Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's call for a "Human Values Manifesto" to the world...

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The presentation of the Russian edition of the book " Değerler Psikolojisi - Güzel İnsan Modeli” (Psychology of Values - Model People) by President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was held at Kazakhstan L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. At the ceremony, Prof. Tarhan was also given the title of 'Honorary Professor'...

Prof. Tarhan, who also met with students from Kazakhstan, pointed out that today's reality is "big house, small family" and said that "Today's reality is more promotion, less common sense. There are more people; however, there is less humanity. We are experiencing a serious erosion of values. We are experiencing a serious decay in values. And this is not just in a certain region, but globally.”

Drawing attention to the events in Gaza, Prof. Tarhan stated that "As Üsküdar University, we can publish a Human Values Manifesto together with L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan received the title of 'Honorary Professor' from Kazakhstan!

President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan attended the presentation ceremony of the Russian edition of his book “Değerler Psikolojisi - Güzel İnsan Modeli” (Psychology of Values - Mode Peoplel) at Kazakhstan L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University on the second stop of his two-day Kazakhstan program.

Tarhan, who met with Kazakhstani students at the conference under the title of "Changing World and Human", was later given the title of 'Honorary Professorship' by L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University.

"The ideal person is the one who manages to surpass themselves"

At the conference, which was also attended by the Rector of the Eurasian National University Yerlan Sıdıkov and the Ambassador of Astana Mustafa Kapucu, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan drew attention to the degenerating human values at the global level and stated that a smart person is a person who thinks in the medium and long term and said that "A person who uses their mind less thinks in the short term. Values are also the most important area of long-term thinking. At the moment, modernism presents us with the person, not the ideal person. The ideal person is the one who is able to transcend themselves."

"There are a lot of friends on social media, but there are almost zero real friends"

Pointing out that today's reality is "big house, small family", Prof. Tarhan stated that "Today's reality is more promotion and less common sense. There are advanced medicines, but health is not enough. We go to the moon, we want to go to Mars, but we do not know our neighbor. There are countless relationships, but true love is zero. There is good knowledge, but there is less virtue. There is high intelligence, but there is less emotional intelligence. There is a high income, but there is less peace. There are expensive watches, but there is no time at all. There is bigger television, but there are fewer books. There are more people, but there is less humanity. There are a lot of friends on social media, but there are almost no real friends. We are experiencing a serious erosion of values. We are experiencing a serious decay in values. And this is not just in a certain region, but globally,"

"Popular culture has the status of being a world culture"

Drawing attention to a statistic made in the USA, Tarhan said that cases of suicide, self-poisoning, self-injury, major depression, and depressive symptoms related to diseases have increased rapidly since 2013. Tarhan said that "What has changed since 2013? Social media, quick communication, nothing else. There is a change in world culture, there is a serious cultural movement. Popular culture has a status of being a world culture."

The pursuit of pleasure affects the younger generation more!

Pointing out that the "search for pleasure" has increased according to a study conducted in France, Prof. Tarhan stated and informed that "The rate of people who say ‘the most important thing for me is to pursue pleasure’ is at the highest level. That is how it is with Gen Z. It is lower in other generations. Whether it is about age or culture is another matter. However, it is increasing regardless of age. It affects the younger generation more.”

"The pursuit of pleasure and having fun has become a common situation"

Explaining that there is a group in the world that seeks adventure and seeks excitement as a lifestyle, and this leads to substance addiction, Tarhan said that "This means exceeding values, weakening the education of internal control, saying no, saying no to pleasures, the ability to postpone pleasure, patience and endurance in people. It has become common to want to have money and expensive things the most, to pursue pleasure in young people, to be rich, to take risks, to live excitedly, to live fun."

Loneliness is increasing globally

Noting that the UK established the Ministry of Loneliness in 2018 and Japan in 2021, Tarhan said that "There is a serious trend in this regard globally. As a culture, we are a more social society, we are a society that is very close to a warm relationship, a door-to-door relationship, and we are more fortunate in terms of loneliness, but it is also increasing in our country. There is also an increase in single households in the statistics in Türkiye."

"Humanity is in a crisis of civilization..."

Pointing to the California syndrome, which consists of unlimited consumption, indulgence in entertainment and pleasure, self-centeredness, loneliness and unhappiness, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "Currently, humanity is in a civilization crisis. Material well-being has increased, but spiritual well-being is not increasing in the same way. People do not feel happy."

Stating that the situation that causes loneliness is one's own behavior, Tarhan said that "The biggest reason is that the person is self-centered, thinks about things only in terms of their own interests, in terms of their own perspective, and does not think in terms of someone else... Poverty of empathy, thinking only about one's own rights, only one's own needs, only one's own feelings, not thinking about the feelings of the other party, is the biggest enemy of marriage and the biggest enemy of social life."

"What is happening now in Gaza is also political narcissism"

Referring to the issue of narcissism, Tarhan said that "These people have power, success, money and fame in their imaginations. They thrive on praise, they are not open to criticism, they are incapable of empathy. There is hatred, anger, jealousy. The sense of entitlement is self-directed. It occurs more in people who have achieved great ideals. One has become an egocentric personality. What is happening in Gaza right now is political narcissism."

