The 9th Üsküdar University Science and Idea Festival begins...

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The Science and Idea Festival, held for high schools within the framework of Üsküdar University's cooperation with the İstanbul Directorate of National Education, will be held for the 9th time this year. The theme of this year's festival is determined as "Your Idea, Your Invention!" Taking place between 30-31 May 2024, " The 9th Science and Idea Festival" protocol was signed by İstanbul Provincial Director of National Education Assoc. Prof. Murat Mücahit Yentür and President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

Prof. Tarhan said that "I have a lot of confidence in young people in Türkiye. Generation Z is always criticized; however, they will achieve many great things if we guide them well, and if we set a good example for them.”

The "Science and Idea Festival", which is held for high schools within the framework of Üsküdar University's cooperation with the İstanbul Directorate of National Education, is being held for the 9th time this year.

Before the protocol signing ceremony of “the 9th Science and Idea Festival" held at the University NP Health Campus Ibni Sina Auditorium, İstanbul Provincial Director of National Education Assoc. Prof. Murat Mücahit Yentür, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör, and President of Üsküdar University Founding Rector Prof. Nevzat Tarhan made opening speeches.

Assoc. Prof. Yentür: "The seeds planted with knowledge will flourish."

In the program, which was attended by the directors and managers of the national education district branches working throughout İstanbul, İstanbul Provincial Director of National Education Assoc. Prof. Murat Mücahit Yentür stated that it is not very meaningful to convey information and explain what exists, and emphasized the importance of realizing the information and technology age in the changing and developing world as Türkiye.

Pointing out that the seeds planted with knowledge will flourish, Assoc. Prof. Murat Mücahit Yentür said that "We will naturally change, we will develop by changing, and we will mature by developing. This maturation will open the door to new ideas, new inventions and new discoveries."

Noting that students who can analyze and synthesize in the new world, produce new knowledge from knowledge, look for ways to learn, are curious and pursue interest are ideal models, Assoc. Prof. Murat Mücahit Yentür also stated that a good teacher is an inspiring.

Prof. Güngör: "We want to be the Milky Way together with you."

In her speech, Üsküdar University Rector Prof. Nazife Güngör stated that universities have come to the fore with what they do as education and training institutions, and that Üsküdar University is a star born on the horizons of Üsküdar, and that they want to be a shining star in Türkiye and the world in the coming years.

Prof. Güngör said that "We do not want to be a shining star in the sky alone, we want to be the Milky Way together, together with you."

Prof. Tarhan: "Permanent learning happens as long as it is entertaining and disciplined"

President of Üsküdar University Prof. Nevzat Tarhan, who had the floor to make his opening remarks, told the story of the emergence of the idea of the Science and Idea Festival. Stating that after the neuroscience revolution in the 1990s, the question of how the human brain learns best was studied, Tarhan stated that it was seen that there was permanent learning if it was entertaining and disciplined.

Stating that the Science and Idea Festival brings together entertainment and discipline in this context, Prof. Tarhan stated that the first one was held in 2013, and two festivals were not able to be held during the Covid period and due to the February 6 earthquakes.

Prof. Tarhan reminded that the idea of combining technology with the festival and the Technofest project derived from this project and said that "It was a good thing for Türkiye. Young people are the reason why this festival is still going on."

Noting that young people are excited and enthusiastic about projects, Prof. Tarhan said that the TÜBİTAK panel system was implemented, and the students came with their projects and told the teachers one by one about their projects in the fields of science, social and health.

Prof. Tarhan: "The theme of the first festival in 2013 was 'Artificial Intelligence'."

Prof. Tarhan also reminded that the theme of the first festival in 2013 was 'Artificial Intelligence' and noted that the Blue Brain Project was on the agenda at that time.

Stating that ChatGPT was gifted as a remedy for loneliness, Prof. Tarhan pointed out the multitude of projects on artificial intelligence.

Tarhan: "Young people are looking for innocence, honesty and good people."

Prof. Tarhan said that "I have a lot of confidence in young people in Türkiye. Generation Z is always criticized; however, there is also weaknesses due to the age... If we guide them well, if we set a good example for them, they will achieve excellent things.” Prof. Tarhan also added that young people are looking for innocence, honesty and good people.

Explaining that Generation Z comes globally and that they take open, transparent and honest people as an example, Tarhan stated that they also devalue people who do not have these characteristics.

Emphasizing that the 20th century is the information age, the 21st century will also be the age of wisdom, Tarhan said that they prepared the Science of Happiness book as a result of a 5-year study and presented it to the students.

Prof. Tarhan also stated that it is necessary to do something to strengthen the mental health of young people and noted that the Science of Happiness book will make the work of guidance teachers easier.

Prof. Konuk: "We must teach young people to dream."

At the project launch meeting, Üsküdar University Vice Rector, Science and Idea Festival Coordinator Prof. Muhsin Konuk made a presentation on "Science and Idea Festival Information Presentation". In his speech, Prof. Konuk said that Einstein said, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.’ Referring to this quote, Konuk stated that dreams will increase creativity by allowing the brain to rest.

Prof. Konuk stated that “We must teach young people to dream."

Prof. Konuk: "The ‘Deliler Ocağı’ consists of people who dedicate their whole being, soul, body and everything to their country"

Reminding that there was a "Deliler Ocağı" (The Troop of Madmen) during the Ottoman Empire, Prof. Konuk said that "The Deliler Ocağı consists of people who devoted their entire existence, soul, body and everything to their country."

Explaining that the Deliler Ocağı made the conquests ready with the Akıncı güçleri (raiders forces)in front of the army, Prof. Konuk said that "As a citizen of this country and as a person who has devoted his life to this country, I would like to ask you this; ' Are you ready to register for this Deliler Ocağı for the new Türkiye?" to which the answer came from the hall was "We are".

Prof. Konuk also wished that the new Turkish century would be the new millennium of Türkiye and stated that "Let a new world be established and we will be a country that is looked into the eyes of that world. The most important duty for us to become a country is to become a member of the Deliler Ocağı and to work there like a madman."

"My Science and Project Adventure in Üsküdar"

Üsküdar University Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Director of TRGENMER Assist. Prof. Cihan Taştan gave information about his projects and explained that the first domestic gene and cancer treatment and DMD Gene therapy have reached a certain stage in his presentation titled "My Science and Project Adventure in Üsküdar”.

Explaining that they are working on domestic SMA gene therapy, Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan reminded that the Turkish astronaut who will participate in the space journey will also carry out the "Message (Microgravity Associated Genetics) Science Mission" project developed by Üsküdar University Transgenic Cell Technologies and Epigenetics Application and Research Center (TRGENMER) at the International Space Station. Asst. Prof. Cihan Taştan also pointed out the importance of involving high school students in projects within the university infrastructure.

Festival protocol was signed

After the presentations, this year's theme was "Your Idea, Your Invention!" and the theme of “the 9th Science and Ideas Festival" protocol was signed by Assoc. Prof. Murat Mücahit Yentür and Prof. Nevzat Tarhan.

In the program held with dinner organization, a group photo was taken.

The deadline for the project to apply for Türkiye's first Science and Ideas Festival, which will be held between 30-31 May 2024, is March 15, 2024. A total of 300 thousand TL will be awarded in all categories to the students who rank high in the festival.

Üsküdar News Agency (ÜNA)