Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Spiritual jihad is jihad in peace and is the most powerful weapon of this age"

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"First Prophetic Ethics Symposium Al-i Bayt Platform Establishment Meeting" was organized in cooperation between Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Risale-i Nur Research Platform (RİNAP).

The "Al-i Bayt Platform" Preliminary Protocol was signed between the Islamic University of Rotterdam and Üsküdar University.

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "There is a need for a new definition of jihad. Spiritual jihad is jihad in peace, and it is the most powerful weapon of this age. The 1.5 million people in Gaza, who do the best to define jihad, are the ones who show good morals and spread Islamophobia around the world. They did not engage in any terrorist activities, they surrendered completely to Allah."

Chairman of the International Ahl Al-Bayt Foundation Cesim Zeydanlı stated that "After the last prophet, this ummah (Islam nation) was divided into factions like the people of Prophet Moses (pbuh)."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Risale-i Nur Research Platform (RİNAP) held in partnership with Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences organized "First Prophetic Ethics Symposium Al-i Beyt Platform Establishment Meeting" in İbni Sina Auditorium at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus.

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made the opening speech in the event.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "There is a moral crisis in the world"

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "There is a moral crisis in the world. There are examples of this in Türkiye as well," and added that this meeting was organized to provide information to be passed on to young generations.

Stating that they held the symposium in line with the request conveyed to them by the Ahl al-Bayt associations and foundations, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "Our reason for holding the symposium is the events in Gaza. We have seen that the Islamic world does not live by the Prophetic morality."

“The definition of jihad in the Islamic world needs to be redefined"

Noting that Prophet İbrahim said to Gabriel while being thrown into the fire, "Allah knows, it is enough for me", and that Prophet Muhammad said, "Allah is with us" in the Battle of Badr, Prof. Tarhan explained that when Prophet Muhammad was angry with Hazrat Abu Bakr, he said that "The angels who will protect you are gone because you are angry." Stating that the morality of the Prophet does not mix anger with his feelings, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "The definition of jihad in the Islamic world needs to be redefined. When one thinks of jihad, one always thinks of armed jihad. Spiritual jihad is jihad in peace, and it is the most powerful weapon of this age. The greatest jihad at this time is the spiritual jihad. There is a need for a new definition of jihad, and the 1.5 million people in Gaza, who are the ones who do this definition of jihad best, who show good morality, who spread Islamophobia in the world. They did not engage in any terrorist activity, they surrendered completely."

"Prophetic morality must be built in the hearts..."

Noting that 'prophetic morality means complete submission to Allah' and that this morality has been forgotten in the Islamic world, Prof. Tarhan said that the morality and oppression of the Umayyads were mistaken for Islam, and that the Prophet did not even raise his voice in his life.

Reminding that the first verse is 'read', Prof. Tarhan stated that 'read' means reading the book of the Universe.

Stating that Islam cannot be explained through events such as violence and terrorism, Prof. Tarhan noted that Prophetic morality should be built in hearts.

"We are heading into a world of serious ego inflation..."

Pointing to the moral crisis in the world, Prof. Tarhan stated that there is a period of pursuit of pleasure and money and said, "The greatest need right now is the need for good people and morality."

Noting that there is an epidemic of narcissism, Prof. Tarhan also noted that arrogant, self-righteous, s people, who are always what I say, are increasing, there are people with inflated egos, and we are heading towards a world where serious ego inflation is experienced.

Stating that modernism is in a civilization crisis, hedonism, narcissism, loneliness, unhappiness, depression and suicides are increasing, Prof. Tarhan added that anti-religious sentiment is also increasing and there is a need for good morals all over the world.

Prof. Öngören: "Ahli Bayt is the common point of both Sunnism and Shiism"

In his speech at the opening, Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies Faculty Member Prof. Reşat Öngören stated that the studies carried out as an institute will form an academic basis for the goals of this meeting, and that they have started a study on the concept of Ahli Bayt in the Ottoman period.

Prof.Reşat Öngören expressed that "Ahli Bayt is the common point of both Sunnism and Shiism," and added that it would be easier to create a common platform in this field with a Sufi perspective.

Cesim Zeydanlı: "All the people who will be until the Day of Judgment have pledged allegiance to our Lord"

Cesim Zeydanlı, President of the International Ahl al-Bayt Foundation, stated that "When Prophet Adam (pbuh) was created as the reason for the existence of the worlds, all the people who would be until the Day of Judgment were created from him as pieces, and our Lord asked them for allegiance by giving them a soul. The spirits accepted and pledged allegiance by taking their addresses."

Cesim Zeydanlı reminded that Cain, who was born after the first human Prophet Adam, and who was from the Al-i Bayt, separated from the Truth and the Al-Bayt and slaughtered his brother Abel, and thus said that the first sedition on earth had begun.

Stating that this sedition caused separation from the Truth, divisions into factions and the formation of new factions among the later ummahs, Cesim Zeydanlı said:

"After the last prophet, this Ummah was divided like the people of Prophet Moses (pbuh)."

"Our Lord sent new prophets and new books to invite people back to the Truth. Again, people left. Until the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad, the herald of the Truth, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds. After the last prophet, this ummah was divided like the people of Prophet Moses (pbuh). Each party said that it was on the path of the Truth and accused the other parties of shirk and cited verses from the Qur'an as evidence for themselves. The main reason for the division of these factions was because the virtue and superiority of the Al-Bayt were denied after the Prophet. This fight, which started then, continues today. Al-Bayt says, ‘As long as this nation continues in this way, its salvation is not possible.’ How will this Ummah be saved? After that, there will be no new prophets, no new books. This is clearly stated in the verse addressed to the Prophet: 'Say to Habib, 'I want nothing but love and affection for you for my duty to the Prophet (peace be upon him).'"

