Transdisciplinary approach in science and art was emphasized

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The 5th Scientific Research Summit "Transdisciplinary Approach in Science and Art" program was organized by Üsküdar University Health, Culture and Sports (HCS) Department, Strategic Research and Development Club (ÜSAK). At the summit, where experts in different fields came together, the concept of 'Transdisciplinary' was discussed.

Those who attended the program are as follows: Üsküdar University Strategic Research and Development Club Advisor, Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Publicity, Asst. Prof. Nejla Polat, Researcher and Multidisciplinary Artist Nihal Konçu Akhuy, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Art History Lecturer and Vice Dean Prof. Nuri Seçgin, İstanbul Aydın University Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department Assoc. Prof. Hale Torun, Marbling Artist Hikmet Barutçugil, Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences TRGENMER Director Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan, Üsküdar Children's University and Bilsem Student Elif Sare Şentürk, İstanbul Kültür University Faculty of Art and Design, Head of Art and Cultural Management Department Assoc. Prof. Reyhan Uludağ, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Vedat Akdamar, Actor-Director-Autor Tamer Levent.

The opening speeches of the program, which was held at Üsküdar University Central Campus Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall, were delivered by Üsküdar University Strategic Research and Development Club Advisor, Üsküdar University Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Publicity, Assist. Prof. Nejla Polat and Üsküdar University Strategic Research and Development Club President Ercan Büyüktepe.

Ercan Büyüktepe: "Transdisciplinary approach has an important place in research and development"

Drawing attention to the results of their interviews about the concept of transdisciplinary, Ercan Büyüktepe, President of Üsküdar University Strategic Research and Development Club; "Interaction and collaboration between science, art, technology and the humanities are necessary to find solutions to today's complex and interconnected problems. As a research club, one of the main reasons why we organized this summit is to emphasize how important the transdisciplinary approach is in the field of research and development today and in the future. It is no longer enough to rely on the knowledge and approach of only one discipline. The challenges we face require multiple perspectives and expertise. At this summit, our artists and scientists will come together to gain new knowledge and understanding by crossing the boundaries of their own disciplines. Their experiences and discoveries show how fruitful transdisciplinary collaboration can be. The conclusion from our own experiences and the work we have done as a club is that; In general, we observed that 4 out of every 10 people did not know the concept of transdisciplinary at all, 3 people heard it but did not know exactly what it was, and the remaining 3 people knew the definition correctly. Considering that the universe of our research consists of university students, we have determined that the transdisciplinary approach and its importance, which is an important concept in science and art today, are not known enough. For this reason, the importance of this concept should be emphasized with programs that will create more awareness in order to increase awareness."

Asst. Prof. Nejla Polat: "There was a need for a transdisciplinary approach"

Asst. Prof. Nejla Polat pointed out that different disciplines should work together in harmony to solve complex problems that affect a large part of the world's population. Polat stated that "Today, different disciplines need to work together in harmony to solve complex problems such as global warming, environmental pollution, sustainability, poverty and inequality that affect a large part of the world's population. To ensure this harmony, a transdisciplinary approach was needed with the realization that independent disciplines are insufficient to understand and solve complex social and environmental problems. In interdisciplinary studies, although multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches seem similar at first glance; however, they have some fundamental differences. While the multidisciplinary approach refers to 'Different disciplines come together in their own uniqueness and approach the same problem from different perspectives', transdisciplinary is considered as 'an approach in which these disciplines not only come together, but also interact with each other to create a new, integrated and integrated knowledge and understanding'. A transdisciplinary approach is becoming increasingly important for solving complex problems in science, technology, and art. Transdisciplinary not only helps to solve current problems, but also paves the way for the emergence of ideas that will shape the future. In areas where art and science meet, artists and scientists can create more advanced ideas by combining both the aesthetic dimension of art and the functional dimension of science."

Nihal Konçu Akhuy: "The use of art in different disciplines is an effort to build bridges between science and art"

Mentioning that the Transdisciplinary Approach in studies in the field of Science and Art is seen as a popular approach all over the world today, researcher and multidisciplinary artist Nihal Konçu Akhuy stated that "Science and art are universal languages that support each other. In every age, developments in science and technology have affected the way the individual understands and questions the world. Art has influenced science, and science has influenced and continues to influence art. For this reason, the use of art in different disciplines offers basic strategies and benefits in the development of the individual's development, education, and creativity. Working interdisciplinarily and integrating art and science is an effort to build bridges between science and art rather than building walls. With today's technology, an artificial, virtual, and digital creation process has been reached. This creative process naturally influenced the tools and practices of the age in industry and art. Technology has enabled technology and art to cooperate by offering endless creative design possibilities to the artist in the artistic creation process. Today, technology continues to be the source and object of art like other disciplines in interdisciplinary formation."

