With the effect of inflation, stockpiling has started in households!

Haber ile ilişkili SDG etiketleri

DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44551

Experts say that in the environmental, humanitarian and social crisis processes that occur every ten to twenty years in the world and in Türkiye, it can be seen that consumers turn to stockpiling to make a living, and wars, internal conflicts, inflationary environments and epidemics trigger stockpiling.

Stating that consumers' resort to short-term solutions such as stocking up to make their own living means that the production and distribution elements, which are a part of economic efficiency, become stagnant, Sociologist Dr. Berat Dağ expressed that "For this reason, it is extremely important for individuals to build a social interaction focused on the value of labor and trust instead of cunning or panicking towards an economic action by considering only their own interests."

Üsküdar University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Research Assistant Dr. Berat Dağ evaluated the issue of stockpiling at home.

It can be seen that consumers turn to stockpiling to make a living

Stating that stockpiling means the illegitimate stocking and storage of these commodities to make more profit on the commodities supplied by the producers, Dr. Berat Dağ said that "When considered in the context of this meaning, it is clear that the process of stockpiling the commodities in their hands by stockpiling and offering them for sale at exorbitant prices victimizes the consumers. Consumers who were left alone in societies with low levels of social trust are expected to try to find short-term solutions to this victimization that imitate producers. Therefore, it can be seen that consumers turn to stockpiling to make a living in the environmental, humanitarian and social crisis processes that occur almost every ten to twenty years in the world and in Türkiye."

Wars, internal conflicts, inflationary environments and epidemics trigger stockpiling!

Noting that in an environment of fear and anxiety caused by wars, internal conflicts, inflationary environments and epidemics, individuals and communities focus on their own interests and turn to thoughts and actions such as stockpiling, Sociologist Dr. Berat Dağ also made the following remarks about the issue of inflation that triggers stockpiling in society:

"One of the measures that must be taken to achieve a sustainable level of development is related to solving the problem of inflation because it becomes difficult for individuals to make rational decisions for social interests in a risky environment where prices fluctuate extremely rapidly. In other words, doubting the present and future of individuals and sticking to the goal of saving will prevent them from participating in the production, circulation and consumption process."

The deepening of social inequality by stockpiling is a serious problem

Stating that the deepening of social inequality is a serious problem caused by the inflationary environments that lead producers and consumers, Dr. Berat Dağ expressed that "It is extremely important to think about economic, health and justice policies that give confidence to individuals, communities and societies in order to maintain social solidarity against this problem."

Stockpiling is socially destructive...

Noting that each individual and community that turns to stockpiling is not aware of what kind of social destructiveness it causes while meeting its own interests, Dr. Berat Dağ stated that "Stockpiling by producers to gain an unfair gain will cause social poverty and conflict to become widespread. On the other hand, the fact that consumers resort to short-term solutions such as stockpiling to make a living means that the elements of production and distribution, which are part of economic efficiency, become stagnant. For this reason, it is extremely important for individuals to build a social interaction focused on the value of labor and trust, instead of cunningly or panickily turning to an economic action by considering only their own interests."

Goods that are turned into garbage...

Noting that it is known that suppliers stock their commodities with the greed of profit and even turn them into garbage, Dr. Berat Dağ expressed that "It is clear that consumers tend to accumulate more than they need in panic in this environment. Therefore, economic interactions today are shaped by an extreme based on individual interests. It is quite appropriate to summarize this process with the analogy of social eclipse of reason.

Consumers' tendency to stockpile...

Stating that the stockpiling tendency of consumers cannot be understood without considering the social interactions, Dr. Berat Dağ said that "In this context, it is simple to predict that such individual problems will be encountered continuously unless an egalitarian, libertarian and solidarity social structure is built within the framework of a trust based on labor. From this point of view, it is necessary to remind that a world where individuals do not feel at risk is possible. If individuals have started to think that they will starve, become poor, unsheltered, sick or even die at any moment, no time should be lost to analyze the structural crises that cause this thought."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)