Students had the opportunity to get to know the leading companies of the sector...

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri


Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Opticianry Program students Opticianry Program Head Instructor Ömer Faruk Okuyucu and the accompanying students attended the 'Opticworld Optics, Glasses, Ophthalmology and Technologies Fair'. IOGO President Instructor Ayhan Demircan and Instructor Begüm Genç was also attended the fair, which was held for the first time this year. Students had the opportunity to get to know the leading companies of the sector and to get information about how production, import and export are realized in the sector.

At the fair held in İzmir, students had the opportunity to see, compare and examine many things in practice. Especially, information about new products and domestic production was also followed.

Students also had the opportunity to see a wide variety of machinery, equipment, tools and consumables in glasses, contact lenses, glass technologies, ophthalmology and sectoral understanding.

It is a useful fair to follow the changes and transformations...

Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Opticianry Program Head Ömer Faruk Okuyucu said that since the fair was held for the first time, it was a useful fair trip to contribute to the sector and to follow the new updates, changes and transformations in the sector.

Okuyucu stated that although it was the first fair held in İzmir, he observed that it was good and that similar opinions were formed in the consultations with the participating circles and the leading NGO managers of the sector.

They had the opportunity to get to know the leading companies of the sector...

At the fair, which also received great attention from the students of the opticianry program, the students had the opportunity to get to know the leading companies of the sector and to get information about how production, import and export are realized in the sector.

Moreover, the students had the opportunity to chat with the opinion leaders of the sector and the managers of NGOs as in every fair and thanked Üsküdar University and IOGO for organizing the organization after the fair.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)