Artificial intelligence triggers unemployment concerns!

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Pointing out that there are predictions that people will become unnecessary in the coming time in the world of artificial intelligence and robotization, experts say that while technology produces new jobs, it also destroys many of them.

Noting that artificial intelligence has changed business models, Sociologist Prof. Barış Erdoğan stated that "The number of blue-collar workers is gradually decreasing. They are decreased. The second wave of threats will be for white-collar workers. Artificial intelligence will do most of the office work."

Üsküdar University Head of the Department of Sociology Prof. Barış Erdoğan evaluated the effects of artificial intelligence on human life.

There are jobs that artificial intelligence destroys...

Pointing out that there are predictions that people will become redundant in the coming time in the world where artificial intelligence and robotization are present, Prof. Barış Erdoğan stated that "This issue of redundancy is really important. People are especially optimistic about technology, and they say, 'Technology will find solutions to all our problems'. It finds solutions; however, there are also jobs that technology produces and destroys. It creates many new jobs, but it destroys many of them. The ones it destroys are more than it creates.”

White-collar workers are also in danger

Noting that artificial intelligence has also changed business models, Prof. Barış Erdoğan stated that "On the one hand, 100 jobs are lost, and 5 new jobs are replaced. What about 95 people? How do we adapt? What about the thousands of manual workers in less skilled industries? The number of blue-collar workers is decreasing. They are decreased. The second wave of threats will be for white-collar workers. Artificial intelligence will do most of the office work, the majority of the analysis work in the bank, and they have already started to do it."

A significant part of white-collar workers have also become redundant...

Stating that artificial intelligence automatically responds to e-mails, Prof. Barış Erdoğan said that "This gradually shows that a significant part of white-collar workers have become unnecessary... Tomorrow and the day after, most of them will think, 'What are we going to do?' How will the money be earned, who will spend it? This is where the superfluity begins. You cannot produce, and you cannot work and earn money. You cannot consume because you cannot earn. What happens then? You are becoming redundant to the system. Saying redundant ones is actually kinder version... In fact, there is a concept called underclass."

It i an important question how to keep busy people who have become redundant!

Stating that how to keep busy those who have become redundant has become an important question, Prof. Barış Erdoğan continued his remarks as follows: "What are you going to do? You are going to play games. Increasingly, drug use is increasing in the world. Hours of scrolling through social media are stared at. Why are they being looked at? Out of boredom, there is less and less work to do. In fact, we see traces of this in many dystopian novels and many movies. How do we see it? The necessities live in a bubble. Those who produce and those who consume. And then there is an army of junkies on the edge of the city, behind the wall, pushed out of the bubble. The world is actually becoming more and more of it. How does it transform? Ghettos are forming. Look at the city today. There are places in the city where there are really luxurious lives. There is also a group that has been left outside of it and has not yet benefited from those blessings. Increasingly, the work of those employees is also being done by robots. Someone comes out cleaning the floors. Someone comes out serving. Of course, people will be needed. They will keep as much as necessary to themselves, but what about those superfluous ones? It is a very big question."

"And now games are being invented for those who are redundant, for those who cannot afford a job, to play for hours"

Referring to conspiracy theories, Prof. Barış Erdoğan said that "It was also said during Covid. I wonder if they somehow kill the redundant? "For example, the elderly died the most. Because they were eliminated by the system. They seemed like a burden.' In this way, the conspiracy theory... Whether it will happen or not is another matter. You must do these things in some way so that there is no uprising. With what? Game. And there is no such thing as time in these games. In ancient times, the games played by the workers always had a duration. Football is 90 minutes. Why did they put a deadline on this? Because the worker takes a break from time to time and relaxes. So, what is the game of the rich? Golf, for example. There is no time... One can play for hours. In the same way, games are now being invented for those who are redundant, who cannot afford a job, to play for hours."

"We can steer the society of the future and not be redundant there"

Pointing out that it is necessary to imagine in order not to repeat oneself, Prof. Barış Erdoğan said, "Those do not imagine repeats because you must dream, but what do you have to do to imagine it? You need to read it. You need to study mythology. Going back to the games, what is the secret of the games? There is Indian mythology in it. There is Greek Mythology. There is China. There are stories from the Old Testament. There are new covenants, religions. There is a history of religions. It is necessary to know all of them so that creative games can emerge. Then there are billion-dollar industries at work. It is not just for gaming. It is the same in cinema. All of them have literature, art, culture, history in their subtexts. Therefore, as human beings, we can all know the past very well and direct the society of the future and not be there."

"Let's imagine so as not to be redundant..."

Noting that it is necessary to learn how to learn, Prof. Barış Erdoğan expressed that "Those who learn can survive. It is not a matter of knowing something well. However, how you get to it is important. And what can I add on top of that? That's why it is important to dream. If we do not imagine, we are redundant. Let's imagine it so that it is not redundant."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)