Technical staff start life early, lighten the workforce!

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Stating that graduates of vocational schools have the advantage of having a job in a short time, experts say that there is a need for many health professionals and technically trained manpower in the health sector.

Noting that being a graduate of a two-year Vocational School is an advantage in many ways, Director of the Vocational School of Health Services Prof. Mesut Karahan stated that "I think that technical staff have an effect on alleviating the workforce and preventing unemployment."

Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services Director Prof. Mesut Karahan emphasized the importance of the need for associate degree (2-year) graduate technical staff and evaluated the issue.

"Whether or bot you have an associate degree or a bachelor's degree, it is important to be individuals who do their job honestly"

Stating that career is a very important life journey in terms of advancing in a chosen line of business and taking responsibility as a result, gaining status, and earning economic income, Prof. Mesut Karahan expressed that "The stages and durations of this journey also differ from individual to individual. However, the most important fact here is to be beneficial to the society, whether it is an associate degree or a bachelor's degree, but to be quality and honest individuals who do their job."

"We raise graduates who meet the needs at our university"

Explaining that there are many graduates who work as technical staff and that most of them can reach the right places professionally, Prof. Mesut Karahan said that "The need for technical staff in our country is increasing day by day, and we are giving graduates who meet the needs of our university with the feedback we receive from our external stakeholders."

Stating that in addition to graduating from a good university and program, individual effort and determination are also effective in success, Prof. Mesut Karahan said that "Success is more about being a family than individuality, and most importantly, it is a great teamwork."

Noting that Üsküdar University Vocational School of Health Services students can also find the opportunity to work in other institutions affiliated to the university, Prof. Mesut Karahan continued his remarks as follows:

"One of the most beautiful aspects of vocational high schools and associate degree programs is that they open up a valuable place in life for individuals who have a job in a short time. Another aspect that makes me happy is that I can see our graduates who can complete their education in a short time and experience economic relief; however, they can continue their education on their own feet at higher levels. Young people have an advantage in finding a job by having the chance to go to the job field due to courses such as vocational training and summer internship in the business while they are still studying."

"Technicians who graduated from Vocational High School are more fortunate in finding a job"

Emphasizing that not only professions such as medicine and nursing, but also many health professionals and technically trained manpower are very important among the members of the health team, Prof. Mesut Karahan stated that "Regardless of which program they graduate from in vocational schools, they can access job opportunities in many hospitals, clinics and biomedical fields. However, although vocational high school graduates in our country have a little more difficulty in finding job opportunities, technical staff who are graduates of Vocational High School are more fortunate in this regard."

"Technical staff lighten the workforce"

Director of Vocational School of Health Services Prof. Mesut Karahan also made the following remarks on the advantages of being a 2-year Vocational School graduate:

"Being a graduate of a two-year Vocational School has advantages in many ways. Especially with the 2-year curriculum, graduates who establish the basic infrastructure of the required professional knowledge and skills in a short time can enter the business world in the fastest way. With the elimination of the need for technical staff, production increases in all sectors and they become a part of creating added value for our country. It also seems to be very advantageous in terms of eliminating unemployment. I think it also has an impact on reducing the workforce and preventing unemployment."


Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)