'Language and Speech Disorders' seen in educational environments were discussed in all aspects

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.45032

"Seminar on Language and Speech Disorders in Educational Environments" was held in cooperation with Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Language and Speech Therapy Department, Üsküdar University Language and Speech Disorders Education-Research and Application Center Directorate (ÜSESKOM) and İstanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education. In the seminar attended by educators working in İstanbul, experts in their fields drew attention to the language and speech disorders seen in the educational environment.

The event, which took place for a full day at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus İbn-i Sina Auditorium, attracted great interest from the managers and employees of the guidance and research center affiliated to National Education, school counselors and school counselors.

Prof. Ahmet Konrot: "We think it is important to raise awareness"

The opening speech of the seminar was made by Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Language and Speech Therapy Department Head and ÜSESKOM Director Prof. Ahmet Konrot. Konrot stated that "As we all know, a significant number of individuals with special needs are accompanied by communication, language and speech disorders; however, we know that in addition to undiagnosed individuals, communication, speech and language problems are common in our classrooms that we are not aware of and that they are not aware of, and that their teachers and parents are not aware of. Therefore, while organizing this seminar, we thought that it was important to work on raising awareness by being aware of it in a sense. In this seminar, we will talk about the problems that affect all our students."

They need supportive health care...

Prof. Ahmet Konrot made important shares under the title of "Stakeholders and Their Roles in the Management of Language and Speech Disorders" at the seminar and stated that "When we look at the regulations of the Ministry of National Education regarding special education, the issue that is constantly underlined and emphasized in the special education departments is the individualization of education, that is, the provision of individualized education programs. Thus, it seems to me that teachers, physicians, peers, mothers, fathers deal with the problem on an individual basis, regardless of which stakeholder they are when look at it in this way. I think it is enough to deal only on an individual basis because I am not saying that special education is in need of special education, I am saying special needs. They need health care, they need supportive health care, they need education services, and they need social services. When we say social services, they are both supported socially and provided with social policies and financial support. Each of these is a requirement.”

Asst. Prof. Maral Yeşilyurt: "It is necessary to pay attention to sound hygiene"

Making a presentation titled "Voice Disorders", Faculty of Health Sciences Language and Speech Therapy Department Vice President Asst. Prof. Maral Yeşilyurt stated that "We see voice disorder in students; however, now it is also an occupational disease seen in teachers. What we call the vocal cord are two muscles in our larynx. The vocal cord is actually a skeletal muscle. It is 23mm long for men and 16mm for women. Sound is actually a complex structure. In order for sound to occur, there must be a vibration. It is also necessary to pay attention to sound hygiene. Quit smoking, avoid frequent and severe throat clearing, coughing, do not force your voice beyond the limit of endurance. Do not speak with excessive violence, do not shout, do not scream, drink plenty of water. Consume tea, coffee and herbal tea to a minimum."

Asst. Prof. Özlem Oğuz: "When the child is 5 years old, the child needs to complete all the sounds"

Faculty of Health Sciences, Deputy Head of Language and Speech Therapy Department Asst. Prof. Özlem Oğuz made a presentation titled "Speech Sound Disorders". Oğuz stated that "This condition is usually seen in children. Children need different components to be able to produce sound, to perceive two different sounds. It is necessary to know when the child produces which sound and where they make a mistake. Until the child is 2 and a half years old, they can call the car a far, but when they are 4 years old, they should use the 'c' sound. They may be using it normally, but they need to know that the car and far are used as other things, and they need to use them separately. By the time the child is 4 years old, the child should be understood 90%-100%. When one completes the age of 4 and is 5 years old, the child needs to complete all the sounds."

Things to be considered in children in early childhood were mentioned

NPİSTANBUL Hospital Specialist Language and Speech Therapist Anuş Tahmincioğlu also attended the seminar. Speaking on the subject of "Language Disorders", Tahmincioğlu examined the language skills of children with developmental language disorders in preschool and high school in terms of language comprehension and speaking and explained the points to be considered regarding children in early childhood.

Instructor Ayşe Buse Saraç: "Emotional processes are not the cause of stuttering, but its output..."

Addressing the subject of "Fluency Disorders" in the seminar, Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Language and Speech Therapy Instructor Ayşe Buse Saraç stated that "Stuttering involves avoiding people and environments. Emotional processes are the outcome of stuttering, not the cause. We should not use sentences like 'Stop, slow down, calm down' to stuttering children. These sentences can cause anxiety in them. In the same way, you should let them finish their sentences and not speak by acting before them yourself. When talking to the child, pause from time to time and follow a path without rushing. After the child finishes speaking, wait a few seconds and continue your conversation. This will reduce the time pressure.”

Research Assistant Ceren Söğüt: "Language and communication skills of children with hearing impairment are at the heart of the education process"

Addressing the subject of "Hearing Deficiencies", Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Language and Speech Therapy RA Ceren Söğüt emphasized the importance of education in hearing impairment. Söğüt stated that "Regardless of the educational environment in which children with hearing impairment are placed, the education and training process should be planned by using the results of educational evaluation and diagnosis. Education should be initiated as early as possible by providing auditory experiences and communicative opportunities. The language and communication skills of children with hearing impairment are at the heart of the education process."

Research Assistant Göksu Yılmaz: "Correct evaluation is the first step of the right intervention"

Making a presentation titled "Motor Speech Disorders", Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Language and Speech Therapy RA Göksu Yılmaz stated that "Accurate diagnosis of motor speech disorders is the first step for correctly differentiating a mere articulation from phonological disorder or neurogenic acquired disorders and for the implementation of correct intervention protocols and the rehabilitation process of the individual. A correct assessment is the first step of the right intervention."

Eren Özbüyük: "I never thought of becoming a Speech and Language Therapist"

Department of Language and Speech Therapy Studet Eren Özbüyük, who expressed himself with the statement 'Life is a choice', stated that "In the light of the values that my department has added to me, I have loved and connected to the profession more and more every day. Before I started this process, I never thought of becoming a speech and language therapist. I feel that I am very ready to work outside of my profession, in the light of the courses and internships I have taken. I have no doubt that I will do my job in the most accurate, proper and team-friendly manner. Life is a choice."

After the Q&A session, the event ended with a group photo shoot.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)