Prof. Tarhan: "We cannot represent Islam"

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Stating that sustainable relationship are formed if there is love together with honesty and trust, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan said that "Being a reliable person means that one can trust you to turn their back. That's why we say that home should be a 'safe space' in the family." Prof. Tarhan stated that "The fact that the whole world embraced the Qur'an after the Gaza events and that sincere people gravitate towards it shows us that we cannot represent Islam. Strategically minded managers care about the value judgments of "I lose money, but I don't lose trust" for this. If you want to exist sustainably and permanently, you should invest in trust capital. The most effective currency for this is honesty. Trust increases capital, increases capital."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the issue of excessive suspicion and doubt.

To understand the extreme, one must first know the normal!

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that to understand the extreme, it is necessary to know the normal first, and said, "What is the sense of trust, it is necessary to understand it first. There are 3 pillars of trust: the psychological sense of trust, the sociological sense of trust and the sense of political trust... All three are formed at the same time.”

Tarhan: "Keeping your word, being honest, being entrusted..."

Explaining that trust is formed in a person who has many characteristics such as "keeping one’s word, being honest, having a trust, being consistent, being sincere, not lying, being loyal to one’s debt, being with the person, being faithful, not being unnatural, being sincere, having a sincere commitment, being fair, having such principles and values and having empathetic behaviors", Prof. Tarhan continued as follows:

"When a person is trustworthy, it means that you can easily turn your back on that person. That is why we say that home should be a 'safe space' in the family. In the past, we used to talk about home as a 'home of love, a place of love', but after the insecure events in the world have increased a lot, love is not enough, people can deceive the person they love. Therefore, if there is love with honesty, and trust, sustainable relationship are formed. Therefore, it is most important to have trust and honesty. Open, transparent, honest and accountable relationships build trust in the individual sense."

Tarhan: "When there is no trust in family relations, the person cannot sleep comfortably when one comes home"

Pointing out that conspiracy theories become more widespread when trust weakens in society, Prof. Tarhan said that "When there is no trust in bilateral relations and family relations, when a person comes home, he cannot sleep comfortably, he cannot turn his back and go to bed. He does not immediately believe everything and starts questioning. What happens in such cases? There is constant anxiety.”

Reminding that lying is the source of all evil and insecurity, Prof. Tarhan said that "If you have a lying personality, every time you say it to your spouse or your environment, one will not believe it, but if you have created trust, a person will believe what you say. Establishing trust is not an obstacle to validation. In such cases, it would be naive to trust everything immediately, it is necessary to verify it. That is why our ancestors always said, 'Trust does not preclude control'. Therefore, the feeling of trust is when a person feels safe."

Tarhan: "Trusting a person you have just met is essential, but doubt is exception "

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan explained that the life of a person who is paranoid and a person who is not paranoid is examined in bilateral relations, and that the rate of deception of a person who is paranoid and a person who is not is found to be equal, and continued as follows:

"At least the one who is not paranoid spends the time well and relaxes, and the other one spends it tense all the time. That is why it is useless to be paranoid, and they ruin themselves. In close relationships and experiences, trust is essential, and suspicion is the exception, but if it is a person I know as an enemy, and someone whose evil behaviors I have witnessed before, suspicion is essential. Even in a person whose evil behaviors you have not seen, that is, in a person whom you have just met, trust is essential, but doubt is exception."

Tarhan: "Trust is the biggest capital"

Stating that it is essential to make wishful thinking in close relationships, Prof. Tarhan said that the sense of trust is the biggest capital, and that in many workplaces and big companies, big businessmen say, 'I lose money, but I don't lose trust', because if there is trust, there is sustainability.

Pointing out that people are always on the alert in institutions where there is no trust, Prof. Tarhan said that "When they are on the alert, personnel changes are very frequent in such institutions. It changes often because the person does not feel secure in their future.”

