In the last 5 years, the diagnosis of Gaming Addiction has increased by 50 percent!

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Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan pointed out the issue of gaming addiction and stated that "After the pandemic passes, this was supposed to gradually return to normal; however, it did not return to normal. As a type of addiction, it has now entered the literature."

Pointing out that children who do not spend time with their parents are more addicted, Tarhan stated that a loose discipline in the family is the cause of gaming addiction. Tarhan stated that "Currently, addicts are called 'reward failure syndrome'. The brain is not satisfied with the reward in these people."

President of Üsküdar University, Psychiatrist Prof. Nevzat Tarhan evaluated the issue of gaming addiction.

Pointing out that the popularity of digital game addiction has increased significantly, especially after the pandemic period, Tarhan said: "Because people are introverted. They were left alone at home. They turned a lot to games as a kind of interest as an entertainment area. According to studies conducted in the world, there is an increase of around 50 percent in the diagnosis of addiction during the pandemic period." said.

Gaming addiction entered the literature as a type of addiction

Stating that there is not only an increase in use, but also an increase in use to increase the diagnosis of addiction, Tarhan continued his remarks as follows: "After the pandemic passes, this was supposed to gradually return to normal; however, it did not return to normal. As a type of addiction, it has now entered the literature. It occurs more in children, especially young people. They gravitate towards it because it is easier to enjoy it than to move on to other areas that they will enjoy. The reason for the increase in game addiction is that it is easily accessible and convenient. Especially instead of going from the cozy, comfortable environment of the house and playing ball outside, and they play games that do not require energy. Most of the games are not single-player games, they are played online, that is, in the style of group games, in the style of strategy."

There is a 66 percent increase among children aged 6-15

Noting that there is a 66 percent increase among children aged 6-15 according to the statistics made by TURKSTAT, Tarhan said that "It is an alarm that has entered the literature of TURKSTAT compared to previous years and is known for statistics. Do we see this through our own clinical experience? We see a lot... Especially when child psychiatrist cases come in, we call it screen exposure. Screen exposure has now become a substance that we routinely seek and ask. "How much time does the kid spend on the screen?'"

3-year-old child with high screen exposure has not learned life

Prof. Tarhan gave the following example of screen exposure:

"There is a 3-year-old child we consult, and 2 child neurologists call him 'autistic'. Then we did tests for a while. The boy has a delayed talk. He is 3 years old, he needs to make sentences; however, he cannot. There is the autism theory of mind test. Is the child able to produce theory of mind? Can the child dream? We have done all that. We took autism screening scales and made them. How many times have we done tests that confirm the definition of autism through several channels. The child does not have autism at all. The only thing is the lack of mental stimulation. The child has a 1-year-old brother and the mother takes care of the brother while this has been given a tablet. Screen exposure is high. At this age, the child has not learned to be trained with words and toilet training, the child has reached that age. And the child eats and goes when the child wants. There is loose, inconsistent discipline at home. The child did not learn about life. As such, the child is thought that the child has autism. We examined it thoroughly, and we examined the child’s brain functions. The child was definitely not diagnosed with autism. This child will be banned from screening. They will go to play games all day and be taught a disciplined life.

Motherhood and fatherhood are not only feeding the child

There was a year that it was critical. If a child is past the age of four, those pathways in the brain are closed. There are ways that use two-thirds of the brain to add meaning to the word, to express the word. If it is after the age of four, those paths are closed, and it is very difficult to learn. This child was mistakenly diagnosed with autism. The child is on the computer all day, watching clips, playing games. It is a very entertaining environment. The child likes it, and you cannot get mad at this kid. Motherhood and fatherhood are not about feeding he child. It is to teach the child about life."

Stating that there is no addiction in children who use their time in a planned manner, Tarhan said that "There is no addiction seen in children who spend their days like this, for three hours a day, for an hour a day."

Noting that children have become the toys of the digital industry, Tarhan stated that "Currently, there has been a great investment in computer games in the digital industry. It has become a terrific industry because there is a lot of income. In fact, this metaverse is the gaming industry that does not collapse. There are games played by 350 million people in the world at the same time."

Real war should be shown as an example

Stating that the fact that digital games lead to violence attracts the attention of children, Tarhan said that "There is an environment of violence in the virtual environment, and they kill people with guns in their hands. This pleases them. Since abstract thinking and skills are not developed, children also see it as entertainment, but for example, children should be told right now, 'Look, you are playing this, but this is the reality of it, look, he was left without a mother, he was left without a father.'"

Stating that people should spare twenty percent of their time for entertainment in their daily time, Tarhan said that "Digital games, other entertainment types, friends, chatting, all twenty percent. When it is more, pleasure-oriented types of people emerge, that is, they create a model that does not produce, is lazy, and only thinks about its own interests."

Children who do not spend time with their parents become more addicted to gaming...

Prof. Nevzat Tarhan stated that in the researches, it was seen that game consoles were preferred in wealthy families, and that middle and low-income families preferred smartphones more, and said that "What we see in gaming addicts is more common in children who do not spend time with their parents. In fact, those children are addicted to games and do not leave their rooms."

There are cases of people who played games for 27 hours and died of a heart attack

Reminding that there are cases in Korea who played games for 27 hours and died of heart attacks, Tarhan said that "Indeed, gaming addiction disrupts the reward and punishment system in the brain. We should not underestimate it by thinking that it is just a game. Many mothers do not pay attention much since their children are playing games at home where they can see their children. When a mother does not pay attention, after a while, the child no longer enjoys anything else. Already now, addicts are called 'Reward failure syndrome'. The brain is not satisfied with the reward in these people."

There is a cure for gaming addiction!

Noting that there is also a treatment for this addiction, Tarhan stated that "We should not believe that there is no cure for gaming addiction. Gaming addiction is very easy to treat. We deprive the person of the game... There are children who are addicted to games and they are hospitalized. They are great children. In a family, there is parental love, there is love for two, but there is a loose discipline. They are very smart kids, and they play strategy games really well. They give prizes at the games there. There are even those who give monetary prizes. It is very intriguing. Since it is intriguing, the kids shut themselves down."

Loose discipline in the family is the cause of gaming addiction!

Explaining that when there is loose discipline due to the excess of love in the parents, the child becomes pleasure-seeking and daydreamer. This is the most common cause of gaming addiction today, Tarhan stated that "The child becomes unhappy and restless in the family. From this unhappiness and restlessness, the child tries to relax and develops a gaming addiction. If the house is not a safe environment, if there is constant incompatibility between husband and wife, if there is unrest, this leads to gaming addiction. I know such a case of gaming addiction. The child does not go to school, and they cannot send the child to school. The parents had lost the leadership to the child. Mother and father were passive. Of course, when the child is the leader, this child does not go to school."

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)