The second career event in nursing was held...

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The second 'Career Day' event was organized by Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department. Anadolu Medical Center Hospital Training and Organizational Development Senior Manager Şehnaz Berna Zerengök and Anadolu Medical Center Hospital Human Resources Senior Specialist Özge Hayta attended the event as guests. Within the scope of the event, a presentation titled "Transition from Student to Profession" and "Interview Techniques" role play workshops were held.

The event, which took place in the Galenos conference hall at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus, attracted great interest from the students of the nursing department.

Şehnaz Berna Zerengök: "It is very important to know the profession"

Pointing out that it is very important to get to know the profession during the transition process, Anadolu Medical Center Hospital Training and Organizational Development Senior Manager Şehnaz Berna Zerengök stated that "The critical thing is to be able to do that process as accurately as possible when transitioning from student to business life. There is no truth to this in terminology. The important thing is that if the person knows themselves, and if you do research on the working life outside, if you can see what you expect and what you can find and keep it in balance, the transition process becomes a little easier. It is very important that you know your profession. The most important opportunity to meet expectations is to be aware of your answers to the questions 'What do I want, what kind of person am I?'"

Interview techniques role play workshop was carried out

After Şehnaz Berna Zerengök's speech, Anadolu Medical Center Hospital Human Resources Senior Specialist Özge Hayta did a "Interview Techniques" role play with Ali Furkan, a student of the Department of Nursing.

After the study, Hayta talked about recruitment processes, nursing positions and working conditions.

Özge Hayta: "Whether one has a professional perception or not is the feature I pay the most attention to"

Underlining that it is important to have a professional perception during the interview and for the nurse to be able to empathize, Hayta expressed that "The feature that I pay the most attention to is whether he has a professional perception during the interview. It is very important to have goals. The reason why I ask the nurses what the patient and the patient's relatives mean during the interview is that they should be empathetic to the patient and the patient's relatives who come for treatment."

The event ended with a group photo shoot after the question-and-answer session.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)