Trust is on the basis of the law

Explaining that in the loyalty of people to the institution they work for, the first thing is that people love the institution, the second is to feel safe in their future in the institution, and the third place is the wage they receive, Prof. Tarhan also pointed out the importance of making sure that no injustice can be done to the person and stated that "For example, to make sure that an individual will not be taken away without a justification for one night, to make sure that an unfair and illegal application cannot be made when one is taken to the police station, to make sure that nothing illegal will happen when a person goes to court. If these exist, it is said that there is law in that society. Trust is the basis of the law. Otherwise, people live in constant fear. In cultures of fear, trust is weak."

Referring to political scientist Fukuyama's discourse of "high-security societies, low-security societies", Prof. Tarhan said that "In high-security societies, people can take risks and invest in their future, close relationships, because they feel safe. Such innovation and entrepreneurship are happening more in them. In low-security communities, people spend more of their energy on defense."

Sometimes we are eastern, sometimes western...

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan also evaluated the Turkish society and said, "We are such a society that we are like ostriches. Sometimes we are eastern, sometimes western. Neither birds nor camels, we are in such a situation in Türkiye. It's a bit of a weird analogy, but unfortunately we are. In other words, we are imitating the science, technique and civilization of the West, while we are imitating their way of life and many diseased values. In other words, Turkish art music and folk music were prohibited in Türkiye until 1950. This is not something to be defended, which is like rejecting one's own culture, one's own identity. As such, since it is forbidden to listen to oriental music on the radio, people listen to Arabic radios, and the arabesque culture has become more widespread in Türkiye than it was in the Ottoman Empire. I'm not saying it because I'm criticizing Arabesque culture, I'm saying it's wrong."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that when our own culture was suppressed, it was replaced by the culture that the people liked, not the culture given by the official ideology.

Extremism breeds the opposite

Emphasizing that extremism feeds the opposite, Prof. Tarhan continued as follows:

"What happened to Türkiye? Later, it chose the path of democratization, and in such a situation, when there was a sense of trust, democratization, people could express good and bad. If the rulers of Türkiye in the 1940s had insisted that they would stay, they would have been like Ceaușescu. What happened in Romania? It did not let it go, the trust of the people was gone, and finally it broke loose from it, and it exploded. So, it would be. For this reason, the sanctification of human values, freedom of self-expression, freedom of thought are not a coincidence in the world. When this happens, trust is formed in society and between people. Where do people live better, safer? Do they feel safer in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, or in Norway, Sweden? They feel safe in Norway and Sweden."

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that in western countries, there is a system, not a human being, and said that "As soon as the individual system deteriorates, confusion starts there immediately. We do not have a system either. There are good people, but because there is no system, there is a culture of fear... For example, the Ottomans tried to keep the society alive by means of pressure."

In cultures of fear, there is a lot of gossip, lies...

Noting that people cannot express themselves in societies where fears are dominant, Prof. Tarhan said that gossip, lies and hypocrisy are seen a lot in fear cultures.

Prof. Tarhan expressed that "For example, the biggest reason why this happens in eastern cultures is that there is hypocrisy, lies, deceit, lies, insecurity that does not suit us, that is, does not suit the word Islam, that is, the biggest reason why this has become a tradition, is that there are environments of fear and oppression. The biggest reason why the West has overcome this is that honesty and freedom gained favor. However, these values are taken from us. They took them from the The Caliphate of Córdoba.”

The whole world embraced the Qur'an after the events in Gaza...

Stating that there is only a cultural Islam in those who have "weakened their ties to Allah and have forgotten their sense of accountability to Allah", Prof. Tarhan concluded his remarks as follows:

"In the events in Gaza, the fact that the whole world embraced the Qur'an after the Gaza events and the sincere people turned to it shows us that we cannot represent Islam. People can learn about it better in the Qur'an. The fact that a small group of people resisted there like that innocent, naive and companion set an example for people and caused many changes. This means that we cannot set a good example. Managers who think strategically care about the value judgments of 'I lose money, but I don't lose trust'. If you want to exist sustainably and permanently, you should invest in trust capital. The most effective currency for this is honesty, and trust increases capital, increases capital."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)