1 out of 2 people admitted to the emergency department for a 'heart attack' has a panic attack!

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.32739/uha.id.44353

Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that there is excessive health concern in those who made their narcissistic investment in their body and health and said that "57 percent of the cases that apply to the emergency department saying, 'I am having a heart attack' and undergo angiography are panic disorder. 57 percent is a very high number. They are doing unnecessary examinations.”

Prof. Tarhan stated that "Stress control is beneficial, but panic is harmful... Therefore, if we have a personality that is prone to panic attacks, we need to know that we are catastrophizing situations and events."

Prof. Tarhan: "Children do not have panic attacks. It takes a certain mental level for a panic attack."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the issue of panic attacks.

Tarhan: "The person feels like he is going to lose his mind at the same time, there is a fear of death"

Noting that panic attack is defined as panic disorder and is the name given to a disease that has entered the classification books and the attacks within it, Prof. Tarhan stated that "Panic attack is a disease characterized by physiological and mental symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, tremors, shortness of breath, suffocation, pain in the chest, and tightness. The person feels as if they are going to lose their mind at the same time, and there is a fear of death. How does it feel when you lose control of the steering wheel while driving at speed? For a moment, they are terrified and say that 'it is going to overturn. I am going to die'. People with panic disorder feel this way during a panic attack. It is a sense of losing control."

57 percent of the cases of those who applied to the emergency department as 'I am having a heart attack' are panic disorder

Stating that the unexpected arrival of these attacks is called panic disorder, Prof. Tarhan continued his remarks as follows:

"Now a person gets upset about something, there is stress, then there are palpitations, excitement. This is not a panic attack. The reason for this is obvious. In panic attack disorder, it occurs unexpectedly, without a causal link, and even the person is asleep and wakes up with a panic attack. Doctors call this a 'panic attack'. This person wakes up and because they cannot explain the reason at that moment. The person says, 'Why is this happening out of the blue?' They feel worse because their heart is pounding, they are sweating, trembling, feeling like they are dying, as if they are losing their mind. It is uncertain. And they go to the emergency room.

57 percent of the cases that apply to the emergency department with the question 'I am having a heart attack' and undergo angiography are panic disorder. 57 percent is a very high number. They have unnecessary examinations. Something that affects medical expenses a lot. People with panic disorder have high health concerns. They have a constant interest in disease-related issues. If a part of it is numb, it goes to the health institution. There is anticipatory anxiety. The person begins to avoid and fear that they will have the attack, because the constant attacks evoke a terrible sense of disaster.”

Zeki Müren also confined himself to Bodrum due to a panic attack

Prof. Tarhan explained that people cannot go out alone because attacks can occur in any environment, they cannot enter the bathroom alone, and there are even those who crawl at home because they will have an attack. Prof. Tarhan stated that "There are people who cannot walk, cannot go out alone, and go to their mother when their spouse goes to work. There are also agoraphobia panic attacks, fear of open spaces. A person cannot get on the ferry, the bus, enter the tunnel, or travel. These have a very serious impact on your life. The person is running away from many functions of life. You know Zeki Müren. This was not talked about much at the time, but it turns out later that he did not want to go out in public because of a panic attack. And he confined himself in Bodrum. He was terrified of that feeling that he was going to have a heart attack. At the time, these diagnoses were not well known. It was talked about; however, it was not very widespread. And then he goes on a stage and then he has an attack.”

Tarhan: "We invite our own panic attacks"

Noting that feared situations influence the brain, and that due to the wrong beliefs and excessive compulsions experienced by the person, the brain takes a position about it and starts to give similar reactions by making connections about it, Prof. Tarhan stated that "In some advanced cases, we invite our own panic attacks. It goes into a vicious circle. One thinks more and more.”

Stating that those who invest in narcissism in their body and health have excessive health concerns, Prof. Tarhan said that "What is narcissistic investment? The situation in which the person invests in what one likes best. An investment of love. The most narcissistic being is the child. A child loves themselves. Innate narcissism is born with the capacity to love something. Narcissistic people direct it at themselves. If a person has got over themselves, one distributes the investment of narcissism in a balanced way by directing it to their country, homeland, people, existence, creation, and creator. These people also invest narcissism in their body and health. Extreme health concern is occurring, and there are interesting statistics. In Europe, the prevalence rate in the population is 3 percent. In the U.S., it is 11 percent."

People diagnosed with cancer are more likely to have panic attacks

Stating that panic attacks are more common in people who are fast and at risk and in people diagnosed with cancer, Prof. Tarhan noted that health concerns increase in these people because they will get sick again and have an attack.

