The launch of "Al-Mizan: A Convenient for the Earth" will be held in Kenya on February 27

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Prepared by leading Islamic scholars from around the world, the "Al-Mizan: A Convenient for the Earth" will be launched on February 27 at the United Nations Environment Conference in Kenya.

Director of the Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Forum Prof. İbrahim Özdemir, who was part of the core team that prepared the "Al-Mizan: A Convenient for the Earth" stated that "Al-Mizan represents a strong voice that reminds us that Islam calls for active environmental management."

The launch of the "Al-Mizan: A Convenient for the Earth ", which was prepared by leading Islamic scholars from all over the world and whose core team includes Üsküdar University, will be held on Tuesday, February 27 at the United Nations Environment Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

"Al-Mizan: A Convenient for the Earth" ( offers a comprehensive Islamic perspective on moral responsibility towards the environment, calling for collective action to combat climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution, and to protect our planet.

Grounded in religiously and morally rich principles, the convenient outlines the path to a more sustainable future, which is guided by the values of compassion, justice, and interconnectedness.

The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) is being held in Kenya

The sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) will be held from February 26 to March 1, 2024, at the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Mizan will also be launched on Tuesday, February 27, at the United Nations Environment Conference (UNEA-6) with the theme "Effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to combat climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution".

The Al-Mizan is seen as the Islamic counterpart of Laudato Si, which is considered a Vatican document

In addition to the UNEA President, high-level representatives of Islamic and other international organizations will be present at the launch, including the Vatican's Permanent Observer to UNEP Kenya and South Africa, Hubertus van Megen.

Mizan is seen as the Islamic counterpart to Laudato Si, which Pope Francis published in 2015 and is considered the most comprehensive Vatican document on the environment, morality, and the Christian faith so far.

Al-Mizan: A Convenient for the Earth is administered by the Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences and supported by UNEP's Faith for the World Coalition.

Other key partners drafting the convention include the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of the Islamic World (ICESCO), Üsküdar University, Hamad University, the Quran Botanical Garden and Anaq el-Ard.

It is aimed to mobilize mosques and community initiatives on the environment

In addition to being endorsed by The Muslim Council of Elders, the convention has also been reviewed by more than 300 Islamic and international organizations.

After the launch of Al-Mizan, it will be supported by a viable strategy that outlines the key priorities represented by various initiatives, including the Mizan Academy, the ten-year action plan, the youth council and summit, global achievement awards, the establishment of the Mizan network and foundation fund, the holding of global conferences twice a year, the mobilization of mosques and community initiatives, and much more.

"Although Mizan is based on Islamic principles, it will convey its message to people of all faiths and backgrounds"

Director of the UNEP Faith for the Earth Coalition Iyad Abumoghli stated that "Al-Mizan is based on Islamic principles and conveys its message to people of all faiths and backgrounds. Recognizing that environmental issues transcend religious and cultural boundaries, it underscores the urgent need for collective action around the world."

Founding Director of the UK-based Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IFEES) Fazlun Khalid stated that "Al-Mizan is a guiding light inspired by Islam and nurtured by responsibility to build a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations."

"It represents a powerful voice that reminds us that Islam calls for active environmental stewardship."

Director of the Üsküdar University Environmental Ethics Forum Prof. İbrahim Özdemir, who is a member of the core team that prepared Mizan, expressed that "Mizan represents a strong voice that reminds us that Islam calls for active environmental management."

The launch will take place on Tuesday, February 27 at 16:00 (Nairobi time) at the UNON Media Centre under the patronage of UNEA President Ms. Leila Benali and other senior officials.


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)