Prof. Nuri Seçgin: "Curiosity about art starts from antiquity"

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Art History Faculty Member and Vice Dean Prof. Nuri Seçgin made a presentation on 'Transdisciplinary Approach in Art History'. Seçgin stated that "I will look at it from the perspective of art history. Curiosity about art starts from antiquity. Although there was no interest in the Middle Ages, and even if it was covered up, we see that this interest was revived during the Renaissance, but art history as a scientific discipline began for the first time in the mid-19th century with the establishment of the chair of art history at the University of Berlin in Germany. When we look at its history in Türkiye, it begins with the establishment of the chair of art history at İstanbul University about a century later, towards the middle of the 20th century. The first works on art history in Türkiye are translations. After a certain period, copyright is also studied, but when we look at it in the context of the subject, we see that the studies are more superficial in these periods. Perhaps the conditions of that period required it because in almost every scientific discipline, we see that the areas of expertise in the field of science are becoming more and more specific."

Assoc. Prof. Hale Torun: "A society that loses its poetry loses itself"

İstanbul Aydın University Radio, Television and Cinema Department Head Assoc. Prof. Hale Torun made a presentation titled 'The Role of Geography in Art'. Torun stated that "Instead of thinking about art alone, I am in favor of going through human beings and the basic story of human beings. Everything I can tell you today was said thousands of years ago and continues to be said. It is about looking under the rug. Poetry replaces the sacred. Mahmut Derviş also said, 'Poetry is the main thing.' A society that has lost its poetry opens wounds that it will never replace. A society that loses its poetry loses itself. We are ashamed to say why we are an agrarian society today after such a great civilization. Is it a big deal to be an industrial society? It is much more important to be an agrarian society. The door is a country, a heart, a thought, a structure. Those who conquer the east first destroy the gate. The first one to come knocks the door from here. Cities are not built haphazardly. Ancient cities are deliberately established by choosing centers. We have a lot of thinking about the East. Like a woman and a human being. We have the character of Leyla. We are a civilization that has been able to express women through poetry, song, and music for a very long time, and it would be unfair to us to say that only you look at women like this. We came from the place where the mother goddess was. I think we are doing ourselves an injustice. The nobility of geography comes first."

Hikmet Barutçugil: "Calligraphy is also a transdisciplinary"

Ebru (marbling) Artist Hikmet Barutçugil, who mentioned that Ebru works are book art and said that these works deal with the concept of transdisciplinary, stated that "A person who makes the paper, the calligrapher, the taste, the line is another. There is a branch of art, ‘Cetvel Keş’ that only draws a ruler. It is transdisciplinary. Calligraphy falls within the holistic scope of this transdisciplinary. When we look at it, many things that have nothing to do with each other come together. Calligraphy, which deals with many different concepts such as the branch of the rose, the tail of the horse, the moss, the soil itself, the patterns produced by the water, and the formation of marble, is also transdisciplinary."

Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan: "Science is perhaps my field of art"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences TRGENMER Director Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan stated that "We are trying to produce something within the framework of science. Perhaps science is also my field of art. I love science. The laboratory is also a place where I look at things that I am constantly curious about. We are trying to do what we call transdisciplinary in our own field, and we are trying to raise awareness. We are the lucky generation that lives healthy. In our country, 5 and 8 million people have genetic diseases due to consanguineous marriages. We are looking for a cure for them. People suffering from so many different diseases live in cages in their own universe because no one touches them, no one takes them out. We want to say that those children came out and said, 'You have seen us. You have seen us, and we have seen you.' It is strange for me to be here from a very different field, but I am very happy."

