Prof. Nevzat Tarhan drew attention to the relationship between Borderline and Bipolar

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Stating that 96 percent of individuals with borderline personality disorder are diagnosed with bipolar when followed throughout life, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that in some studies, they are called 'sub-bipolar' or 'sub-threshold bipolar'. Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that "50 percent of borderline personality disorder improves with a biological approach, mood-regulating drugs, and 50 percent with therapy." Stating that antisocial disorder is more common in men, Prof. Tarhan said that "borderline personality disorder is more common in women."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the issue of borderline personality disorder.

"Borderline personality disorder is one of the groups that includes narcissistic personality disorder"

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that personality disorders are divided into three main clusters and that borderline personality disorder is one of the dominant personality disorders of the lack of empathy known as cluster B. Tarhan stated that "borderline personality disorder is one of the groups that includes narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. It is the inability to draw one's social boundaries, emotional boundaries and individual boundaries. This person cannot draw their boundaries in their relationship with themselves, with their inner world, with the outside world, in social relations, in family relations, and in business relations. That's why it is called borderline personality disorder."

"Borderline people do not know their social boundaries, even the boundaries in their inner world"

Emphasizing the importance of a person knowing their limits, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "There is a sentence that says that one who knows their place knows their Lord... In fact, to know one's place means to know one's limits. A person who knows their own strength, capacity and dignity becomes respectable. However, these borderline people do not know their social boundaries, even the boundaries of their inner world. Where to grieve, or where to laugh… They do not have their own emotional literacy. They are not aware of their own feelings."

"If a person is diagnosed with subthreshold bipolar, medication is required"

Pointing out the relationship between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder, Prof. Tarhan said that "People with borderline personality disorders have been followed up throughout life and 96 percent of them have been diagnosed with bipolar. It paves the way for bipolar. That is why some studies call it subthreshold bipolar. It is subform of bipolar. They call it subthreshold bipolar. It is about subthreshold mood disorder. If one is diagnosed with subthreshold bipolar, that person needs medication."

"Borderline mother kisses her child in the morning and later says 'why did I give birth to you' in the afternoon"

Noting that the patient recovers with drug treatment and that people who are thought to be borderline are actually subthreshold bipolar, Prof. Tarhan stated that "This type of bipolar, subthreshold bipolar, does not have periods of mania and depression. It is like you think that's their personality. However, when you treat it, it gets better because it is seen in the studies these people have a serotonin gene disorder in the brain. There are disorders of the serotonin gene. For example, these people overgrow it or sink it to the ground. They praise the other person in an instant. For example, a borderline mother kisses her child in the morning and says, "Why did I give birth to you?" in the afternoon. It is borderline motherhood. These people experience an identity confusion.

"They are always unbalanced. They are also impulsive in spending money."

Explaining that borderline people are not cold-blooded and calming at all, Prof. Tarhan said that "These people do the first thing that comes to mind with a sudden impulse. They immediately believe what they hear. They drive very dangerously. They are very impulsive sexually. They are also very impulsive about substance use, eating, and relationships. There are very frequent suicidal behaviors. And there is always a chronic sense of emptiness in them. They are anxious people. They do no relax. There is inconsistency. They are constantly unbalanced, and they have unstable personalities. They are also impulsive in spending money. They have a tendency to act without thinking about the end. There is also identity confusion. Normally, there is identity confusion during adolescence. Social identity, ethnic identity, sexual identity are confused about this, a decision is made. These people cannot end the identity confusion in adolescence."

"The people they live with cannot understand that they are sad, angry or happy..."

Stating that these people cannot carry out human relations in a healthy way because they cannot define themselves at all and cannot be at peace with themselves, Prof. Tarhan said that "The first step of mental health starts with ourselves. Self-consciousness, self-knowledge, and self-management. Since these people experience identity confusion and cannot recognize themselves, and their unhappiness is also contagious. The people they live with cannot understand that they are sad, angry or happy. You cannot predict what they are going to do and when."

