Global interest in the ‘Mizan’ covenant, in which Üsküdar University is also involved, is increasing...

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Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, of which Üsküdar University is also the coordinator, is being promoted all over the world under the leadership of UNEP's Faith for Earth Coalition. Interest in the convention, which is determined as a sacred goal for the protection of natural resources and biodiversity, which are the common heritage of the world, especially Muslim communities, climate change and humanity's respect for the natural balance, is increasing day by day. Mizan is now in the Dutch press by Ömer F. Gürlesin.

Ömer F. Gürlesin, a researcher at the Religion and Climate Change project in the Netherlands, wrote a detailed article about Mizan.

Emphasizing that climate change is an urgent issue affecting our world today, Gürlesin emphasizes that it is very important to understand the cultural and religious values that underlie the debates on the subject. They also considered Mizan from this point of view. His conclusion is significant:

"Positioned as a potential unifying force, Al-Mizan illuminates environmental concerns from an Islamic viewpoint. Its current state, the product of diligent efforts by a select group of academics, hints at its future significance. I hold hope for Al-Mizan's ability to become a foundational work for Muslim scholars and the broader community, advocating a collective Islamic voice on environmental care.”

A collaborative working text carried out under the umbrella of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Faith for Earth Coalition, with the contribution of Muslim thought leaders from around the world, Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth, is increasing its impact at the global level.

Mizan: A Covenant for the Earth marks an important turning point that intertwines Islamic principles with contemporary environmentalism. This seminal document reinvigorates traditional Islamic environmental principles by interpreting them to meet today's ecological demands. Drawing on the rich heritage of Islamic teachings to take action against current environmental crises, the document symbolizes a renewed commitment to nature conservation.

While reminding people, especially Muslim communities, of their responsibilities regarding the protection of natural resources and biodiversity, which are the common heritage of the world, and climate change, the Convention underlines that it is a sacred goal for humanity to respect the natural balance, based on the values that form the basis of Islam.

Gürlesin emphasizes that despite all the difficulties, Mizan offers valuable opportunities to deepen Islam's relationship with environmental issues.

"Mizan has the potential to enrich religious curricula in schools and universities by providing a framework for discussing ecological stewardship in Islamic education. It also offers a reading for Muslims to reflect on their connection to nature and the intrinsic value of the environment."

The study, in which Director of the Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Forum from Prof. İbrahim Özdemir who took part in the committee that prepared the convention, is now in the Dutch press.

The Mizan studies are also widely covered by the Arab press.

The covenant, which increases its impact day by day, was carried to its platform with the signature of site Ömer F. Gülesin.

Please click here for the article written from a sociological and theological point of view.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)