Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "the dose is what makes feminism beneficial or harmful..."

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President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan attended the Round Table Meeting with the Family Research Center of the "Ruhani Jangri" Institute of Social Development of the Kazakhstan Ministry of Culture on the first day of the two-day Kazakhstan program. Tarhan, who gathered together with academicians and experts working in the field of family, drew attention to the importance of the family. Stating that global powers are playing games on the concept of family, Tarhan noted that protecting the institution of family is very important not only for protecting our own culture, but also for the future of humanity. Stating that societies that value the family and keep the family alive will be the societies that shape the future and the future, Tarhan also evaluated violence against women and feminist trends. Explaining feminism through medicine and poison, Tarhan stated that feminism is not harmful, and that what makes feminism beneficial or harmful is the dose.

Within the scope of the two-day Kazakhstan meetings, President of Üsküdar University Founding Rector Prof. Nevzat Tarhan participated in the Round Table Meeting with the Family Research Center of the "Ruhani Jangri" Institute of Social Development of the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan on the first day. The meeting, which was held under the title of "Social-Psychological Problems of the Family Institution in the Contemporary Period and Solution Methods", was attended by academicians and experts working in the field, as well as members of the press.

In his speech, Tarhan evaluated the concept of family and the deterioration of the concept by sharing the results of global research. Tarhan used the following statements:

Happiness has declined while financial well-being has increased...

"We need to focus on where the world is going in terms of family and the value given to the family scientifically. The results of the research, which covers the years 1950-2000, show that although income level, living standards and financial well-being have increased; however, happiness has not increased in parallel."

Young people are moving away from face-to-face gatherings...

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out that young people are moving away from each other day by day. Tarhan started "Another study shows that in the study conducted with 6th-8th-10th and 12th grade students, the rate of young people who chat and come together face-to-face every day has decreased by 60-70%. The frequency of face-to-face socialization and gathering of our young people is decreasing."

The incidence of depression is increasing...

Tarhan underlined that there is an increase in the incidence of depression day by day and said that "In another study covering the years 2013-2016, the incidence of depression in men and women is increasing, and in parallel with this, suicide, injury, involvement in crime, and violence are increasing..."

70 out of 100 children are born as extramarital...

Tarhan added that another issue that threatens the family is the increase in the rate of out-of-wedlock births and the increase in household fragility. Tarhan said that "Another indicator of the deterioration of society is the increase in extramarital birth rates in European countries. In European countries, 60-70 out of 100 children are born as extramarital. This shows that there is no family institution in European and Western society. This rate is 2.9% in Türkiye. Although it is behind European countries, we must pay attention because divorces are increasing in our country. In studies of household vulnerability, the number of single-person households is increasing, while the number of 5-person households is declining in the opposite direction. The significant increase in one-person families indicates the weakening of the family. If we start from here, we can actually have a prediction for Türkiye in 20-30 years."

Türkiye is the leader in violence against women!

In his speech, Tarhan also kept the increasing violence against women at the global level on his agenda and underlined that Türkiye is a leader in violence against women. Tarhan stated that "Our country ranks first in the world in violence against women. On the other hand, The U.S. ranks second in violence against women. However, increasing divorces, violent incidents, extramarital birth rates... All of these requires a sociological root cause analysis..."

Three reasons that weaken the family!

Defining three psychosocial reasons that weaken the family globally as secularism, social anomie, that is, the deterioration of social norms and individualism, Tarhan said that happiness decreases with the weakening of the family. Tarhan also stated that there are values that keep the family together. Tarhan listed these values as follows:

"Consultation, equality, autonomy, equity, love, respect, trust, sharing, material gains, spiritual gains..."

The mobile phone is the family's door to the outside...

Emphasizing that the family is the last refuge and the last fortress today, Tarhan drew attention to the danger in the mobile phone. Tarhan stated that "There are outer walls and business walls that protect the city. That is the family. While the family was the global transfer for a while, unfortunately, social media and TV are doing this transfer today. At home, social norms have changed. Mobile phones are now the family's gateway to the outside. The mobile phone is an element that distributes the values of the family."

