February 27 "World NGOs Day" and "Meeting of Non-Governmental Organizations"

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44392

Under the consultancy of Üsküdar University, Non-Governmental Organizations met in Üsküdar on World NGOs Day. The meeting, which was attended by hundreds of NGO members from 81 provinces, was held with the support of the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Relations with Civil Society, under the auspices of the Governorship of İstanbul and hosted by Üsküdar Municipality. NGO representatives, who came together in cooperation with the Haydi Tut Elimi Association, Amasya Federation of Associations and Black Sea Non-Governmental Organizations, celebrated the February 27 World Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Day with enthusiasm.

At the meeting held at Üsküdar Bağlarbaşı Congress and Culture Center, the music choir of İstanbul University Itri Fine Arts High School, consisting of young people, also took the stage.

Üsküdar NGO Academy was opened...

In the program, the opening of the "Üsküdar NGO Academy" was held with the support of the Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Civil Society Relations and the consultancy of Üsküdar University.

It was held with the participation of Üsküdar NGO Academy, which was established for the first time in Türkiye for the institutionalization and branding of associations, İstanbul Mayor candidate Murat Kurum, Üsküdar Mayor Hilmi Türkmen, Darülaceze President Hamza Cebeci, KASTOB Earth Angels together with its member Üsküdar University Rectorate Project Development Director Asst. Prof. Nebiye Yaşar, Haydi Tut Elimi Board Members Ayşe Banu Güngenci, Ayşegül Shape, Serpil Tarhan and KASTOB Chairman of the Board Nevzat Duyar and Board Members and 24 federation presidents.

The participants cut the opening ribbon together.

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "This project will be yeast"

President of Üsküdar University and President of Haydi Tut Elimi Association Prof. Nevzat Tarhan also participated in the program, which was attended by hundreds of representatives and members of non-governmental organizations, with the video he sent. Pointing out that the project will be a yeast, Tarhan said that "This is what Türkiye also needs. Without the warm relationship between people, without unity, how strong a voice we can raise against the world. There can be no unity outside without unity inside. This project will be a yeast. There will be more beautiful projects after that. It is valuable for the Ministry of Interior to embrace this project. As a university, we will carry out the project in accordance with the project cycle. Openly, transparently. It is a year-long project. We want to build a brand at the end of the project. NGOs will be provided not only with service delivery but also with pioneering, value-creating and advocacy roles. NGOs will become brands and set an example for Türkiye."

Noting that associations have great duties for social peace, Tarhan added that NGOs go with scientific sound in accordance with their philosophy.

With the support of national and international non-governmental organizations, this program raised awareness in the society and reinforced the spirit of cooperation and solidarity. This program aimed to expand the network of cooperation and partnership of civil society organizations, share resources, and join forces to achieve common goals. Participants were inspired by each other and emphasized the power of joint efforts to develop more effective and sustainable projects in the future.

World NGOs Day and Civil Organizations Gathering encourage civil society to make its voice heard, be a catalyst for social change, and work together for a more just and sustainable world. With this program, civil society organizations have taken a promising step for a future in solidarity by emphasizing the importance of civil society at the global level.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)