The book “The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology” was translated into Turkish!

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Translated and edited by Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, British writer Joanna Williams' book " The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology " was published by Üsküdar University Publications.

Prof. Tarhan stated that "It is a sin to remain silent on this issue. Silence under the pressure of various lobbies and interests would not be in line with the scientific and conscientious stance."

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan translated and edited the book "The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology " written by British author Joanna Williams, and it was published by Üsküdar University Publications.

Prof. Tarhan stated the following remarks on the back cover of the book:

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan: "Silence would not be in line with the scientific and conscientious stance..."

"The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology" is a study published in 2020. The book emphasizes the UK experience and scientific responsibilities. By bringing it into Turkish, we are doing our conscientious duty. Remaining silent on this issue is a sin. Silence under the pressure of various lobbies and interests would not be in line with the scientific and conscientious stance. We thought that future generations would be able to say to us, 'Shame on you!'

I did the translation and editing by reading it myself, no subtractions were made, in some places a small explanation was written in parentheses with a signature. Respecting the original text is editorial ethics and has been carefully applied by us.

It does the greatest damage to family values...

From now on, we expect the statesmen, who determine social policies, to take responsibility because this problem causes the greatest damage to family values. Investment in abstract culture has become more important and even a priority than investment in concrete culture. Cultural transmission is no longer done by the family, but by the media. Parents also have to raise their children with this in mind. I would like to express that we are open to criticism and feedback. I hope we will be useful."

The book, which met with the reader as the 78th study of ÜÜ Publications, includes summary, introduction and conclusion, suggestions and the following sections:

- Changing attitudes towards sex and gender

- The influence of transgender ideology

- Ideological appropriation

About Joanna Williams

Author Joanna Williams is Director of the Freedom, Democracy and Victimhood Project at Civitas. Williams, who previously taught at the University of Kent, is the author of Women vs Feminism (2017), Academic Freedom in an Age of Conformity (2016) and Consuming Higher Education, Why Learning Can't Be Bought (2012).

She co-edited Why Academic Freedom Matters (2017) and has written about education, feminism, and gender for many popular publications, including The Spectator, The Sun, The Telegraph, and American Conservative. She is currently a regular columnist for the online magazine Spiked.

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