Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Every person is born as if they have an IP..."

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President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan was the guest of the "Limitless Conversations with Züleyha" event organized under the leadership of Tuzla Municipality. In the interview held under the title of "Changing World and Human", Tarhan said that what is good for the heart is good for the brain, and what is good for the brain is good for the soul. Tarhan underlined that there is a need for the synthesis of the wisdom of the east and the technology of the west. Tarhan, who also made remarkable evaluations about the soul, explained the soul through the metaphor of a computer. Tarhan added that every person is born as if they have an IP.

The event, which took place at Tuzla Municipality Şifa Cultural Center, was moderated by Voice Artist and Presenter Züleyha Ortak.

"What is good for the heart is good for the brain, and what is good for the brain is good for the soul"

Talking about the importance of the psychological resilience relationship between the heart, brain and soul, President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that what is good for the heart is also good for the brain, and what is good for the brain is good for the soul. Tarhan stated that "Just as people do sports for their physical health and pay attention to what they eat, for example, young people become healthy with what they eat. After the age of 40-50, we are healthy with our meals. It is important for us to be very careful about what we eat and what we do not eat in terms of being healthy. Life is God's will, but whether a person lives a quality life until their last breath or not is related to the decisions one will make. Therefore, if you want to live a healthy life, if you do not want to be needy, you need to take care of your health somehow. When we look at most of the psychological resilience studies, what is good for the heart is also good for the brain, and what is good for the brain is good for the soul. The person who secretes the most happiness hormone in brain is Mevlana. He even calls death as ‘Ultimate union, Meeting’."

"If fate shakes us, it wants us to change things..."

Answering the questions of artist Züleyha Ortak, Tarhan said that the earthquake that occurred after the pandemic also caused great traumas. Tarhan expressed that "Traumas have a feature. They correct learned helplessness, and if they are not met correctly, they can create new helplessness. The shock experience changes mistakes and learned habits. If fate shakes us, it wants us to change things. So is the Covid pandemic, so is the earthquake, so are the events in Gaza. It tells mankind to change things because fate speaks to people in the language of events, but it speaks to prophets through revelation. Apart from that, it speaks in the language of events, and God has given reason to man to read and solve the events. There is a visible reason for this, and there is an invisible reason. There is an example from Mevlana, when the sheep was separated from the flock, the shepherd used to throw stones at the sheep. The reason why he threw the stone was not to hurt the sheep, but so that the wolf would not snatch the one who left the flock. This means that we, as an Islamic world, are separated from the flock. It means that we are not going in accordance with this divine goal. If we are not going in accordance with the divine goal, we need to make an inquiry. We need to 'stop, think, and reevaluate.”

"Children who were exposed to social isolation became digital"

Underlining that the federal government in the USA has officially launched an investigation on the grounds that some social media accounts harm the society with the effect of globalization in the world, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan emphasized that children who are exposed to social isolation are digitalized. Tarhan stated that "The U.S. may soon pass a law prohibiting the use of social media under a certain age. Because of this pandemic, children have been exposed to social isolation. When they were exposed to social isolation, they became extremely digitalized. Since they did not develop impulse control, it was much easier if there was no warm relationship with the parents in the family. There are also families who come together within the family and turn the pandemic into an opportunity. There are those who say, 'My spouse and I are together, my spouse is a good person.' There are more people like this who know each other; however, there are also those who are completely socially isolated and cut off from each other. Especially when children and young people do not speak the same language, children become very disconnected. It has now become a global pandemic.”

Beware of Clip Syndrome...

Drawing attention to Clip Syndrome, which is a psychological disorder that occurs as a result of children watching clips and advertisements on television to keep them occupied or spend time, Tarhan said that "The four-and-a-half-year-old has delayed speech. That child needs to start forming sentences. When we examine why the child does not make sentences, we see that the child has Clip Syndrome. Clip Syndrome, that is, if the mother is a like cheap babysitter and has given her phone and tablet. Since the brain does not receive stimulation about word production in the child, the child is just listening and no longer speaking. If you turn off the tablet, mobile phone until the age of 4, it gets better immediately. The child immediately obeys the mother and father and begins to produce words quickly, but if the child is over 4 years old, the child has a hard time. That's when the areas of the brain involved in word production atrophy."

