Global Sustainability and Women in Business Life were discussed

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Üsküdar University Continuing Education Application and Research Center (ÜSEM) organized an event on "Global Sustainability and Women in Business Life" on March 8, International Women's Day. At the event, the roles of women in society were mentioned. In the program, it was emphasized that Turkish women were given the right to vote and to be elected much earlier than other countries, and it was underlined that women should be determined and courageous on the way to success.

The event, which took place at Üsküdar University Çarşı Campus Emirnebi Conference Hall, was attended by Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Occupational Health and Safety faculty member Assoc. Prof. Müge Ensari Özay, Medeniyet University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Head of Physics Engineering Department Prof. Emine Can, Demiroğlu Bilim University Asst. Prof. Didem Söylemez Sur, Dr. Pelin Balı, Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety Doctorate Student Nafiseh Farajırad, Üsküdar University R&D and Innovation Policies Director Meltem Bayraktar, Üsküdar University Corporate Business Development Consultant Ebru Genç and Specialist Clinical Psychologist Büşra Ay as speakers.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Haydar Sur also attended the event.

Assoc. Prof. Müge Ensari Özay: "A woman is expected to wear many hats at once"

The opening speech of the program was made by Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Occupational Health and Safety faculty member Assoc. Prof. Müge Ensari Özay with the topic of 'Women Employees in Business Life'. Özay stated that "I would like to start by saying that women make the world beautiful. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who said that ‘Everything you see in the world is the work of women.’ In our country, women were given the right to vote and be elected long before other countries in the world. Women's rights are important because we live in a somewhat patriarchal society. Our customs and traditions are patriarchal. Sometimes we do not even realize it. We also have serious problems in business life. In economic terms, women may experience serious difficulties when they do not work. When a woman works, she may experience other difficulties. When a woman starts working, she has to manage both the work and the house. Socially, a woman is expected to wear many hats at once. Anatolian women are strong. When we look at the War of Independence and before the war, we see that we were really strong women. Unfortunately, women are seen as secondary in our society. I want a system to prevail in which women are subject to the right to equal pay for equal work."

Prof. Emine Can: "There are many women who have left their mark in history..."

Medeniyet University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Head of the Department of Physics Engineering Prof. Emine Can made a presentation titled 'Women Who Left a Mark in the History Process'. Explaining the most common situations she encountered during her tenure as dean at İstanbul Medeniyet University, Can stated that there were many more women as research assistants than men. Prof. Emine Can stated that "In some departments, there are almost no male academics. This leads to serious problems in women during pregnancy. The stronger a country's economy is, the more consistent its politics are, and the more different positions we can take as women. I think we can be much stronger. There are so many women who have left their mark on history. However, two of them stand out a little more. These names are people who have influenced both the world and our society, one of them is Sabiha Gökçen. The most important feature of Sabiha Gökçen is that she is the world's first female fighter pilot. Being determined and courageous on the way to success is a role model for us women. Secondly, Marie Curi had a very difficult life. We know her for her studies on radioactivity in our school life. The most important feature is that she knows two difficult branches of science, both physics and chemistry, very well and received the Nobel Prize by doing serious studies on this subject. She is the first woman in the world to receive the Nobel Prize, who is both a physicist and a chemist."

Asst. Prof. Didem Söylemez Sur: "Mimosas are a flower unique to women, which defend their rights"

Demiroğlu Bilim University Asst. Prof. Didem Söylemez Sur made a presentation titled 'Existing as a Woman in the Health Sector'. Sur drew attention to the fact that the participants had a mimosa flower on their collar and expressed that "I especially want to thank you for the mimosas on your collar. Mimosas are a flower unique to women and are egalitarian and defending the rights of women. I am very happy to be here as a woman, and I am very proud. There are many disadvantages of being a woman; however, there are also many advantages of being a woman. Let's not ignore them. That's why I, as a woman of the Turkish Republic, am proud to play a role here. I would like to express my gratitude to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. I am glad we are his children. The first women's rights in the world were born in our country, and I would like to celebrate March 8 with more enthusiasm. Human beings do not have the right to choose their sex from birth. None of us chose to be women. Men did notchoose to be men either. Neither we are superior, nor men are superior. The values given to women's rights are in a very important position in determining the development of countries. Women can also lead. Women also have leadership qualities, but some people are pressuring women on this issue."