You should act like a leader in the family, not a boss...

Stating that the leadership is vital for the family to stand together, Tarhan said that the ideal in the family is to be us by staying me. Tarhan also stated that it is a factor that harms the family the most and weakens trust. Tarhan said the following about the importance of leadership in the family:

"Leadership is important in the family;

A leader does not herd, but guides,

A leader does not frighten, but arouses desire,

A leader does not expect praise, but praises,

A leader does not expect love, but loves...

Top-down models of parenthood are damaging to the family. It is necessary to be able to act like a leader rather than a boss in family relationships... It is very valuable to be able to work as a team in the family. It is the skill of the 21st century is to be able to work in a team. They should be able to develop a team-oriented perspective, not a person-oriented one."

A true leader is the one who can balance the distribution of roles...

Emphasizing that role sharing in the family is also important, Tarhan stated that "While a father has the role of a businessman, father and wife, a mother has a double career such as a businessperson, mother, wife and also housewife. The important thing is that the sharing of these roles can be balanced. You can be a very good businessperson; however, it does not mean anything if you cannot be a good mother or father or a wife. A true leader is the one who can balance all of these roles."

Both Türkiye and Europe fell for the bait...

Addressing the need for a root cause analysis of the increasing violence against women in the world, Tarhan stated that there is a cultural change at the global level. Tarhan said that "There is a trend that transforms the relationship between men and women into wars between men and women. Some global powers, global capital, do not want the world population to increase. Thus, marriage is tried to be destroyed. It was a planned move. Europe and Türkiye fell for the bait... To break up the family, feminism turned the male-female relationship into male-female wars. The media can also support this.”

It is the dose that makes feminism beneficial or harmful!

Likening feminism to medicine and poison, Tarhan expressed that "Feminism is a necessary movement. It is the dose that makes feminism both beneficial and harmful. Just as it is the dose that makes the medicine and poison equally harmful and beneficial. Yes, men and women are equal in rights and opportunities. However, biologically there is no equality, they have different creations. Feminism that is beneficial if it defends rights and equality... Marriage is not a war between men and women but complements each other. Men and women, one is not superior to the other. When I deal with the concept of family, I look at it scientifically. What is in line with reason is also in accordance with science. What is in accordance with science is also in accordance with reason. "

Societies that value the family will be the ones that shape the future...

At the meeting, which lasted about 2 hours and had online participation, Tarhan was the 21st anniversary of the family. He underlined why it was necessary in the century. Tarhan used the following statements:

"The building block of society is the family. In a society where there is no family, the child cannot grow up. There should be maternal love between the ages of 0-3. If the family falls apart, humanity ends. Modernism ignored the family and its social background. As an Eastern society, we are more fortunate. The West will be like the last period of Rome. Today, serious games are being played on a global level to harm the concept of family. Let's not be tools of these games. The institution of the family is very important not only for preserving our own culture, but also for the future of humanity. I can easily say that 'Societies that value the family and keep the family alive will be the societies that shape the future and the future...'

A cooperation protocol was signed...

After the program, which attracted the attention of members of the press, a cooperation protocol was signed between the Kazakhstan Institute of Social Development and Üsküdar University.

They are gathered for dinner...

Later, Tarhan attended the dinner held in his honor at Rixos President Astana Hotel. The dinner was attended by THY Astana General Manager Engin Akbaş and his wife Çiğdem Akbaş, Rixos President Astana Hotel Manager Prof. Tansel Tercan and his wife Dr. Nurfer Tercan, academicians from L. Gumilyev Eurasian National University, Tarhan Foundation Board Member Fırat Tarhan, Üsküdar University Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Sociology Department Head Prof. Ebulfez Süleymanlı, Üsküdar University International Relations Department Head Peyman Jaferi, Üsküdar University Media PR Unit Manager Şaban Özdemir and regional representatives and reporters of TRT and Anadolu Agency attended.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)