"The information that the child learns is the seeds planted in the child’s developing soul"

Emphasizing that more than 50 percent of the information that people learn in their lives is learned between the ages of 0-3 and 0-5, Tarhan said that "For example, the child takes water in their hand and pours it. We say that the child is misbehaving. In fact, that child is teaching their brain to develop their muscles against gravity. A child learns to walk, stand, play, talk, and laugh. If a child sees their mother's face smiling when the child wakes up in the morning, that child will be happy that day. When there is an earthquake, children are not affected by the earthquake, they look at their mother's face, if the mother is panicked and afraid, the child is also afraid. So much so that in their world there is only their mother and themselves. For example, if someone cries in a class of two first-graders, they all start crying because the emotional literacy and empathy skills in their brains are not yet developed. When someone hurts, the child thinks they are hurting, as well. That's because children's brains are mirrored. A child learns to distinguish between their own pain and someone else's. This is an event that happens in the development process of the brain. Emotional literacy is learned later. In other words, a child has a tendency to be empathetic but learns empathy later. For this reason, no one is a substitute for a mother between the ages of 0-5 or even 0-3 years in childhood. The knowledge that the child learns is the seeds planted in their developing soul. At an advanced age, a child becomes a tree, greens, grows, and forms that person."

"The first symptom of California Syndrome is hedonism and pursuit of pleasure"

Stating that in addition to self-realization, people should get over themselves and set a goal above themselves to be beneficial to society, people and the universe, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan expressed that "The first symptom of California Syndrome is hedonism and the pursuit of pleasure. There is a pyramid of human hierarchies of needs, and Maslow put self-realization at the top of that pyramid. 10-15 years after that, he said that at the top of the second pyramid there should be self-transcendence, not self-realization, and published it. Self transcendence. When one's goal is self-actualization, one becomes self-centered. Self-transcendence, on the other hand, is a goal above oneself, such as being useful for society, humanity, the universe, and the creator. Humans also have that trait. One needs to be able to transcend oneself, otherwise society is made up of selfish individuals. Maslow changed the approach that says 'selfishness is inherent in man', but Hollywood has not changed it, California has not. Because the entertainment industry has created a great industry.”

“Love is one of the basic values of the family"

Stating that families are the most protected place of values, Prof. Tarhan emphasized that this is why the family is called the last refuge. Tarhan said that "When a city is attacked, the outer fortress is destroyed first. Social norms have changed, our traditions are changing, this is the outer fortress. The inner castle is the family. There is an open door to the family: smartphones... It reflects everything that is unsafe in the safe environment of the house. Fifty years ago, we devoted half an hour to our children, but now we will spare an hour. We will dedicate an hour to our spouse. That's the solution. When the home is a safe space and relationships are warm, Hollywood, social media, or anything else cannot do anything. Family has basic values; love is one of the basic values. Let there be love in the family, but love must be such a love which is greater than love, that is, affection. Unconditional love without self-interest is very important in the family. The second is respect, and there is a little bit of respect that is bigger, and it is called kindness because there can be respect out of fear, but in kindness, there is a feeling of not hurting and not upsetting the other at the same time. When approaching one's spouse and children, one should approach them in the same way that a surgeon approaches organs. It is very elegant, affectionate, and firm, without damaging the tissues. If the tissues are approached with a respectful medical approach, the most efficient result will be obtained at the most sensitive moment."

"There is a need for a third method in the world: the synthesis of the wisdom of the east and the technology of the west"

Underlining that we need to modernize without changing our own cultural codes, Tarhan stated that "Let's not take the truths offered to us by Western culture as they are, let's take them by questioning. Most of them produce the knowledge in science and technology, and it is good that they produce it, not for the worse of humanity, but for the betterment of life. However, the West has the wrong social flaws. There is a need for a synthesis of east and west right now. A third way is needed in the world. There is a need for a synthesis of the wisdom of the East and the technology of the West. At the moment, the new generation is questioning. I think the new generation is not getting worse. Let's not say that young people are doing badly. Young people are questioning because they question, we call them they are wrong track. However, they question, and they want to learn. Let us tell the truth in the language they understand."

