Wrong diets do not make you lose weight, on the contrary, they make you gain weight!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.45103

Noting that people apply very wrong diets when they aim to lose weight quickly in a very short time, experts say that the wrong lists applied in the process started with the aim of weight loss and weight loss lists based on inadequate and unbalanced nutrition bring obesity along with it.

Stating that the reason for the failure of popular diets is that they are not applicable, Head of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan expressed that "Because every diet, every nutrition list prepared is like an individual's fingerprint, and it is unique to that person. The lists should be prepared specifically for the individual."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Nutrition and Dietetics Department Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan evaluated the issue of rapid weight loss and shock diets.

"Weight loss lists based on unbalanced nutrition bring obesity with it"

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan stated that wrong diets can actually trigger weight gain and adversely affect health, and that unbalanced nutrition and rapid weight loss goals can often lead to unexpected results, and said that "Adequate and balanced nutrition, that is, the intake of energy, macro and micronutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins and fats, should be taken into the body in the amounts that the body needs. When people aim to lose weight quickly in a very short time, they apply very wrong diets. In this process, which they start with the goal of losing weight, there is the opposite effect, and they gain too much weight. Wrong lists, weight loss lists based on inadequate and unbalanced nutrition bring obesity along with it."

"System disorders may occur in parallel with severe, inadequate and unbalanced nutrition"

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan noted that there is a very serious information pollution on social media about diets, stating that dietitians can be reached through many channels, but people who have not been trained in this field give false information, and expressed that "In parallel with serious inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, there may be system disorders and many health problems."

"Diet has become a market, unfortunately..."

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan stated that "When we look at the history of nutrition, popular diet lists come to the fore every period," and continued her remarks as follows: "There was a stone age diet, a blood group diet came. Hollywood diets, Korean diets... It will continue on future dates. What is the reason behind this? Because, unfortunately, diet has become a market. And the lack of knowledge of individuals on this subject, their lack of knowledge about the weight loss process, and their tendency to quick and temporary solutions have made these diets popular. I do not recommend any of this. The reason for this is that all of these diets are based on the same basis, but with different names. The single food group is based on inadequate and unbalanced nutrition.

"The Korean diet... I definitely do not recommend it..."

“For example, the so-called Korean diet is a diet in which liquids are predominant, fruits and vegetables are predominant, or there are protein-based diets. None of these are acceptable diets in terms of health. We definitely do not recommend it. The main thing is to lose weight healthily on the basis of adequate and balanced nutrition. The reason why popular diets fail is that they are not implementable because every diet, every nutrition list prepared is like an individual's fingerprint, and it is unique to that person. The lists should be prepared for the individual. What we call healthy eating is actually eating without skipping meals."

Obsession with healthy eating, that is, Orthorexia...

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan pointed out the disease of obsession with extremely healthy eating called Orthorexia and expressed that "The processes is turning into a disease and saying 'I have eaten so many grams of carbohydrates, there is so much fat in it, I should not do this' are transitioning to Orthorexia. In the later stages of this, there is now a position of not liking the body shape. Despite having a healthy body shape, she is starting to see herself overweight in the mirror. That's when you shift into anorexia. After that, the unhealthy process begins."

Is a no-bread list accurate?

Pointing out that it is not right to eat with prison life for fear of gaining weight, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that there are lists that include carbohydrates, proteins and fats in an adequate and balanced diet, and that there is no list without bread because bread is a type of carbohydrate.

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan stated that "The type of bread is very important. We do not recommend white bread because the concept of glycemic index is involved. Foods high in sugar are not recommended. However, we definitely do not recommend the bread-free list. We do not find such things right. It may be bread, but the amount is important. It is also not right to forcibly give bread to a person who says a person does not eat bread. It also has its alternatives. You can consume soup and rice, but we are in favor of preferring bulgur. You can go so far with lists of single food groups and prohibitions, and the weight lost is not weight loss, there is water loss. And then it is taken back again."

Blood sugar balance is important!

Noting that they recommend grain breads with high fiber content, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "It can be grain bread, it can be made from einkorn flour, or it can be rye bread. We want to choose this type of bread because the amount of sugar in such breads is low. For this reason, it has a more supportive feature in the process of balancing blood sugar during the day."

Beware of shock diets!

Stating that shock diets cause water loss, not weight, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "Think of it as a sauna effect. When you go in and out of the sauna, you come out two pounds lower and you cannot say I lost weight because it is a loss of water. This is the effect of crash diets. They are things that aim to reduce that figure on the scale quickly in a short time. Shock diets are diets that should definitely not be followed."

“You cannot apply a one-meal diet to the end of your life"

Stating that it is not right to eat one meal, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan expressed that "It is not possible because the life process consists of a metabolic process. You need to have the energy to carry on your everyday life. It is impossible and very difficult to eat a single meal and ensure the continuity of these energy and metabolic processes with that single meal for 24 hours. And if you do that, you are disrupting things in the background. Three basic meals, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner, must be done. Snacks can also be made by adapting to the lifestyle of the person. You cannot apply a one-meal diet to the end of your life."

There is no such thing as 'I'm happy when I eat this'...

Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan stated that "The body is actually a machine, and you continue your life with the way you believe it works. Therefore, you should pay close attention to that balance."

Stating that science has turned to the psychology of nutrition, Assoc. Prof. Müge Arslan said that "People either eat to celebrate when they are very happy or when they are very unhappy. This is based on psychological factors. To get rid of that state of unhappiness, we usually prefer foods that we can easily access. These are chips, chocolate... There are those who say, 'I am happy when I eat this', no, there is no such thing, you can be happy with healthy foods."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)