof. Sevil Atasoy, Advisors to the Rector, Deans, Directors and NPİSTANBUL Hospital managers attended the online celebration ceremony.

Furkan Tarhan: "Our university entered the holiday with a nice gift. By being among the top 500 universities, it was deemed worthy under the title of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals"

Pointing out that Üsküdar University is among the top 500 universities in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Üsküdar University Chairman of the Board of Trustees Furkan Tarhan expressed that "It is nice to see everyone together, even if it is on the screen. Online greeting has become a tradition in our country. In the context of what is happening in Palestine and Gaza, I would like to emphasize that we have entered the holiday with bitterness for the Islamic world. Our university entered the holiday with a nice gift by being among the top 500 universities it was deemed worthy of under the title of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. I would like to thank our academic and administrative staff who contributed. I would like to congratulate the holiday of all our employees, including the entire Üsküdar University family, NPİSTANBUL Hospital, Dental Hospital, our medical centers and our foundation. We are a huge family of approximately thousand people. I wish them and their families a happy holiday. I wish you all health, happiness and peace."

Prof. Nazife Güngör: "Holidays provide an opportunity for cultural and social interaction"

Emphasizing that holidays are an opportunity to increase smiles and love, Prof. Nazife Güngör expressed that "Holidays provide an opportunity for cultural and social interaction. Coming together, shaking hands, greetings, mutual smiles... These are great opportunities to increase smiles and love... Unfortunately, we, the people living in the big city, immediately turn this into a holiday opportunity. In the intensity and hustle of that city, in the intensity of the work flow, we see it as a respite from ourselves a little more, a rest, but under normal conditions, on the contrary, this is an important and beautiful value as a tradition of coming together, spending time together... Now we are entering one of our beautiful traditions, Eid al-Adha. On this occasion, we will all take a breather. I wish each of you a beautiful, happy, peaceful holiday with plenty of rest. May all the beauties come on the holiday, and the beauties that come on the holiday will never go away again."

Vice-Rectors, Advisors to the Rector, Deans of Faculties, Directors of Institutes, and academic and administrative staff participated in the celebration ceremony, where family members shared their holiday wishes in a sincere atmosphere.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)