"The most important thing that dulls people is comfort"

Stating that traumas are traumas that develop when they are received correctly, Tarhan said that "The Maraş earthquake is such an event that it is considered the disaster of the century. In such a disaster, we reacted well as a society. Those who die in disasters are considered martyrs, but it is important for those who live here to learn lessons. The most important thing we can take away from this is that we no longer have the comfort of forgetting it after ten or twenty years; therefore, we need to proceed accordingly and take precautions. It is a trauma. When the trauma is received correctly, we call it a trauma that changes and develops. The fact that it is received incorrectly makes people sink to the bottom. If it is received correctly, it is trauma that develops. Without traumas, human beings cannot develop. The most important thing that dulls people is comfort, the pursuit of comfort. The more one tries to find comfort and happiness, the more it runs away. So is comfort, so is happiness. As you try to catch it, it runs away, but if you go for your purpose, they will come after you. When you are chasing comfort, it runs away, but you will have a goal, you will work towards that goal."

"You have to have a meaning, a purpose in your life that you will work for"

Stating that mental health is the most important thing for psychological resilience, Tarhan explained the PERMA model. Tarhan expressed that "There is a model for human resilience. The first of the perma model is called 'Positive Emotions'. Being in a state of positive mood is also called authentic happiness. There is no equivalent of the word huzur in English. They say peace, they say happiness, but huzur is something different. In fact, peace in Turkish means that a person is happy even in prison and can maintain the same happiness in the palace. This is an inner peace. To be like a tree that bears fruit in any environment. To be like a flower that blooms in every environment... In positive psychology, the word happiness is referred to as authentic happiness. Secondly, 'Engagement' is a sense of flow. To be able to get caught up in a subject and say that the hours have passed, but I cannot understand how it passed. If you catch this, the second step of happiness is formed. The third step is 'Relationships'. In relationships that make a person happy, for example, love is needed for the marriage to go well and for the family to be a warm home. There is love, you love your child very much, but you are behaving wrongly. Love + good cooperation = creating happiness. That's the formula for happiness. The fourth pillar is to create a 'Meaning', meaningful relationship. You must have a meaning, a purpose in your life that you will work for. Meaning and purpose. Fifth, Achievement... Small successes. When I wake up in the morning, I can say thank God I am in good health. Small successes, small comforts... Appreciating what you have. To be able to be happy with ordinary things..."

"The soul is knowledge in the presence of God..."

In the interview, where the questions from the participants were also answered, Tarhan made remarkable evaluations about the Soul question. Pointing out that the equivalent of the universal database in the Quran is Levh-i Mahfuz, Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "Allah first created knowledge in the main book. After that, the soul is actually knowledge in the presence of God. He gave the will to a person to connect with him, to be online or not. If we turn the radio on and off, we are online, if we do not press our button, we are not online. Then we move away from him, we live in the program within ourselves. We live with the heart sealed. That is what the weakest of servitudes says, when you are not stuck, man should be able to find their creator because being a good person is the rent of our existence. It is the human being who has the only gene related to the human search for meaning. There is no gene for the search for meaning in any living thing other than humans. We are looking for meaning because we know we are going to die, so we think that 'Why are we here? Where did we come from, where are we going?' To answer this, God says, ‘May those who use their mind find me and win the test.'"

Is the lack of 21 grams from a dead body an urban legend?

Regarding a participant's question that 21 grams of weight was lost from the dead body after death, Tarhan considered the loss of 21 grams as an urban legend. Tarhan said that "There is no such thing. For example, weigh the computer and then delete its RAM, will it decrease grams? It never leaves the computer because the magnetic particles there are the same... However, the software there is changing. What kind of software and hardware is on the computer... The human brain is also a piece of hardware. When I turn on the computer, you turn on the hardware. If someone comes to the world for the first time and open the inside of the computer and looks at that screen, there are a lot of images. If one opens inside, he cannot establish a connection between those images and the inside. He cannot understand how that information is circulating there. A person who opens up for the first time, but that program is written as a program, that program has nothing like that. It has no weight, that program is circulating inside the computer. It is a great thing. You have an operating system, then you have the authority to use it. You are loading yourself a lot of information within the limits given by technology. The human brain is the same way. Our brain is currently in it, those hormones and so on, all of them work exactly like electronic circuits like transistors in a computer, but there is a cloud program in it."