Elif Sare Şentürk: "In every painting I make, I start a journey of my dreams"

Üsküdar Children's University and Bilsem Student Elif Sare Şentürk, who mentioned that she reflected everything she dreamed of at that moment on her canvas in her painting works, stated that "When I paint, I actually try to reflect the things I want to realize in my own imagination on my canvas. There is a name I give to my work, 'From Elif's Window.' As I said here, whatever is in my own imagination, thought and emotion, I usually paint my works on my canvas in this way. Since I was little, I have loved reading scientists' books, experimenting, painting, playing the piano and writing stories. I add my thoughts from the books I read to my paintings. I have little dreams while reading a book, naturally these dreams lead me to paint. At that moment, I think of the dreams I have in the story I read, and in this way, I find inspiration in my paintings."

Assoc. Prof. Reyhan Uludağ: "Creativity should come out of the classical understanding of painting"

Assoc. Prof. Reyhan Uludağ, Head of the Department of Art and Cultural Management, Faculty of Art and Design, Istanbul Kültür University, made a presentation about the transformation of the art of painting into a moving image and video art. Uludağ stated that "Actually, my field is of course painting, but I will try to explain to you the connection of the art of painting with video art, its connection with photography, and how they affect each other. Creativity should come out of the classical understanding of painting. The art of painting affects everything today, but the change in the art of painting occurred with the invention of photography. The beginning of a more abstract style, the beginning of a more intellectual style, actually started with photography. Television has become one of the most important elements of video in our lives, where both movement and visual perception are formed. The main reason for this was the inclusion of television in our homes because we all had televisions at home, and we could watch the video directly from there. As a result, movement is very important today, but the basis for it is not very active without painting, patterns and drawings. Craftsmanship and creativity should be in one place, and they should combine with video in one place to capture that art. Yes, dynamic is important, but creativity should come out of the classical understanding of painting."

Vedat Akdamar: "Life is a right, and life is about how you will lead life"

Drawing attention to the fact that the art of living is a situation that can be maintained according to pleasure and pleasure after the basic needs are met, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Vedat Akdamar stated that "Are we just a pawn while struggling in the webs of what we call fate in our search for happiness, or are we artists who create our own lives through our choices? The title that would be appropriate to correct as the art of living is that life is a right, and living is about how you live life. It is the process and state that can be maintained according to pleasure and pleasure after the basic needs are met. This is where art begins. The art of living tells us that we all strive for happiness, that we make some choices for happiness and give up on others, that we shape our lives on happiness, and that we direct our lives according to happiness. Although we lack some tools, in such a society, we want to direct our lives to a purpose to use our own talents and resources, right or wrong. He calls the effort of the individual to continue his life based on his own strength 'The Art of Living'."

Tamer Levent: "I think what we talk about should be named in this age"

Mentioning that art is a way of measuring the value of the work done, Actor, Director and Autor Tamer Levent expressed that "Today, we have done a mini ‘Yes to Art’ institute work here. We talked about all disciplines. For example, dear instructor Cihan Taştan said, 'Which genetic factors ensure the quality of a product?' He's talking about a measurement and evaluation. Aristotle also calls art measurement and evaluation. We have a perception that there is fine art, and there is stage art. When we mention arts, the word art is in the field of fine arts, it says 'Plastic Arts'. We were going to do a seminar in Cyprus, someone from there called. 'Mr. Levent, what do you call plastic here? Plastics, you say?' Now, of course, those who understand plastic arts in this way may be of course, so I couldn't be angry with him, and we don't have the right to be angry with him, because is it the arts or the arts, that is, the essence of the concept? Or is it art? Then we also misuse the art of cooking. We use the art of speech incorrectly because we do no fall into the category of arts. When we look at it with this logic, none of these can be art, on the other hand, we constantly add the word art behind them. As if to prove that there is something better, which is right and which is wrong? Which one is correct, arts or art? People experience some setbacks and make them discover new understandings, but for a while, those setbacks are perceived as real by a certain segment as if they were real. There must have been a conflict for it to be perceived as such. 'Yes to Art!' I demand the establishment of the institute because I think that all this should be called a vision, in this age."

Actor-Director-Writer Tamer Levent signed the books of his readers after his speech.

The exhibition titled 'From Elif's Window' attracted attention

Üsküdar Children's University and Bilsem Student Elif Sare Şentürk presented the exhibition titled 'From Elif's Window' to the participants. Şentürk, who gave information about his work, said that "Vines surround Elif here, but I tried to make it look like a rose at first, then I changed it and tried to do something else. I made carnation flowers because it has the scent of His Holiness Ali."

After the questions were answered, plaques were presented to the participants.

The summit ended with a group photo shoot.



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)