Students wore their white coats on March 14, Medicine Day...

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Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine students experienced the joy of wearing white coats. Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Haydar Sur, academicians, students and parents attended the white coat wearing ceremony. Within the scope of the ceremony, a panel titled "From Mektebi Tıbbiyeyi Şahane (Imperial School of Medicine) to the First Modern Medical School 'İstanbul Faculty of Medicine'", was also held with the participation of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Prof. Mehmet Demirhan as a speaker.

A ceremony was held for the students of the Turkish and English Departments of the Faculty of Medicine in two separate sessions at the İbn-i Sina Auditorium in NP Health Campus.

Students experienced great enthusiasm and excitement at the ceremony. At the meeting, which attracted great interest from academics and families, parents who saw the students in white coats had emotional moments.

The opening speeches of the white coat ceremony, which was held within the scope of March 14 Medicine Day, were made by Faculty of Medicine student Edanur Turan, second year student representative of the Faculty of Medicine Yunus Emre Çelik, Faculty of Medicine first year student Mehmet Efe Tekiz, Faculty of Medicine student Fatima Hafızoğlu, Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur, Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak, and Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör.

Prof. Haydar Sur: "The medical profession requires great devotion"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Dean Prof. Haydar Sur, who made the opening speeches in the Turkish and English sessions, pointed out that it is the main duty of doctors, nurses and paramedics to save the lives of other people before their own lives. Prof. Haydar Sur stated that "The medical profession requires great dedication and is more difficult than many professions. Not only the physician themselves, but everyone close to the physician contributes to this dedication. We are people who have made it a profession to put the lives of others before our own. The white coat has three meanings in my opinion, and all three are more valuable than the other. The first is cleanliness, the color that best shows the smallest dirt is white, so the doctor must always be clean. It must not transmit germs. It is a visual symbol to make sure that one is with the cleanest white coat. Its second meaning is honesty. If we say that you should associate a color to an honest person, this color would be white. The doctor has no right to lie. When someone else's life is entrusted to you, if you lie to that person, you are dehumanizing. While the doctor treats their patient with this awareness, they should always have their foot on the honesty stop while directing the patient's relatives. Honest people and honest doctors are the second key to success. The third meaning is that white represents hope. Even in the presence of the deadliest patient, we are still people who do not lose hope and can still stand by life. The doctor will never be on the side of death. We will always carry hope within us."

Prof. Hikmet Koçak: "Being a doctor is a profession based on love for people"

Üsküdar University Vice Rector Prof. Hikmet Koçak, who made the opening speeches in both sessions, stated that he was still as excited as the first day at the white coat ceremonies. Prof. Hikmet Koçak stated that "As physicians who graduated years ago, we get excited as if we were going to wear white coat at a new white coat ceremony. From the first day you put on the white coat, responsibilities come to you. Being a doctor is a profession based on love for people. We tell our students that being a doctor is a profession where social life continues and has a high social aspect. You learn the information from books and your teachers; however, you also learn the social aspect, the skill aspect and the art aspect from your professors and families. If you just keep with knowledge, you will be a good scientist. You become one-winged. Doctors need to apply everything they know to the best of their ability. From the first day of humanity, there has been a doctorate in every geography, it will exist, and it will continue."

Prof. Nazife Güngör: "The job of physicians is to touch hearts of people..."

Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör, who made the opening speeches at the ceremony held in Turkish and English, emphasized the importance of communicative empathy for future physicians. Güngör stated that "If you love people, you will be successful in this profession because the job of physicians is to touch people’s heart. Therefore, you must love the person you are going to have an impact on. My advice to young physicians is to empathize because 'communicative empathy' is very important. You will always be interested in the aching, sore, and tender aspects of humanity. Therefore, you will always be in a struggle. There will always be screams in your life, you will always hear screams. Therefore, you have a duty to turn human screams into smiles and laughter. You will give a lot of yourself. The society has great expectations from you, and to meet those expectations in the best way, you need to load yourself with some artistic knowledge as well as physician knowledge and scientific knowledge. To empathize, you need to know psychology well, and to know people, you need to be a philosopher. Your touch to a person is not only physical, but you also need to read their spiritual side and emotional side. A doctor must be a good emotion literate, a good spirit literate, a good intuition literate. Therefore, you need to know people very well. We must start getting to know people with ourselves. We need to develop our own emotions, souls, and intuitions. You are very lucky because you are in the right place. Our university is a university that prioritizes touching people’s heart. It is a university that prioritizes human values, human love, social responsibility, morality and all these values."

The great pride of the academician mother...

While the students of the Faculty of Medicine experienced the joy of wearing white coats, Prof. Tuğba Altıntaş, one of the academicians of the Department of Health Management of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Üsküdar University, dressed her daughter Nil Ceren Altıntaş in her white coat. Altıntaş, who dressed her daughter in her white coat on this special day, expressed that she was proud of her daughter.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan's book was given as a gift

The students of the Faculty of Medicine, who wore their white coats, were presented with the book ‘Conscious Youth' written by President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist, Author Prof. Nevzat Tarhan for young people.

Prof. Mehmet Demirhan: "Orthopedics goes hand in hand with many branches"

Within the scope of March 14 Medicine Day, a panel titled "From Mektebi Tıbbiyeyi Şahane (Imperial School of Medicine) to the First Modern Medical School 'İstanbul Faculty of Medicine'" was held, with the participation of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist Prof. Mehmet Demirhan as a speaker.

Noting that everything started on March 14, 1827, Prof. Mehmet Demirhan stated that "When Mahmut II saw very serious losses in the wars, he decided to establish a medical school in the Ottoman Empire. Thus, this adventure begins. Orthopedics is a really important field that goes together with many branches, and maybe it is form of internal medicine that is not separated although pediatric orthopedics are separate, shoulder elbow is separate, hand surgery is separate, trauma is separate and all of them are separate top specialties. Türkiye is in a very good position at this point. Orthopedics is in a very important situation."

Prof. Mehmet Demirhan was presented with a plaque by Dean of Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Prof. Haydar Sur and Üsküdar University Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Head Prof. İsmet Teoman Benli.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)