The first-year students of Occupational Therapy experienced the joy of wearing white coats

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Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Occupational Therapy Department first-year students experienced the joy of wearing white coats. The ceremony was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin and the Head of the Department of Occupational Therapy Prof. Sevda Asqarova, as well as the academicians of the department, students and parents. Students who experienced the enthusiasm of wearing white coats took a step towards their professional lives.

The white coat ceremony held at Üsküdar University NP Health Campus İbni Sina Auditorium attracted great interest from the participants.

Bergüzar Akbıyık: "We will work hard to improve people's quality of life"

First year student of the Department of Occupational Therapy Bergüzar Akbıyık made the opening speech at the white coat ceremony. Akbıyık stated that "Today, we undertake the responsibility of improving our skills and practicing the sacred profession at Üsküdar University, our home of science, where we have learned in the field of occupational therapy and will learn until our graduation with this ceremony. We started this journey for the next 4 years with full of information and great experiences with our teachers and set out to start our profession as professional occupational therapists."

Prof. Sevda Asqarova: "I am sure that our students will wear these bright white coats with honor"

At the ceremony, Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Head of Occupational Therapy Department Prof. Sevda Asqarova made the opening speeches. Starting her speech by congratulating all students and their families, Asqarova pointed out why occupational therapy is important in the 21st century. Asqarova stated that "Today we gathered on a very beautiful and special occasion. On this special day, you will wear your bright white coats, which have a great meaning for your profession. I believe that you will proudly carry your white coat on this journey you have embarked on. As a field of science, the positive effect of occupational therapy on our quality of life is of great importance because Occupational Therapy is a 'Positive Therapy.' In fact, we can literally say that Occupational Therapy is the 'Art of Healing People'... As an Occupational Therapist, you will improve the situation of the person no matter what it is, and you will provide positive touches to their lives by teaching them to enjoy life."

Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin: "The memory of this moment is never forgotten..."

Üsküdar University Faculty of Health Sciences Dean Prof. Arif Aktuğ Ertekin stated that "I remembered the first time I wore my white coat. The memory of this moment will never be forgotten... A person gets very emotional and proud. Occupational therapy is a profession that includes the basic principles of many branches and supports many departments in this regard. Health is a very beautiful field, and it is a field that touches people. I wish we had the opportunity to cure every patient; however, unfortunately the nature of the job is not like this. As health professionals, we are obliged to maintain all the efforts and support we can, both to provide health to our patients and to enlighten the society.".

Happy moments of students...

At the white coat ceremony, the students' oath and a visual feast with balloons were watched with admiration by the guests.

First year student of Occupational Therapy Diyar Eren read the poem 'Occupational Therapy'. Then, Betül Sümeyye Güney read her poem 'March 8' on March 8, International Women's Day.

The students sang with joy and experienced the enthusiasm of wearing their white coats.

At the end of the ceremony, a theater play about the ethical values of the occupational therapy profession organized by occupational therapy students was staged.

The performance of the students was watched with interest...



Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)