Faculty of Medicine started medical education accreditation studies

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.47910

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine has started to work on Medical Education Accreditation on a national and international scale. The first step of the organized work with TEPDAD, a quality organization recognized by the Higher Education Quality Council and the World Federation of Medical Education, was the visit to the Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine of the University of Health Sciences.

The meeting was attended by University of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Erdoğan Çetinkaya, University of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Dean Vice Prof. Dr. Ebru Kale, University of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine graduates Fulya Senem Karaahmetoğlu and Zeynep Betül Özcan, Chairman of the Faculty of Medicine Accreditation Commission Prof. Nilgün Tekkeşin, and Üsküdar University Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine Zeynal Abidin Kocadağ.

Accreditation preparation processes were discussed

During the interviews, the processes experienced by the University of Health Sciences Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine while preparing for the Medical Education Accreditation studies were discussed, and ideas were exchanged.

Prof. Nilgün Tekkeşin and Secretary of the Faculty of Medicine Zeynal Abidin Kocadağ expressed their gratitude to the University of Health Sciences Hamidiye Faculty of Medicine Accreditation teams for their valuable knowledge and experience.

It was mentioned that all academic, administrative staff and students participating in the accreditation studies set out together to contribute to the improvement of the quality of medical education, the provision of health services and the development of the health level of the society.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)