Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Sincerity makes the brain work like a wireless Internet..."

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President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was the guest of the live broadcast of the Sahur Bereketi program presented by Dursun Ali Erzincalı broadcast on TRT 1. Making remarkable evaluations on the subject of "Ramadan and the Effect of Ramadan on Our Mental Health", Tarhan drew attention to the effect of intention on behavior. Pointing out that if the intention of an intending person is sincere, the emotional mirror neurons in the brain of the other party are activated, Tarhan said that if there is sincerity, a warm relationship emerges. Stating that a transfer occurs in the brain of the other party with sincerity and the feeling of affection begins, Tarhan noted that sincerity has a magical feature. Tarhan said that "Sincerity works the brain like wireless Internet. The mirror neurons of sincerity are goodwill."

"There is no civilization in the history of humanity that takes care of orphans so much"

Stating that children with bad parents are also orphans, President of Üsküdar University Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has a serious responsibility for orphans. There is a serious accumulation of Hadiths about them. This is entrenched in our civilization geography. There is compassion for orphans all over our geography. There is no civilization in the history of humanity that takes care of orphans so much. An orphaned child is vulnerable because mother and father are the greatest protectors. The protagonist of the child is his mother and father. They lack that hero, that refuge, that sense of security. Children who are in the hands of bad parents are also orphans. When there is physical abuse and physical neglect, the child grows up in a loveless environment. The child is constantly being abused. In this way, both love and anger develop towards the mother. In some children, there is no love for the mother at all, direct anger develops because the mother becomes an abusive mother. The mother constantly humiliates the child, scolds the child, puts the child on the ground. It is a mother who hits the child's hand while looking for a haven of refuge."

"Modernism has ruined empathy..."

Emphasizing that the greatest psychological need of human beings is to overcome themselves, Prof. Tarhan said that "At the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is self-actualization. Maslow adds 'self-transcendence' on top of that. It translates as transcending yourself. The greatest psychological need of the ego ideal of man is to transcend oneself. If one manages to surpass themselves, a person is happy. Transcending oneself means not just living for oneself. It is to do something for the family, for the environment, for society, for the universe, for the creator, for existence. It is to be able to direct the investment of love to these. When you do these things, you become happy, you become a person who radiates happiness and feels happiness. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is the one who lives and shows it in the way, saying, ‘The one who is best for people is the one who is most beneficial to people.’ One has transcended themselves, but they haves not persecuted themselves. When I say sacrifice, sometimes people go overboard and persecute themselves. Nor should we persecute the soul. Being altruistic does not mean being a doormat. Being self-sacrificing means being aware of one's own feelings, being aware of the other party's feelings and establishing a balance. That's why modernism has ruined empathy. Selfishness brings down the sense of empathy. The type of people who do not consider the feelings, needs and wishes of the other party began to multiply. It isolates such people."

"Social media is fake and gives instant happiness"

Pointing out that social media creates false happiness, Tarhan emphasized the importance of being natural. Tarhan stated that "There is a sense of emptiness right now. For the satisfaction of the feeling of emptiness, social media gives a very fake, temporary, momentary happiness. You do this all the time, and after a while, when you get criticism, people break down. If they have a fake talent, they quickly rise and attract attention, but with a mistake, the opposite happens, and then they become depressed. Here it is important for a person to be natural. This is what we call authentic, pure, pure happiness. A person can be happy even if one is in prison, and one can achieve the same happiness even if they are in the palace."

"Parents should see this month as an opportunity..."

Stating that the month of Ramadan has an important place in cultural transfer, Prof. Tarhan said that "When we say the old Ramadan, the Ramadan of our own childhood has remained in us as a longing. Everyone loves Ramadan because there is a warm atmosphere at home. It would be better for the family to eat together. Therefore, the children love Ramadan very much. Ramadan is the happiest moment for children. Gifts were bought for children, festive clothes and preparations were made. All these are great rituals, but also our cultural transmission. Stories and experiences transfer culture. In Ramadan, people are formatted as a society as well as individually. If our societies are able to protect some things, to protect some values related to the family despite such cultural corruption and global and cultural imperialism, the month of Ramadan has a great impact on this. The seeds planted in the developing spirit of children during Ramadan play a great role. Parents should see this month as an opportunity. It is an opportunity to make the environment at home a warmer environment."

"The human brain is self-programmed"

Referring to the difference between fasting and hunger, Prof. Tarhan said that "Hunger is confused with fasting. It is normal for a person to be irritable when their blood sugar drops during hunger and when one does not eat. Ramadan fasting is a little different, there is no complete hunger. The human brain is a self-programmed organ. For example, if you go to bed thinking, ‘I am going to get up at 4 a.m.,’ you are going to get up before the clock winds because you are programming the brain. In people who fast by believing in fasting, except for the first few days of getting used to it, when the person believes, ‘I will not eat anything until iftar in the evening,’ the brain does not secrete hunger hormones. Since it does not secrete hunger hormones, this time the person does not have a crisis or tension caused by that hunger. In people who are impatient or who keep the fast without digesting it, that nervousness arises at that time."

"The mirror neurons of sincerity are goodwill"

Talking about the effect of intentional behavior and unintended behavior on people, Tarhan expressed that "If a person’s intention is sincere, if they have intentions, the emotional mirror neurons in the other party's brain activate. In other words, people who are looked at with good intentions and sincere activate regions such as love in the brain of the other party, and warmth is created. If there is intimacy, it becomes a warm relationship. There is also a transfer in the brain of the other party and the feeling of affection begins. It is actually the miracle of sincerity. It is a magical attribute of intimacy. Intimacy works the brain like a wireless internet. The mirror neurons of sincerity are goodwill. When there are bad intentions, it negatively affects the brain of the other party. Brains talk like the wireless internet. When you make something good, the brain takes a position about it, makes perceptions about it, makes connections about it, and reacts accordingly."

"A society needs to make sound decisions to function correctly"

Stating that one of the most important emotions in the formation of conscientious norms is the feeling of shame, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "In order for a society to function correctly, it needs to make sound decisions. One needs to take healthy steps. They need to think healthy, feel healthy, and tend to be healthy. There are legal norms, they are determined by laws, they are written law. Secondly, there are social norms, not written but determined by traditions, customs. They are the basic elements that make up society. And the third is conscientious norms. The measure of conscientious norms is also known as morals. The understanding of morality in conscientious norms requires conscientious accountability. This is a part of our ego that is said in psychology as the superego, it develops as a conscience, but if the conscience is too rigid, it makes the person depressed. If it is too loose, it turns the person into a crime machine. One of the most important feelings in the formation of these conscientious norms is the feeling of shame."

"The real freedom is to be free from your feelings"

Stating that it is natural for people to feel lonely from time to time, Prof. Tarhan said that "The real freedom is to be free from your feelings. A person who does this does not feel loneliness. It is normal for a person to feel lonely from time to time. Some people immediately blame others when they feel lonely. I am so successful, that is why they do not like me. They say I am handsome or beautiful, so they do not like me, they are jealous of me, they talk behind my back. First of all, one needs to question themselves through a third opinion, wondering where and how I am making a mistake and people are moving away from me. This is referred to as self-accounting in our culture."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)