Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights were opened for signature!

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Üsküdar University and Kazakhstan N.L. Gumilev Eurasian National University prepared a joint 'Manifesto for Universal Human Values and Rights' and opened it for signature.

The manifesto, which draws attention to the events in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and most recently in Gaza, with a goal of 25 thousand signatures, will be presented to the UN General Assembly and the Security Council at the end of this year.

In the manifesto consisting of 10 items, it is stated that "Based on the events experienced, we, as two universities, predicted that universal concepts and ideas should be reviewed. As N.L. Guliyev National Eurasian University Astana/Kazakhstan and Üsküdar University, İstanbul/Türkiye, we thought that it was a sin for the University community, which is the environment where human rights and freedom are experienced and discussed in the highest level, to remain silent in such a situation. We wanted to make our voices heard with an institutional understanding rather than an individual reaction and express our thoughts with a manifesto.”

Üsküdar University and N.L. Gumilev Eurasian National University of Kazakhstan prepared a joint Manifesto of Universal Human Values and Rights and opened it for signature, inspired by the life, works and legacy of the great thinkers Al Farabi and Hodja Ahmed Yesevi, other world thinkers, the United Nations (UN), UNESCO, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It will be presented to the UN General Assembly and the Security Council at the end of this year with a goal of 25 thousand signatures.

Living values within the scope of ‘Living Values Education Program (LVEP)’ Project…

In the Manifesto that states the major goals UN are to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, the following remarks were noted:

Within the scope of international “Living Values Education Program (LVEP)” project supported by UNESCO, living values are prepared by UNICEF education cluster under 12 values as “happiness, honesty, humility, cooperation, freedom, love, peace, respect, responsibility, simplicity, tolerance, and unity” and recognized by UNESCO. UN states that “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” in article 1 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Subsequently, it is stated that “The right to life, the right to a fair trial, the right to equality, the right to liberty, the right to health, the right to asylum, the right to protection from torture, the right to obtain necessities, the right to travel, the right to marry, the right to property, the right to freedom of opinion, conscience, religion and expression, the right to assembly without aggression, the right to social security, the right to work, the right to education and learning, as well as duties and responsibilities towards the community are emphasized."

Ethical values from Al-Farabi and Hodja Ahmed Yesevi…

In the Manifesto in which it is stated that Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, world-scale scholar and philosopher from the Turkic World, one of the preeminent thinkers of the Islamic Golden Age, author of metaphysical, psychological, and political theories, Second Teacher of the World, classifies virtues under two tittles as Ethical and Intellectual, the following remarks were made:

Ethical values are defined as -Temperance, - Courage, - Generosity, -Justice, and Intellectual values as -Wisdom, - Emotional intelligence, - Social Intelligence. Thus, the most important points of ethics by Al-Farabi: true happiness is the possession of all these 7 virtues. Moreover, virtuous people Al-Farabi calls free in nature, and summarized that “Our Planet Earth will become virtuous and transform into one universal excellent state only when all the nations co-operate and help each other for the purpose of reaching felicity”.

Sayyid Hodja Ahmed Yasawi, world-famous theologist, spiritual mentor, religious scholar, educator, Turkic poet, philosopher, the most prominent religious figure in the history of Sufism (a mystic movement in Islam), founder of the first Turkic Sufi Order, in his poems highlights the importance of virtues such as wisdom, patience, and excellence, and how they contribute to genuine dignity and personal growth and emphasizes the virtues of love and trust for/in the human being, Motherland and the Divine.

24 character strengths under 6 Virtues

In the Manifesto it is mentioned that as a scientific reference, Howard Earl Gardner, the developer of the theory of multiple intelligences, places values as 24- character strengths under 6 Virtues and 24 character strengths are listed under 6 virtues as follows:

I-Wisdom II-: 1. Originality, 2. Curiosity, 3. Openness to Learning, 4. Open-mindedness, 5. Broad Perspective,

Courage III-: 6. Honesty, 7. Courage, 8. Resourcefulness, 9. Enjoyment,

Humanity IV-: 10. Compassion, 11. Capacity to love and be loved, 12. Social Intelligence,

Justice V-: 13. Fairness, 14. Leadership, 15. Citizenship,

Temperance VI-: 16. Forgiveness, 17. Humility, 18. Attention, 19. Self-control,

Transcendence: 20. Appreciation of Beauty, 21. Gratitude, 22. Hope, 23. Humour, 24. Spirituality