Stating that narcissists have to live in a world where there is nothing bigger than their own egos, Prof. Tarhan said that "Act against narcissists according to behavior, not words. They cannot understand empathy, but you can be empathetic for their best interests. If you act aggressively with an angry narcissist, they have the potential to suddenly become innocent. They also play the role of innocent very well. They play the role of modest a lot. When things get messy, they immediately become unhappy and try to get rid of it. If you praise the narcissist all the time, their ego will be inflated, keep the praise limited."

"Together with the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, we can publish a Manifesto of Human Values"

Answering the questions of the students within the scope of the conference, Prof. Tarhan continued his speech as follows:

"If the world is a ship, we are all in that ship. A political depravity is taking place to sink the ship of the world. In the case of Gaza, Western policy is sinking this ship. That is why we must act globally. When you look at the world, they take to the streets and march in Denmark, the USA and the UK more than in Türkiye, rather than our geography. Humanity has transcended politics, and global conscience has transcended politics. This is a sign that the future of the world will be good. That is why I am not pessimistic.

Here is the good side of global social media. While social media has had a negative effect on mobilizing the global conscience, it has also created an opportunity to spread positive, good and beautiful things. It is a conscientious responsibility for us to be able to use these values. We need to sign a manifesto about the values movement. The Human Values Manifesto should be signed by those who feel sensitive all over the world. As Üsküdar University, we can publish a Human Values Manifesto together with L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. World universities can also support this..."

"Global conscience has taken precedence over global politics"

Evaluating the events in Gaza and the world's reactions to Gaza in the context of human values, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "Politics is a political expediency system. The first priority of politics is its own interests. It is in the direction of the strong to have what they want. In such cases, geopolitical changes in human history are episodic. It is fluctuating. The bad ones happen, the bad ones multiply, and the more evil people see the bad results, the more the good ones are needed. The good ones multiply... At the moment, in the geopolitical situation, everything that is done no longer stays in that region due to the fact that the world is a global village, an electronic village. The good is immediately noticed, and the bad is noticed. A great example of this is the Gaza incidents. There were more reactions in America, Europe, Scandinavia and England than in our geography. Politicians apply double standards, but the average person has become much more objective. This actually shows that global conscience has taken precedence over global politics. If global conscience takes precedence over politics, they will have to abide by what the communities say. For this reason, the society and the base should be more sensitive. In other words, here one should act as a partner of the policy, not a participant. Certainly, non-governmental organizations and everyone as individuals should feel responsible for improving the course of this world."

“We lit a candle from Astana for the world to change for good and beautiful..."

Giving the example of the Vietnam War in the context of the subject, Tarhan stated that "In the Vietnam War, every day someone comes to the White House, lights a candle and leaves. Journalists ask him, ‘Do you think you are going to change the world by lighting a candle?’ and he says, 'I do not think the world is going to change. I am lighting this candle, so the world does not change me.’ we lit a candle here in Astana. For the world to change for better and for the better. We can say that those who multiply this candle will take the world to good places."

Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı: "Love, respect and tolerance are either disappearing or degenerating on a global scale"

Speaking at the ceremony, Üsküdar University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FESS) Department of Sociology Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı stated that mechanized life has changed priorities and new values and understandings have emerged.

Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı expressed that "Values such as love, respect, tolerance, trust, responsibility and justice, which are among the traditional values, are either disappearing or degenerating on a global scale," and stated that values are one of the elements that ensure the continuity of society. Explaining that intellectuals play an important role in societies, especially at important breaking points in history, in social and cultural changes. Süleymanlı stated that “Prof. Orhan Türkdoğan, one of the important social scientists of the Turkic world, who passed away in the past months. The intellectuals of a society should examine and solve problems in times of crisis.”

"Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's views on this subject are important"

Stating that Socrates' moral theory has never lost its meaning even though centuries have passed since it, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı expressed that "Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's views on this subject are important. He draws attention to the fact that the modern capitalist system mechanizes people and unhappiness arises. At this point, he sees the restoration of human values as an important necessity of this age. By emphasizing the universal values that all humanity has in common, it reveals the right human model with a sense of responsibility, exhibiting good character examples and moral values."

Stating that Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's books published in more than ten countries in Turkish, English, Azerbaijani Turkish, Arabic and other languages are among the classic works in psychology, Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı said that "The book 'Psychology of Values Model People', which we are introducing here today, is a tribute to scientists working in the fields of psychology, philosophy, sociology, social psychology and communication both in Kazakhstan and in the Eurasian geography, I think it is an important resource for researchers and students."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was awarded the title of 'Honorary Professor'...

After the speeches, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was also given the title of 'Honorary Professorship' of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. The Rector of L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University Yerlan Sydykov dressed Tarhan in his robe and gave him his certificate.

Tarhan signed the book "Psychology of Values - Model People", which was translated into Russian...

Later, Tarhan cut the ribbon with Rector Yerlan Sıdıkov and Astana Ambassador Mustafa Kapucu as part of the promotion of the book "Psychology of Values- Model People", which was translated into Russian. Tarhan, which attracted great interest from Kazakhstani readers, signed the Russian edition book for his readers...

A cooperation protocol was signed with the Kazakhstan Institute of Community Development

On the first day of the two-day Kazakhstan program, President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan attended the Round Table Meeting with the Family Research Center of the "Ruhani Jangri" Community Development Institute of the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan. Prof. Tarhan met with academicians and experts working in the field of family. Following the program, a cooperation protocol was signed between the Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development and Üsküdar University.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)