"Evidence Collection and Evidence Safety in Sexual Assault Training of Trainers" was held

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.48200

"Evidence Collection and Evidence Safety Trainer Training in Sexual Assault" was organized jointly by Üsküdar University Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences and the Ministry of Health. The training, which was held between June 11-13 this year with the participation of obstetricians and gynecologists working in the hospitals of the Ministry of Health, was held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Ayhan Songar Conference Hall. 62 people made presentations in the training.

Director of the Graduate School of Addiction and Forensic Sciences, Vice Rector Prof. Sevil Atasoy, Vice Head of the Department of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Sciences Specialist Dr. Tuğba Ünsal Sapan and many forensic scientists participated in the event as educators.

Prof. Sevil Atasoy: "Sexual violence is a serious public health problem..."

In the training attended by obstetrician physicians working in the hospitals of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "We must make a significant difference in our country. I hope that our messages will reach a wide audience. We have been working on this issue for many years. Sexual assault is a serious crime and affects millions of people. According to the World Health Organization, one in three women experiences sexual violence in their lifetime. This is not only a situation faced by women, but also a very serious trauma faced by men and boys. However, the numbers are always given over women in the statistics. Sexual violence is a serious public health problem. Unfortunately, only 14 percent of victims go to the police..."

"Notification is low because the victim is being blamed..."

Stating that the rate of victims of sexual assault reporting the assault in Türkiye is low, Prof. Sevil Atasoy expressed that "When we look at the rate of reporting sexual assault, Türkiye has a low report card in this regard. Therefore, the notification is low because, in a sense, the victim is being blamed. 'If they had not dressed like that, if they had not gone there, if they had not been with this... etc.', the victim is accused. We know that the rate of reporting is low because they were excluded or even killed in the family. There are many countries of the world that are in the same way. In the low notification, we see that cultural norms prevent them in the first place."

“Success depends on proper crime scene investigation."

Pointing out that the crime scene investigation should be done very well to find out who the assaulter is, Prof. Sevil Atasoy stated that "If a crime scene is not well examined, no matter what type of crime it is, from theft to manslaughter, success depends only on proper crime scene investigation. Bodies are also a crime scene. This is a genetic analysis. The reason why it is necessary to collect biological samples is that we aim to get an idea of who the assaulter is with close to one hundred percent accuracy by doing a genetic analysis at the end."

Participation was intense this year as well...

The training was followed with great interest by the participants this year as well.

At the event, the participants were informed about the legal aspects of sexual assault, criminal sanctions, what physicians should do and the process of collecting safe evidence.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)