Al-Mizan: Covenant for the Earth: The first steps of Mizan have been taken

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Within the scope of World Environment Day, which is celebrated on June 5 every year and aims to raise awareness about environmental problems, Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Form Director Prof. İbrahim Özdemir shared the latest developments about the “Al-Mizan: Covenant for the Earth”, which brings an Islamic approach to environmental management and was launched in Kenya in February.

Drawing attention to the steps taken for the principles of Mizan to be embraced in the society, Prof. Özdemir stated that "Various programs and training sessions will be organized and trainings will be given to community leaders to ensure the active participation of local communities and mosques. Moreover, young people have a very important place in the Mizan initiative, and special programs designed to benefit from their energy and innovative ideas have been created."

Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Form Director Prof. İbrahim Özdemir evaluated the “Al-Mizan: Covenant for the Earth” within the scope of World Environment Day.

Stating that World Environment Day is a tool used by the United Nations to promote awareness and action worldwide for the protection of our environment, Özdemir expressed that "The day, which has been celebrated on June 5 every year since 1974, has become a platform building global public opinion with the participation of more than 143 countries. Their main goal is to raise awareness about environmental issues, promote action at the global, national and local levels, promote sustainable practices and development, and promote partnerships for environmental protection."

The first steps were taken to establish the principles of Mizan in society

Following the launch of Al-Mizan: Covenant for the Earth, Özdemir expressed that a series of strategic steps were taken for its principles to be embraced in societies and institutions.

"Steering committees have been set up at both local and national levels. These committees are tasked with overseeing the implementation of Mizan's principles. Outreach programs were created to engage local communities, emphasizing the importance of environmental stewardship as a faith-based responsibility. Partnerships have been established with leading environmental NGOs to benefit from their expertise and resources. Work continues to create comprehensive educational resources, including guidelines and tools, to support communities in adopting sustainable practices."

"Trainings will be given to community leaders to raise awareness of local communities"

Stating that various programs and training sessions were organized to ensure the active participation of local communities and mosques, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir said that they implemented activities such as the Green Mosque certificate program, workshops, seminars, environmentally friendly campaigns and training of educators, and talked about the targeted activities with these activities as follows:

"These events will provide mosques with the tools and guidelines they need to reduce their environmental footprint, promoting sustainable practices within their communities. Regular workshops and seminars will be held to educate community leaders and members on environmental issues and sustainable living. Campaigns focused on reducing waste, conserving water and promoting the use of renewable energy will be launched at the base level. Specific trainings will be provided to community leaders and imams to equip them with the knowledge and skills to advocate and implement environmentally friendly practices. As Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Form, we presented our project on this subject to National Education. Studies on the same subject continue in Europe and Indonesia. In the coming period, in cooperation with the Presidency of Religious Affairs, training of religious leaders such as Mufti, Imam-Hatip and Muezzin will be provided."

"The Mizan initiative includes special programs designed for young people"

Referring to initiatives such as Mizan's youth council and summit, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir stated that "We are still carrying out a joint project on this issue as the European Climate Foundation and Üsküdar University. We inform the society and especially young people on social media channels. Environmental problems are problems that concern all of us. Only by cooperating can we find a solution."

Adding that young people have a very important place in the Mizan initiative and that there are special programs designed to benefit from their energy and innovative ideas, Prof. Özdemir explained these programs as follows:

"The Mizan Youth Council consists of young environmental activists and leaders from various communities. It provides a platform for young people to voice their concerns, propose solutions, and actively participate in environmental decision-making. We will hold one of the important meetings on this subject in New York in August.

The Youth Environment Summit is an annual summit that brings together young people from across the region to discuss environmental challenges, share success stories, and develop actionable plans for their communities.

Youth Led Projects also provide funding and support for youth-led environmental projects that are aligned with Mizan's principles and encourage creativity and hands-on participation in sustainability efforts."

"Mizan's success will be under constant evaluation"

Pointing out that the applicability and success of Mizan are evaluated through a comprehensive set of criteria and continuous monitoring, Prof. İbrahim Özdemir concluded his remarks as follows:

"Community participation, scope and effectiveness of environmental programs and initiatives will be measured. Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and improvements in energy efficiency will be monitored in participating communities and institutions. The adoption of sustainable practices such as waste reduction, water conservation and the use of renewable energy sources will be evaluated. The increase in environmental awareness and education among community members, especially young people, will be evaluated. The creation and success of partnerships with other organizations and stakeholders will be monitored. These steps, programs, and evaluation criteria underline Mizan's commitment to promoting a sustainable and environmentally responsible society based on faith-based principles."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)