Saying that the cloud program is not currently working in a closed circuit, the human brain is working in an open circuit, Tarhan, who made evaluations in the form of a human relational entity in the universe, said the following about the definition of reality:

"Computers were made by simulating the brain..."

"In the context of quantum physics' study of consciousness, grab your computer and type ’what is reality?’ Dozens of videos come out. If you ask what is reality? Ask what is consciousness? Dozens of videos come out. There is a quantum explanation of the concepts of consciousness and reality. They are explained by this, and there is even a study on quantum science called ‘What the Bleep Do We Know’ What do we know... I wrote a book called Faith in the Laboratory. Previously, there were books called the psychology of religion. I wrote it as the psychology of faith. Computers were made by simulating the human brain. There is a blue brain project... In the 2000s, this project was done by mimicking the brain. That's how this artificial intelligence turned out because it came out by imitating the brain, and the brain now lives and works like an organic computer, and even the human brain works like an organic quantum computer. What is the peculiarity of quantum computers is that they work at -270 degrees, and at -270 degrees the electrons freeze atoms. Only protons are working, -270. In space, it also decreases to -400, 500 degrees. There is no time and space where protons work, in fact, there is proton telepathy, protons can travel to one end of the universe on Earth at the same time. There are protons that work independently of time and space, and what does it mean that these protons work like a human quantum computer? It means that there is quantum consciousness... We have the mind on top of our brains. The mind is reasoning. There is quantum consciousness on it. That's why this so-called quantum consciousness is like our IP.

"Every person is born as if they have an IP..."

Tarhan made the following inference about human beings through computer IP...

"The most curious thing is either you take a human computer, you change the information, you change the IP and you are using it on another computer. Every person is born as if they have an IP. It does not pass from person to other person, why does this happen? Why are the IPs of the children different from the mother, why are their personalities different, why are their sense of self, they become twins, identical twins look exactly the same, but they are both different people. Separate personalities, they do not mix each other's personalities. Colors or sizes mix or do not mix. Psychology researchers are freaking out about why this is happening. It is really freaking out, but instead of going crazy, they should actually accept that this universe did not exist by chance."

"The soul is knowledge in the presence of God"

Pointing out that materialism has collapsed today, Tarhan said that "First, a universal database was created, and materialism has collapsed now... What materialism was saying, they were saying that first there is matter, then there is meaning dialectically. Now it turns out that there is information first. Dialectically to knowledge, there is design over knowledge, and then mathematics after knowledge. After mathematics, there is design geometry. After that, there is energy, physics, after that, chemistry, after that, biology, living beings. Six tiers have also been created. The Qur'an says that it was created in 6 days. Six days means six steps. The universe created in six steps. I first found it myself, when I look at the world, it equals to exactly 6. Do you know what the soul is actually the equivalent of the universal database in the Qur'an? Levh-i Mahfûz means the main book. Allah first created knowledge in the main book. The soul is actually knowledge in the presence of God. We have given some information by him. Those who connected with him was given by him to be online with him. It is as turning our radio on and off. If we turn it on, we go online. If we do not press our button, we cannot be online, then we move away from it, but we live in our own program. We live with the heart sealed. It is the rent of our existence right now, of our existence to be a good person. It is about the human search for meaning, the living man with one gene. There are no living being with meaning-seeking genes other than human. We are looking for meaning because we know that we are going to die, we say why we exist. We say where did we come from and where will we go? To answer this, God says, ‘May those find me who use their mind and win the test’. Mevlana says... He says you do not live in this world. You are passing through this world. If we accumulate good things in our saddlebags here, it is the real success at the end of our lives. Success is not about having this or that, living such a luxurious life, being wealthy, being rich, being famous... The real achievement is to be a person who can leave good traces behind you at the end of life, who can make you say that this person was a good person, and who can leave a good impression in history. Aiming for the social benefit instead of the individual benefit. That's what our Anatolian wisdom says. That's what our belief system says. We have a responsibility to mature our souls in the world. We have a responsibility, that's why the 20th century was the information age. The 21st century must be the age of wisdom. If it does not, it will probably be the end of humanity."

The unhappiness that comes with pleasure, fame, and pretention...

Tarhan stated that those who pursue pleasure, fame, pretention, and entertainment, and live life with haram earnings, will experience severe traumas in a vicious circle and will not be able to get out of the vortex of unhappiness.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)