"The suicide rate among people with borderline personality disorder is 7.5 percent"

Stating that such easily angry people are skeptical and fall to pieces very easily in the face of stress, Prof. Tarhan said that "When something does not go well, they easily fall apart. Suicide rates are very high. Let's say that if the suicide rate in the society is one in a thousand, it is 7.5 percent among people with borderline personality disorder. In other words, seven and a half out of 100 people commit suicide. They attempt suicide. A high rate. Although these people are happy, they often suffer from depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. They fight very easily.”

"Children who cannot find a growth environment with a comforting parent model are borderline candidates in the future"

Noting that these people perceive the world as a dangerous and harmful place in their inner world, Prof. Tarhan said that these people have wrong thought and emotion patterns and think that they are not loved.

Stating that children who cannot find a growing environment with a comforting parent model are borderline candidates in the future, Prof. Tarhan stated that these people are constantly suspicious of everyone and are afraid of attachment because they think that life is not safe.

"If a 40-year-old person does many things that are done during adolescence, it is called borderline"

Noting that there is a bit of borderline in the natural structure of adolescence, Prof. Tarhan said that "That's why one is called a teenager.The prophet says ‘The age of puberty is a branch of madness.’ If a 40-year-old person does many things done during adolescence, it is called borderline. Adolescents are somewhat borderline. It is actually a healthy situation for them to react disproportionately and be restless. An adolescent who has become like a candle is actually unhealthy. A stormy period is adolescence. If the parents give good guidance to the child in such a period, the child will overcome this period well and learn stress management."

"It happens in the children of parents who are too controlling towards the child"

Pointing out the attitude mistakes of parents, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "It happens in the children of parents who are very controlling towards the child. They control what the child eats, or what the child drinks. They keep their children on their toes all the time saying that you will wear this and you will not wear that. Such children become borderline candidates. Even if the parents calm and comfort the child, the child is constantly worried. This also happens with the children of parents who say that they will raise extremely perfect children, that is, project children. When you want it to be perfect, the child completely slips to the other end, the child goes back and forth between the two extremes."

"Cases of borderline personality disorder come with depression and anxiety"

Noting that people apply for help when their social relations deteriorate, when they spend money impulsively, and when their actions harm their relationships, Prof. Tarhan said that "Generally, borderline personality disorder cases come with depression and anxiety. We look at them, and they are depressed, severely depressed. They cry all the time, extremely angry. There is borderline personality disorder in the background. As the depression passes, the borderline personality disorder is made aware of that person, impulse control studies are carried out and it can be corrected. 50 percent of borderline personality disorder is resolved with a biological approach, mood stabilizing drugs, and 50 percent with therapy."

"Borderline personality disorder is easily detected with various personality tests"

Noting that in some cases, there is overeating due to borderline personality disorder and impulse control disorder, Prof. Tarhan stated that "In some, cases of eating control disorder and anorexia nervosa are also common. You cannot predict where, when and how they will act. Borderline personality disorder is easily detected with various personality tests. Supportive treatment is provided for at least 6 months. After a certain improvement, the protective period is started. It is kept under follow-up for 2 to 5 years, in such cases, borderline personality disorder becomes able to make the marriage work, to carry out business success; however, the first condition is for the person to be aware of it. When one becomes aware of it, their solution is easy. If they does not realize it, but when they get into big trouble, awareness begins, and we use it as an opportunity."

"When it knows no borders, men easily start to have legal problems"

Stating that antisocial disorder is more common in men, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "borderline personality disorder is more common in women. When it knows no borders, men easily start to have legal problems. Personality disorder is not diagnosed under the age of 18. It is placed over the age of 18 because the child's personality is not yet established."

Noting that another sibling who grew up in the same stress and in the same environment may have OCD, while the other may be borderline, Prof. Tarhan said that "Genetic infrastructure is very important for them."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)