The event titled "Food Technology Company Meetings - 1" was held

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Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services (VSHS) Food Technology Department and Food Club organized the "Food Technology Company Meetings – 1 / SSN Sports" event. In the event, which was attended by trainers and athletes who are experts in their fields, the importance of sports was emphasized. VSHS Director Prof. Mesut Karahan stated that "In addition to theoretical courses, it is very valuable for professionals to share their experiences..."

REKK Sports Foods SSN Sports Food Consultant Mete Pakalın, Coach Can Ünal, Dietitian / Sports Nutritionist Derya Deregözü, Personal Trainer / Athlete Mehran Kamyar, Personal Trainer / Athlete Ebrar Vaklızadeh, Trainer / Athlete Simge Amulhan, Trainer / Athlete Mehmet Kanı participated as guests in the event held at Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus Emir Nebi Conference Hall.

Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Director Prof. Mesut Karahan also attended the event.

The moderator of the "Food Technology Company Meetings – 1 / SSN Sports" event was Asst. Prof. Dr. Salih Tuncay and Food Technology Program Instructor Selen Akbulut.

Prof. Mesut Karahan: "We have a three-module education system"

Prof. Karahan stated that "We are the most comprehensive in Türkiye in the group of vocational schools of health services. We have over 7100 students in the normal education group and evening education. I am a food technologist. I usually say how important sports are in my life and that nutrition is also on the agenda. Today, a session is being held where both sports and nutrition will be discussed. In our vocational school, we have an education system with a total of three modules. In the form of theoretical courses, laboratories of our university, going to the field/vocational training. Moreover, it is very valuable for us to have professionals come and be guests. We want to have more programs like this because we will learn that what we know to be true is wrong, and maybe what we know wrong is right."

Asst. Prof. Salih Tuncay: "Processed and packaged products are consumed intensively..."

Head of Food Technology Program Asst. Prof. Salih Tuncay said that many people today consume processed and packaged products widely. Tuncay stated that "Technicians who ensure that food reaches the end consumer under hygienic and healthy conditions and are involved in every stage of production are trained within the scope of this program. Today we will talk about issues related to sports nutrition and bodybuilding. It is extremely important to use foods that are healthy, hygienic and have high nutritional values. Today, many people cannot consume what they produce, and they consume processed and packaged products widely and intensively. At this point, food additives are inevitable for the food industry. During the processing of natural products, vitamins and minerals in the composition of the product lose value in terms of nutritional values. Food supplements are extremely important for the purpose of recovering values. Another point is that the metabolism characteristics of each individual are different from each other in the everyday life model. This difference varies according to age, gender, living conditions, exercise and nutrition groups."

Mete Pakalın: "We are among the top five in the sector"

REKK Sports Foods SSN Sports Food Consultant Mete Pakalın informed about REKK company to the participants. Pakalın stated that "REKK Sports Foods is a company that has been producing 100 percent domestic certified products in Eskişehir, Türkiye for 9 years. We are among the top five in the industry. We produce our products in-house and make our own packaging. We do not outsource products in any way. Therefore, we are a 100 percent halal certified company. We have been standing for 9 years with the right planning and marketing."

Dietitian Derya Deregözü: "Uniform diets are not suitable for everyone"

Sports Nutritionist/ Dietitian Derya Deregözü expressed that the nutrients that each person needs are different and pointed out that everyone's metabolism works differently. Deregözü stated that "Each individual's metabolism is influenced by a number of factors such as age, gender, genetic makeup, lifestyle and physical activities, and therefore everyone's metabolism differs. These differences affect a person's energy needs, nutrient needs, and metabolic processes that take place in the body. Therefore, the nutrients that each person needs, and the appropriate diet plan may vary according to their personal metabolic characteristics. Therefore, it is important that a uniform diet is not suitable for everyone, and individual needs must be taken into account."

Deregözü: "Proper nutrition is vital while doing sports"

Dietitian Derya Deregözü said that proper nutrition is vital while doing sports and continued her remarks as follows: "A balanced diet provides the body with the energy, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals it needs. It is important to consume a light meal before exercise, pay attention to fluid intake during exercise, and consume a snack rich in protein and carbohydrates after exercise. Moreover, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition plan appropriately according to the type of sport, duration and intensity of the person. Properly managing eating habits improves the performance of athletes while also supporting their overall health and well-being."

In the panel, the participants, who shared their experiences in the sector, gave important advice to the students. At the end of the event, a certificate of appreciation was presented to the participants by Head of the Food Technology Program, Asst. Prof. Salih Tuncay. The event ended after a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)