Dr. Pelin Balı: If a woman is happy, a family is happy, the world is happy

Stating that there is nothing that women cannot achieve, Dr. Pelin Balı talked about the subject of 'Women and Ancient Beauty'. Stating that the world is happy when a woman is happy, Balı said that "I studied bioenergy in public health in Moscow and had the chance to use my own techniques. Moreover, I had the chance to do a number of different applications. With my achievements today, there are techniques by which natural beautification is possible, and the main source of this is women and female beauty. Woman means feminine energy. We are the color of life. As the starting point of ancient beauty, we will improve each other with those lullabies that we touch and call out to their ears, with our hugs and our screams. There is nothing that cannot be achieved on this path. If the woman is happy, the world is happy. If the woman is happy, the children are happy. If the woman is happy, the family is happy. If the woman is really happy, even the apartment is happy. We are already enough with our existence as women. Thus, when you understand this, please take the time for yourself. Listen to music that makes you feel good. Spare no expense and buy the gift you bought for yourself first. If you do not buy that flower for yourself, no one else will."

Nafiseh Farajırad: "We need to live with the future in mind"

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Occupational Health and Safety PhD Student Nafiseh Farajırad made a presentation titled 'The Role of Women in Environmental Health and Sustainability'. Referring to the importance of environmental sustainability, Farajırad stated that "A woman means everything. As a society, we forget everything easily. The United Nations has defined sustainable development as follows: we need to live by thinking about the future. In terms of sustainable development, issues such as water and environmental cleanliness are the main issues in the world. When we think of the environment, difficult definitions come to mind. The environment is where we live. Without the environment, we do not exist. Every person needs environmental sustainability such as clean air and clean water to live, otherwise we do not live. We have forgotten very simple concepts. When the population increases, we lose biodiversity. We are experiencing soil pollution. Plastic waste is everywhere now. We experience temperature changes every day. In fact, these are man's own creations. Each of us has a stake in them. 5 hundred billion bags are collected annually in the world. It is an example of how much we damage the environment. The United Nations has set great goals in this regard. The first goal is the absence of poverty. As women, we are in a luxurious position when we look at the world in general."

Meltem Bayraktar: "We have reached the 2nd place in the number of female patent applications"

Mentioning that the share of women in R&D and workforce is increasing, Üsküdar University R&D and Innovation Policies Director Meltem Bayraktar made a presentation titled 'Women's Power in Project Studies'. Bayraktar stated that "Atatürk says, 'Never give up science and walking on this path.' Apart from that, I will talk about a very important congress that took place in 1935 about Atatürk's view of women. It is also very important that the name of this congress is 'Women's Union Congress' and that it took place in İstanbul in 1935. This shows how much we have cared about women since then. In the 100th year of our Republic, we, as women engineers and other academics among us, are actually the women of the 100th year. I did not experience any difficulties or troubles. We were lucky. We have never doubted ourselves and our values. We make a great effort to the end in the best way in our profession. We are aware of the unlimited opportunities that the Republic offers us. The share of women in R&D and workforce is increasing. It is now at 37 percent. We observe that there is an increase of 50 percent in higher education. In the number of international women's patent applications, we have surpassed many countries and ranked 2nd. The level of development of countries is related to the patents made by women."

Ebru Genç: "Successful people have achieved success after certain difficulties"

Üsküdar University Corporate Business Development Consultant Ebru Genç made a presentation titled 'Women's Ability to Sustain and Support'. Genç stated that "About four months ago, my left leg was amputated due to an illness I do not want to pronounce. However, I was able to stand up in such a short time. Although this is due to the fact that this woman is a collector, I think that being in working life since university has also contributed to today's Ebru. I have a 3-year-old son. I was introduced to the art of kitsuki thanks to an assignment of my son and it inspired me a lot. It was the art and philosophy that guided me in the building blocks of today's Ebru or the life user manual. According to this understanding of art, fractures are not considered as damage, but as experience. This philosophy says, 'Fractures and scars are not meant to be hidden, but rather to be emphasized.' Many successful people have achieved great success after adversity, and people have often thanked the people who broke their hearts because they learned to repair themselves correctly. At the same time, they were able to feel their true value in their selves."

Specialist Clinical Psychologist Büşra Ay: "Each of us is a different color"

In the program, Specialist Clinical Psychologist Büşra Ay made a presentation titled 'Being a Clinical Psychologist'. Ay stated that "Our wounds vary, they change in size, their meaning changes, some have a deeper wound, some have a superficial wound, but we all have wounds. I have been at Üsküdar University for 7 years. I graduated from the Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations in 2020. Afterwards, I did a double major in psychology. I graduated from the Department of Psychology in 2021. Afterwards, I completed my master's degree in clinical psychology at our school. I believe that everyone has a life motto in this life. Some people's life motto comes to the fore more easily, recognizes that motto more easily, and some reveal it later. I believe that you are not working as long as you are doing what you love. There are certain factors that define a human being. For example, our social fields such as sociology, psychology, these are all social fields. Each of us has a different cognition. Each of us is a different color. Every person is as unique as every case. There are some factors that make people human, business life and school life are one of them. I definitely believe that women should study and improve themselves."

The event ended after a music concert.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)