Stating that the hypothalamus region in the anterior part of the brain governs the autonomic nervous system, and that the autonomic nervous system also has sympathetic and parasympathetic activation, Prof. Tarhan continued his remarks as follows:

"Sympathetic activation, that is, fight-flight activation. Fight in case of danger. If you cannot fight, run. In case of danger, the body immediately enters the fight-or-flight response. All muscles are stretched, blood pressure rises, vascular resistance increases, all attention increases, the whole-body pumps energy sources into the blood, glucose, fats are all pumped into the blood. All energy sources give a fight-flight response. This works for a moment, it keeps the body upright, awake, or if it is afraid, its blood pressure drops, the person faints. If the person is educated in such situations, if the person has good mental and psychological strength, one activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It is called a vacuum system. The vacuum system is the longest nervous system in our body. The vacuum system is a system that brings messages from the body to the brain. The danger has passed, everything is under control, everything is going well. If the parasympathetic system is activated, the person will be cool at that moment, will not overreact and will survive the danger."

Tarhan: "If there is a perception of danger in the brain, sleep can occur even while sleeping"

Prof. Tarhan said that "If there is a perception of danger in the brain, sleep can happen even while sleeping. That is why the phrase 'Our perceptions are our realities' fits it perfectly.” Prof. Tarhan said that that familial predisposition was also mentioned in studies on panic attacks, and that in some families, this situation is not exactly genetic, but familial, that is, its gene has not been found.

Noting that the disease, which is called epigenetics, is related to the change of genes by lifestyle, is not transmitted from generation to generation, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "If it is not experienced, it disappears. There is such a familial trait. Due to this feature, this happens a lot in people who have had a heart attack in the past, those who have been diagnosed with cancer, and those who have traumatic experiences, that is, people with childhood trauma."

Stating that there is numbness in the hands and feet in panic attacks, Prof. Tarhan said: "There is dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. Watch out for people who are having panic attacks. They always carry water with them. Do you have water in your bag? When we ask, most of them say yes. When a person says yes, they confirm the diagnosis. Because it is their fear. They carry an antidepressant or sedative."

Children do not have panic attacks

Referring to the issue of panic attacks in children, Prof. Tarhan stated that “Children do not have panic attacks. A panic attack requires a certain level of mentality. It is necessary to investigate; however, there are no child panic attacks in the diagnostic books that I remember about children. However, there are anxiety disorders in childhood. In such cases, the child falls into a risk group. Therefore, assessing one's health is related to errors of interpretation. We are trying to change the habits of thought in treatment. These people catastrophize the symptom. They are usually people with a high intellectual level."

Tarhan: "Panic attacks occur in adolescence"

Informing on anxiety disorder in children, Prof. Tarhan expressed that "They live according to their age group. Anxiety disorder between the ages of 0-6 is usually caused by the mother... When the child wakes up in the morning, the child looks at the mother's face and understands from their mother's face whether that day will go well or not. If the mother is comforting, reassuring and able to connect, the child looks at the day as if it will be good. If there was an earthquake, the child would never look at the TV, what would the child do? A child looks at their mother and their father. Of course, there are panic attacks in adolescence... Especially those over the age of 15 are equivalent to adults. What we call type C people are addicted people. They are people who are always waiting for approval from someone else. They are people who cannot take their own initiative and make decisions. They have social anxiety, and it is very common in adolescents, as well. As they say, those who are called low self-esteem, as there is a saying like they are so manageable that you can take the bite from their mouth. Not entrepreneurial, not aggressive, not self-confident. Such people want to live indexed to someone all the time. If the addiction cannot satisfy its need, panic attacks may occur if there are panic attacks, anxiety disorders and various health concerns."

Tarhan: "We teach them to produce ALPHA waves in their brains"

Pointing out the importance of patients returning to their routine work and life, Prof. Tarhan said:

"Excessive mental exertion increases the disease. "I sit around and keep saying, 'What if I panic? Is this what my life will be like from now on?' If there is health anxiety, if there is anticipatory anxiety, we are already trying to eliminate the uncertainty in this person's mind and put the right thought patterns on the wrong thought patterns in therapy. Therapy is required. If the person is unable to do this on their own, therapy is required. There are some methods. We're showing you how to take a person's brain waves and decrease that BETA wave and increase the ALPHA wave. We teach them to generate ALPHA waves in their brains. When a person learns this, they learn to control their brain."

Informing patients' relatives and cooperation is important

Stating that the relatives of the patients made mistakes with advice such as "You are doing home", "Be your own doctor", Prof. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows:

"At that moment, a person feels like they are losing control. We usually inform the people with whom they live in such situations. That is the diagnosis, and that is the treatment. If you make a treatment plan with a solution and apply it to it, they will be constructive towards it. If they treat their disease in a nurturing way, for example, if they say 'OK' to the one who says, 'Wait at the door of the bathroom, don't leave me alone', this can have a reinforcing effect on the disease. You should not suddenly say, 'You don't have anything!' and reject it. If their relatives behave in a balanced way and act in accordance with scientific guidance, this is one of the areas where we are most successful in treatment."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)