Support Letter for the manifesto from the oldest university in Ukraine!

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The 'Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights', which was prepared jointly by Üsküdar University and Kazakhstan L.N. Guliyev National Eurasian University, opened for signature about a month ago and signed by nearly 390 thousand people, also received support from Ukraine.

In the letter signed by the Vice-Rector of the Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil State Pedagogical University, one of the oldest higher education institutions in Western Ukraine, Prof. Nadiya Drobyk stated that "We strongly support the ‘Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights’. We believe that this manifesto is an important step in the effort to build a just and peaceful world based on dignity and respect for all people."

Ukraine also supports the joint 'Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights', which was opened for signature by Üsküdar University and Kazakhstan L.N. Guliyev National Eurasian University about a month ago. A letter of support for the 'Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights' was sent by the Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Nadiya Drobyk of the Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil State Pedagogical University which is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Western Ukraine.

An important step to build a peaceful world

In the letter addressed to President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör and L.N Guliyev National Eurasian University Rector Prof. Yerlan Sydykov, the following statements were included:

"We, the Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil State Pedagogical University of Ukraine, strongly support the 'Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights'. We believe that this manifesto is an important step in the effort to build a just and peaceful world based on dignity and respect for all people.

We appreciate the fundamental principles of the Manifesto as it advocates that every human being has the right to life, liberty and personal security, deserve to be treated equally without discrimination and has the right to live in peace and prosperity.”

"We believe it will help create a more just and better world..."

"As an educational institution, we are committed to promoting these values and educating our students to be responsible and ethical citizens. We are dedicated to contributing to the vision presented by the Manifesto and working for the protection of human rights and the fundamental freedoms of all people. We stand ready to collaborate with other organizations and individuals in support of this important document. We believe that our joint efforts to spread and put into practice the message of the Manifesto will help to create a more just and better world for all."

It was signed by nearly 390 thousand people in about a month

The 'Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights', prepared jointly by Üsküdar University and Kazakhstan L.N. Guliyev National Eurasian University, was opened for signature on May 14, 2024.

The Manifesto, which draws attention to the events in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and most recently in Gaza, will be presented to the UN General Assembly and the Security Council at the end of this year.

In the Manifesto, which has been signed by nearly 390 thousand people so far and consists of 10 articles, it was stated that “Based on the events experienced, we, as two universities, predicted that universal concepts and ideas should be reviewed. As L.N. Guliyev National Eurasian University Astana/Kazakhstan and Üsküdar University, Istanbul/Türkiye, we thought that it was a sin for the University community, which is the environment where human rights and freedom are experienced and discussed in the highest level, to remain silent in such a situation. We wanted to make our voices heard with an institutional understanding rather than an individual reaction and express our thoughts with a manifesto.”


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)