President of the World Ahl al-Bayt Foundation Fermani Altun: "The reference of our Prophet, our Lord and the Qur'an is the Ahl al-Bayt"

President of the World Ahl al-Bayt Foundation Fermani Altun stated in his speech that the World Ahl al-Bayt Foundation is the center of those who live Islam correctly under the roof of the Ahl al-Bayt Foundation. Stating that there is neither sect nor any other distinction, Altun said that "The reference of our Prophet, our Lord and the Qur'an is the Ahl al-Bayt."

Pointing out that the source of thousands of scholars is the Ahli Bayt, Fermani Altun expressed that "Unfortunately, the dark factions outside the Ahli Bayt have caused great harm to humanity since history, and they continue in the same way today."

Fermani Altun: "There is love in our religion"

Stating that he also met and established a friendship with Necmettin Erbakan, Fermani Altun expressed that "He used to attend all our meetings. He used to say, 'There can be no Muslim who is not subject to the Ahl al-Bayt.' Together with Mr. Erbakan, we broke down the curtains and walls that were stretched about Alevism-Sunnism in Türkiye. You see, all the disgraces that are seen at the disposal of imperialism today are carried out in the name of religion. No, there is love in our religion."

Stating that the ignorant and the oppressor will not have a religion, Altun said that "In the age we live in today, you cannot see the Ahl al-Bayt. Terror, divisions, and all the brutality that are taking place today are shaped at the center of imperialism, and there is no Ahl al-Bayt here. That is why all terrorist groups are hostile to the Ahl al-Bayt. In this age we live in, all Muslims and people who believe in the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) live by these values."

Seyyid Hüseyin Zarraki, Chairman of the World Sayyids and Sharifs Association address 'Seyyid' to Nevzat Tarhan...

Chairman of the World Sayyids and Sharifs Association Seyyid Hüseyin Zerraki started his speech by saying, "I would like to thank President of Üsküdar University Nevzat Tarhan for organizing such a symposium."

Sayyid Hussein Zarraqi said that the World Association of Sayyids and Sharifs was established to prevent false sayyidism and abuse, and to register real sayyids.

"The path to peace and tranquility longed for in the Islamic world passes through the Sayyids and Sharifs, the grandsons of the Messenger of Allah"

Seyyed Hussein Zarraqi expressed his wish for all Islamic sects to be in fraternal unity and solidarity without speaking out against each other's values for the Islamic world to become stronger and said that "The way to peace and tranquility, which is longed for in the Islamic world today, passes through the descendants of the Prophet, Sayyids and Sharifs. If the Ahl al-Bayt entrusted by the Prophet to his ummah is properly protected, we will overcome these problems together."

Sayyid Hussein Zarraqi stated that "Ahl al-Bayt is the common denominator of all of us, the only address and our leaven of unity. Upon the warning of the Messenger of Allah, the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon him) is like Noah's ark, whoever gets on it will be saved, and whoever turns his back will perish."

Panel on "The Importance of Prophetic Ethics and Ahl al-Bayt Wisdom in a Changing World"

A panel on "The Importance of Prophetic Morality and Ahl al-Bayt Wisdom in a Changing World" was also held at the meeting. In the panel moderated by Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Philosophy Faculty Member Prof. Alparslan Açıkgenç, Rector of the Islamic University of Rotterdam, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ottoman Studies Foundation Prof. Ahmet Akgündüz, Üsküdar University Institute for Sufi Studies Instructor. Prof. Niyazi Beki, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RINAP, and Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Basic Islamic Sciences Lecturer. Prof. Halil Çiçek took part as a speaker.

Seyyid documents of the Nevzat Tarhan family...

Rector of the Islamic University of Rotterdam and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ottoman Studies Foundation Prof. Ahmet Akgündüz, stated that the Naqibul Ashraf, which was established during the reign of Yıldırım Beyazıt, recorded the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, and explained that there were Sayyid documents of the Nevzat Tarhan family in the notebooks of Nakibül Eşraf Seyyid Ali Muhammed.

Noting that those who come from the generation of Hazrat Husayn are called Sayyid, and those who come from the generation of Hazrat Hasan are called Sharif, Prof. Ahmet Akgün pointed out the importance of the sunnah sanniyah and stated that those who abandon the sunnah sanniyah have moved away from the Al-i Bayt.

Emphasizing the importance of prophetic morality, Prof. Ahmet Akgün also pointed out the importance of obligatory, wajibs, sunnah sanniyah and said, "It is bid’ah to change them."

"When it comes to prophetic morality, the moral values of the Qur'an should come to mind," said Prof. Ahmet Akgündüz, emphasizing the importance of complying with the obligations and wajibs.

Prof. Halil Çiçek: "Deism is a great mischief"

In his speech, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Basic Islamic Sciences, Instructo Prof. Halil Çiçek stated that the secular culture of the West has caused a lot of loss to our society, one of which is the Al-i Bayt, and that they have recently 'plagued the society' with deism, and said, "Deism is a great mischief. It is very important to know the life of the Prophet. There are thousands of wisdoms in each of his sunnahs."

"Al-Bayt Platform" Preliminary Protocol signed

The Preliminary Protocol of the "Al-i Bayt Platform" was signed by the Rector of the Islamic University of Rotterdam, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Ottoman Studies Foundation Prof. Ahmet Akgündüz and President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

It was also learned that the Platform, which is founded, coordinated and cooperated by Üsküdar University, will organize academic meetings in this field. At the end of the meeting, a group photo was taken.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)