“The world has gone in reverse and is once again in danger”

In the Manifesto, it was noted that humanity hoped that the twenty-first century would herald a new era of global cooperation, and the following statements made:

“At the end of its first quarter this; however, we, unfortunately, witnessed that it turned out to be a mirage. Nationalism and xenophobia, inequalities and horrific violations of human rights are growing speedily. In fundamental ways, the world has gone in reverse and is once again in danger. The risks cannot be underestimated for the threat is a deadly war on a global scale. Because conflicts have deepened, and new dangers have emerged. Global anxieties about nuclear weapons are the highest since the cold war, moreover, climate change is moving vastly and fastly.

On the other hand, 2025, which opens the gate for the 21st Century’s second quarter, will be a landmark milestone that expresses the momentous stand on the issues of war and peace, security, and development, as well as rule of law and shrinking humanitarian space. In particular, in the event of the failure of the international community to establish totally new pacific, safe, secure and prosperous rhetoric, philosophy, architecture, landscape, geopolitical, geoeconomic space and order for our fragile planet, the threat of apocalypse is noteworthy.”

"Human and social inequality" become a threat to global peace

In the Manifest, it was highlighted that after analysing all the above-mentioned human values, serious "human and social inequality" created by the psycho­political events of recent 25 years become a threat to global peace. In the manifesto, it was stated that “It is time to turn to ourselves, rather than to the enemies that politics shows us, and make enemies of the hatred, racism, colonialism, discrimination, marginalisation, and silence against evil. Psycho­political events of recent 25 years become a threat to global peace. It is time to turn to ourselves, rather than to the enemies that politics shows us, and make enemies of the hatred, racism, colonialism, discrimination, marginalisation, and silence against evil. However, only together we can define, promote, and implement our universal virtues, settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared universal values. However, only together we can define, promote, and implement our universal virtues, settle conflicts, overcome hatred and defend shared universal values.”

The neglected values were reminded

Stating that it is aimed to remind people of the values that have been neglected to make our generous planet more livable, fair, peaceful and sustainable, regardless of race, color, religion, language, belief, culture and country, the following remarks were emphasized:

“Based on the events experienced, we, as two universities, predicted that universal concepts and ideas should be reviewed. As N.L. Guliyev National Eurasian University Astana/Kazakhstan and Üsküdar University, Istanbul/Türkiye, we thought that it was a sin for the University community, which is the environment where human rights and freedom are experienced and discussed in the highest level, to remain silent in such a situation. We wanted to make our voices heard with an institutional understanding rather than an individual reaction and express our thoughts with a manifesto.”

1/ We resolutely oppose wars blinded by political, ethnic, religious, sectarian, ideological, etc. ambitions, terrorism and acts of violence originating from any minority or majority.

2/ We strongly condemn the disproportionate use of force and the killing of unarmed people, civilians, and children.

3/ Humanity has reached a level of development that can solve problems by talking in the 21st century. We strongly object to humanity being judged by primitive dogmas.

4/ Economic history bears witness that our beautiful blue planet has a generosity and abundance to satisfy everyone.

5/ We strongly reject the political “God Complex”, which breeds greed, insatiability, irresponsibility, and ruthlessness. No one can ascribe divinity and holiness to themselves. Everyone is equal in terms of rights and opportunities.

6/ There is a strong need to pivotally reform UN, as well as to re-read and digest the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

7/ In the framework of UN reform, we propose that it is imperative to establish a "World Parliament", in which all the states of the world are equally represented.

8/ No state should be privileged. If the goal is justice, the method in this age is libertarian, participatory and egalitarian democracy. We emphasize that "Positive Politics" is the solution for humanity.

9/ The most important thing that distinguishes civilized societies from uncivilized societies is that they do not use violence as a method of seeking rights and solving problems. In principle, we reject the method of violence dating back to the savage period of humanity.

10/ We declare that the human species has the potential to self-destruct if we fail to develop an egalitarian policy that considers the above-mentioned human rights and values.

As a result, in today's world where faith in human rights weakened, the two university Senates discussed this manifesto and deemed it appropriate to sign it and declare it to all sensitive people.



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)